How to live without medicine - Part 1

When something abnormal happens to us such as pain, fever, cold, cough, vomit, diarrhea, allergy, dizziness, etc., we get worried.
if we to ponder for a moment upon such abnormalities, why or how they occur,—would not my own sense guide me to, not panic but, treat the situation with patience?
We would then realize the truth that symptoms are the sign of the healing process. All I would need is to maintain patience during such abnormal experience and let the body go through the process of its smooth and eventual healing.
•Seven symptoms:—the healing relationship
1. Pain Guides the body.
2. Fever Detoxifies us.
3. Cold Protect the lungs.
4. Allergy Radiates off bad energy.
5. Vomiting Ejects toxic energy.
6. Diarrhea Flushes out the toxic waste.
7. Dizziness Puts you on hold to take rest.
•The true message of the symptoms, like a billboard reads …
Give Rest to the Body
The symptoms mean, be patient, rest, healing is on. The key to healing therefore is REST:—to heal the ailments is to respect the symptom by giving the body much needed rest.
Feeling healthy most of the time and falling ill sometime and vice versa, I have realized, is all part of life.
Discomfort or disease is nothing but the manifestation of negative ‘internal’ and ‘external’ factors. Health problems disappear when the body is given adequate rest and the healing mechanism is allowed to take its course.
• A few Symptoms and their Causes
Pain … is a guiding force that restricts the movement of the affected parts under a healing process.
Pain Action: when suffering from any pain I must relax as much as possible in a convenient and comfortable position in which I have the least pain while maintaining patience and confidence in the process of healing.—I must stop exercises I have so far been used to doing.—I must avoid sour foods such as lime, vinegar, pickles, and crispy foods like biscuits, chips, etc. When the pain is at its worst, I must refrain from any food for twenty four (24) hours except sips of water and under absolute rest;—after another twenty four (24) hours I can start having my usual diet, little by little.
To decide when to eat, I must go by the feel … by distinguishing between false hunger and real hunger (for which, please see next, fever).
.......Wisdom Will be continued based on +ve Response
K_K ...Disease and Symptoms are completely different...
A different thought to the way our body functions..then why do we have cancer? To cure something?
I would like to hear more...
I always knew that ....Common Cold refreshes the lungs & Vomiting Ejects toxic energy.
Wisdom or stupidity... It's a fine line and I don't think you crossed it, you leapt across the line,
Please live without medicine if you choose, natural selection will take place and hopefully you will be removed from the gene pool.
Same treatment for 'spondylities ?