how the man power recruitment works here?

I used to have a friend who works as a waitress in one of the cafe i frequent in salwa road. She earn QR 1000 riyal a month. She told me ... back home in Indonesia, she have to pay 10.000.000 rupiahs to the agent (just under QR 5000) to land her a job in Qatar.
The same with maids here ... recently i went to my Palestinian girl friend's house. She just got her new indonesian maid ... the maid don't speaks english and my friend don't speak indonesian (basically i become the translator between them too). To cut the long story short ... the maid told me that she need to pay her first 3 mths salary to the agent in Indonesia. Indonesian maid working in Qatar only earn around QR 600 monthly.
3 months salary is alot of money ... maids here works so hard for their wages ,why the agent have to claim the money??? The employer in Qatar already paid alot of money to bring the maid here ... i would thought that money would be included paying the agent in indonesia.
Wondering wether it is the same everywhere or only in Indonesia?
yea sure, i will! tnx alot:))
If anybody wants to recruit from Sri Lanka. Let me know. I know one agency that doesn't charge anything from the applicant and charge only the employer. We recruit from them.
Actually, there are very good agents but a few of them only. I personally knows a manpower agency owner here and he is really fair in dealing w/ workers and employees. If anyone wants to hire a housemaid just send me private msgs and I'll give you their contact numbers.
Agents are running a business and it is for profit. It is the profit that they are concerned with and more the merrier.No matter how they obtained it. SAD TRUTH
In this case both, the Govt. and the Workers are been cheated by the agent.
In Phils., worker's contract is a MUST before the agent can get approval from the Govt. to deploy workers. (Unless if the workers are coming on business, family or tourist visa) But the agent doesn't stipulate in the contract the actual salary of a workers. They put high salary to meet the minimum standard required by Phils. Govt.
The workers came to know only when he arrived in ME and start the job, that he/she will be getting paid in that small amount. And sometimes agent tells a lies to applicant e.i. They told them that the job is receptionist or salesladies w/ this handsome salaries. But then, workers find out on landing in ME that their job is housemaids/labours. And then......
They have 2 options:
1- To stay, accept the job and suffering (so they can payback their loans backhome)
2- Go home! & Starve to death (as most of them have already sold their lands & properties to pay the heartless agent) I'm still NOT sure if this is a good option.
There is no law saying that you have to have a contract before coming here. All you have to have is a RP or Project Visa approval obtained by the company under the individual's name.Mey be the indiviual is willing/conned/forced or whatever to come here and compelled to sign a contract wheter he likes or not. It is him (indiviual) who chooses to come here under these circumtances.
My contribution - whenever they have a problem in my company (salary, Accomodation , transport, Sanitory) they approch me and I try to solve their problem by talking to the big boss who I have direct access). Belive me the working conditions are very much better now than before I join the company. Even I go and visit them in their labour camp occationlly.
That's what am saying, we all have this thing knowing something that's not right but do we really give a damn? If this is not concern us at all?
It's a shame really, I felt it. I tried to talk to some, go to Human Rights or to their specific embassies but they were scared. I cannot possibly talk for them and raise the case myself!
"Life can only be understood looking behind but can only be lived looking ahead"
I try to help as much as I can by donating, donating, donating.....who do we report this to? Will anyone give a damn?
Dare to report it, if u really care.... we all know about it but where are we on this? Shame, don't u think?
"Life can only be understood looking behind but can only be lived looking ahead"
I know 500 workers who came to Qatar without any contract at all. need I say more.
I know of a few workers who couldn’t read their contract prior to coming to Doha. Most of them don't know what their getting into as they sign the dotted line.
Who are responsible for this? is it the:
1. Worker
2. Agent
3. The Labor System of each country specially for overseas
It is not only happening to Indonesian nationalities, it happens with Nepal, India, Sri Lanka (perhaps) not sure about these two.
1. He/she should know her rights as an overseas worker prior to her application with any agent.
2. He/ she should know the policy of his/her Government about the Labor Law
3. He/she should carefully read the offered contract prior to accepting it not just to think about the currency conversion.
Considering he/she is not educated but at least he / she should know how to ask about it.
Agent: I cannot say anything about them but they are usually “HEARTLESS” opportunist.
