How to hold a nice meeting in my flat?

Hello all,
I really want to hold a few meetings im my nice flat as I like to talk to some nice people for some certain topics.such as marriage,job,fitness,culture,history etc. because all members on QL come from any corners of the globe. So every introductions or comments from us are all very interesting and featured for other in my opinion. so I love to hold one meeting by another one to try my idea. hope you all give me some advice or suggestion.
BTW,my living room only contains 6 persons, while it is nice. A small meeting maybe have a big discussion. Hope so~~~~~~~
Let me know when & what time are you scheduling.
Consider me in.
""They walk among us !! And they reproduce""
Looking forward to it
If you can't change your fate, change your attitude.
I thought this one,pls my guest give an interesting & meaningful story happened in your life. how about this topiac?
BTW, I can treat you all a special Chinese food:)
share your life with me as we are different:)
Yes Qingdao Beer.
1st greeting - "Hello handsome man....Welcome to my flat......Where are you from
I do not think anyone is gonna give their names in open forum. But we can surely discuss the meaning of the QL names for each member should contribute.
As for where are we from.. its all there in profile.
""They walk among us !! And they reproduce""
Drink Shintauo (not sure of the spelling) bear? you mean Qingdao Beer?
Alexa , you give me a good topic "You introduce yourself",so now I like to show my first topic here,
Topic: who are you?
Add: Arona's flat
So pls, you all give the detailed content for the first topic,ok? thanks.
1,Where r u from?
2,the special meaning for your name or nickname?
share your life with me as we are different:)
Hi guys,
Before you all visit and discuss (what ???). Isn't it better if the agenda / topics are shortlisted here. This will save time or else the entire meeting will be just introducing each other and have chinese tea.
""They walk among us !! And they reproduce""
Amona - Also eat Wontan Mee
Aroma - I will drop in to Drink Shintauo (not sure of the spelling) bear.
Hey Arona the suggestion was based purely on generally accepted practice of NOT calling people home unless you know them. But its entirely your call. Of course what you said MAY also be true - crime rate here is low (I suppose thats what you meant by "crisis"??). But dont forget, other than crime, theres also the awkwardness factor that may arise.......
But hey.......if you MUST have one, let me know too, I may drop in to have some dim-sums ......all the best ;-)
"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it"
Jauntie, t hanks for your encouragement and support.
Frog,I love to be first any fields and i ever did it like that.I have been a member of QL Social Group. thanks!
venks,I find there is 0 crisis in Doha, so why?
I will show you all a new Chinese model because I find that you know too less about today of China . China is like a great dragon. How is she look like when she wakes up in near future?
share your life with me as we are different:)
Why don't you meet people at a neutral place first before actually having calling relative strangers to your apartment? I can imagine you are being nice, warm and hospitable in doing so, but I would take it one step at a time if I were you. Just a suggestion to avoid safety / security / awkwardness issues.......
"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it"
Hello arona , nice to see you're trying to get freinds around here. Never had a Chinese friend before, and maybe you'll become the first :D Enjoy your stay here in DOha and keep in touch. We 'll probably have a cup of coffee some day. Why not join the Social group . Try contact Xena :)
[img_assist|nid=38314|title=Crazy Frog|desc=|link=node|align=left|width=180|height=179]
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
jauntie - still suffering from hang over after Eid holidays?
looks like you are getting a nice response from QLers - well done!
By the way, I believe the correct expression is 'all POINTS of the globe' as in North South East and West points on a compass :D
Ni Hau Ma
Why not start small n as u become comfortable expand the gatherings
If you can't change your fate, change your attitude.
I believe a Chinese saying, people will treat you as a friend if you do this way to them first!!
Thanks for your suggestions,helps and advices. I will work hard for it.
first, i will change people from all corner from the earth to all sides because I just learn this sentence on QL memebers' post. Hope I have a couple critical eyes for english posts on QL.
setting a meeting at shop or tea tar is good idea.
support soft drinks,food, are all good help:)
What type of support expect? ---places,some topics,programs..are OK!
and regarding "How Are You"? it is NI HAO in Chinese PIN YIN.
so,pls use your imagination to fill my expecting more:)
share your life with me as we are different:)
i can share ,but each of us must gring with him/her,some things 4 the meeting,soft drinks,cakes,sweet .etc...
good point
arona trry saying all the sides of the globe
We could learn a lot from crayons: some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, some have weird names, and all are different colors; but they all have to learn to live in the same box.
"all members on QL come from any corners of the globe"..???
Arona, globe doesn't have than that I can visit your place when I will be back in Doha...
hi there!
if u can't hold too much people in ur flat u can come to PEARL and TEA, the first and only TAIWANESE TEA SHOP in the MIDDLE EAST..located @ the Family food center Airport area...I will be happy to discuss intersting things about various walks of life...we'll also meet good and interesting people to spice up the discussion...sort of a CULTURAL EXCHANGE what do you think???
sounds like a gr8 idea...though food and sports shud def be included...actually anything wud be gr8...nice of u to come up wid such an awesome idea...
arona i am still waiting 4 2days lesson
its almost 12
so jst tell me how 2 say hoe r u
We could learn a lot from crayons: some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, some have weird names, and all are different colors; but they all have to learn to live in the same box.
little johnny went to school friday and at the end of the day johnny 's teacher told him to go home and learn the first four letters of the alphabet.
He went home and asked his sister.
She said "shut up"
Then he goes to his big brother and asks
He say's "hop on baby let's go"
Then he goes to his dad
He said "trashtrash trash"
Then he goes to his little brother
He said "batman na na batman"
Then on Monday little johnny goes to school and his teacher asks what is the first letter of the alphabet
Johnny says "shut up"
She say's, that's it, we are going to the office. He says "hop on baby let's go". Then he gets into the office and the principle, and he say's "what do you think this school is ?
Johnny say's "trash trash trash"
then the guy say's who do you think you are ? "batman na na na na batman"
Poor Little Johnny
Expect daily Joke from me
Have a nice time guys
H ???
What type of support expect?
Hi Guy
Hi Guy
first--chalipa, thanks for your support and good idea for it.
then,--- venks, 'More seriously, be careful whom you invite!!!!!!!!'I will take care:)
I love to share all different cultures & customs from every corner over the world. I am so lucky to live in Doha, an international city.I mean that we can touch different ideas & colorful beauties around the meters square of me. I save the chance to reach my dream ever in China but not getting. I believe that my candidates are nice just like me. I believe that I can find some on QL who have a good heart with love and passion for lives like just me. I believe that I can hold nice meetings as what we desire. And I like to collect all threads from its beginning.
Wish QL expatriates, you all support me:)
have a nice meeting later
share your life with me as we are different:)
Have you seen my uploaded picture? That is called chalipa. No I am not!
I am not sure if Germans got it from Iranians first or Iranians got it from Germans first!
does it mean u r from iran..... your id intigues me plz enlighten me
If you can't change your fate, change your attitude.
Back off Chalipa. The "careful" part wasnt meant for you, so beat it.
"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it"
You know what venks? It is better if you are visiting a Psychiatrist! This is more serious! I really think you have a serious problem.
Arona.......have a nice party.........and I see Chalipa is a volunteer.......that will make for some very good idea sharing ;-)
More seriously, be careful whom you invite!!!!!!!!
"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it"
I am there for you Arona!My topic is Chinese food & culture :-D
invite the choosen few for a get-to-gether... u can serve tea, coffee or drinks... its all upto u
If you can't change your fate, change your attitude.