1. They should have specific agencies for their people who wanted to work abroad
2. They should implement a certain and reasonable rates for each designation before permitting their people to leave the county
3. They should impose rule to any agency before giving them a license to recruit manpower.
4. The specific agency for laborer should at least investigate the offered employment contract.
Philippine Government had these rules for their overseas workers but still its up to the worker if he/she will allow those agencies and employers to abused him/her. It still always his/her choice.
"Life can only be understood looking behind but can only be lived looking ahead"
We pay our helper/nanny 500 a week, and she works around 30 hours a week. She has told us many stories about the agencies exploiting people that would make anyone cringe with disgust. It does happen in other places other than Indonesia.
Other's feel we are being too generous, but how can anyone feel comfortable leaving a child in the hands of a underpaid, overworked and resentful maid? I see her as part of the family, and would be paying twice that at home, the last thing I could do is take advantage of people, because I can!
Same thing apply to Construction Workers, Secretaries, Engineers, etc etc. when we recruit them from Sri Lanka, India, PP, Nepal. This is the Agency Mafia and you can not change that. eg. - One of our secretaries paid Indian Rs. 50,000 (QR 4100 approx) to the agent to get the job for QR 1700 a month. The irony is that I personally interviewed and selected him in Kerala.
i think the same thing apply with general worker ... many time we heard about the labour who did not get paid by their employer ... back home the owe so much money to loan shark to land them a job in the ME ... some of them committed suicide because so desperate with their situation.
It is never new to hear like this kind of story PM. At least you are there to advice her plan for her future and her kids. Send my regards to her. Tell her i'm Tausug. Good night!
Good night ALL! :))))
why you are so blessed in your life, being kind to people around us and low paid workers e.i. our maids, is charity for Allah's sake.
SSS membership program, she will pay like QR30/month, she get like Health/Medical benefits and pensions and also allowed to get loan later & others.
PAG-IBIG program, if she completed paying for 2 years she can avail housing loan, or land purchase, house renovations. Its like QR98 per month & other benefits.
ALL the above are Govt. programs, and there is representative at POLO/OWWA to attend her inquiry.
Let her go to OWWA/POLO (Overseas Workers Welfare Admin/Phils. Overseas Labor Office) inquire about the programs, It is once a week 1 hour, she can choose Fridays her day off, I suggest her to take computer course(MS word,Excel & Powerpoint) that's good for her. Most welcome! let me know if she want the contact number too.
Maids signed contract from Phils. w/ a salary of $250 as per POEA requirements to deploy maids. But the maids are not aware that she will be getting QR600-700 only. Agencies made that contract and get approval from POEA. Lucky for these maids to have employer like you, but in so many cases where they ended up maltreated and not getting paid.
It cost around Qr100? we pay at Phils. labor dept. behind castle R/A
It has alot of benefits though, the members & next of kin can receive some amount in case of death or disability while working abroad. They also provide alot of educational and skills programs (computer course, dancing course, martial arts and others) for free! here in Doha. And if a member is an ex-abroad, he/she is entitled to take loan at OWWA-Phils to start put up some business.
That's a Govt. programs anyway.
How much total amount you paid to agency here? I knew it used to be like QR5,000++ and it supposedly covers all fees including agency in Phils. But what usually happened, the Phils manpower agency double charge the maid/applicant aside from the employers fee w/ what they called "placement fees", and its not a small amount for these poor maid. Most of them unable to produce the amount and agreed to salary deductions.
The agency here charged the sponsor/employer ex. QR5,000 + ticket & visa. Out of this amount they will pay QR1,000-Qr1,500 per maid to the agency in Philippines.
And at the same time the agency in Philippines charged the maids (Placement fee or Processing fee) an amount of not less than 30,000 pesos(QR2,281), she also paid for her medicals and documents clearances. OR in other option, the maid will signed a contract with the Philippines agency agreeing to salary deductions of 3-4 months(depends) And these rate I gave you is 5yrs ago, no idea how much they're charging now.
For Engineers/Skilled workers, I heard employer paid to agency here around QR25k-QR30k. Whew!
You're opening a can of worms here, novita.
At least the waitress can earn tips if the patrons have any sense.
Anyone with a live-in maid should always occasionally give them a bonus, do something special for her on her birthday and religious occasions and consider giving her an anuual raise.
And don't work them to the ground!
As for the agencies, why should be any better than all these companies. Mistreating employees is an unfortunate art that's almost perfected in these parts. And I don't mean just Qatar.