How to have a flat tummy?

Many people are on a quest to achieve a "flat stomach". The obsession with the abdominal area can cause frustration, anxiety, and can even lead to eating disorders. Unfortunately for many people it is not physiologically possible to achieve a flat-stomach. Our abdominal muscles are not designed to be flat. Instead, they form a rounded and not flat, shape.
Gender, age, and individual body types can affect the size and shape of your abdomen. The fact that millions of peoples desire a trim waist is what keeps the ab equipment industry booming. Unfortunately, many of the abdominal exercise gadgets on the market are ineffective and sometimes even unsafe.
Lukewarm water soothes digestion by relaxing your muscles. Having a glass of lukewarm water with lemon and honey right in the morning on an empty stomach helps reducing your overall weight, along with reducing your tummy fat.
Exercises remain the best option towards toning up your abdominal muscles and being in good shape at the same time. These exercise do not help you lose fat from this area. The fact is that abdominal exercises will tone your abdominal muscles, but you will have the same layer of fat on top of these muscles unless you create a calorie deficit by burning more calories than you consume.
•Lie on your back on the floor and hook your toes under a heavy piece of furniture.
•Bend your knee comfortably and keep them bent throughout the entire set. This helps to relieve concentrated back strain.
•Place your hands behind your head and lock your fingers together.
•Curl your head, shoulders, upper back and lower back slowly in succession off the floor until your torso is perpendicular to the floor.
•Hold the upright position for a second and reverse the movement slowly until reaching the starting point.
A 30 - 60 minutes of physical activity a day can help you reducing that tummy flab. Exercising not only keep you active, they also cut down unwanted calories.
Leg raises help you have a flat tummy:-
1.Lie on your back on the floor or an inclined board with your head toward the raised end.
2.Grasp the end of upper bench with your hands to stabilize your body.
3.Bend your leg 15-20 degrees or until you feel your back relax.
4.Use your abdominal muscles to raise your feet in an arc to a position directly above your head.
5.Repeat until the desired number of repetitions is complete.
6.Add resistance by raising the incline angle of the bench or by holding a light plate or dumbbell between your feet.
You are very welcome Mr. Dracula Sir.
thank you for clarification and really appreciate that! :)
Average IQ for dogs is 104. Rizks, might be below or above it.
Source -
GEEZ,Man...what's your IQ level? :P
were is ur hut Dracy ?:(
wat u gonna show me ?
Yani, couple looking for single to spice up relation. Threeway with two poles. Make sure the swords don't cross Rizks.
grrrr...come to my house!
Me and my wife we're going to show/demonstrate you! :P
drcayy mean...
male having Sex with Female
Female having sex with Male ?
plz be specific ? :)
Male + Female
no male no female
Gmale & Cmale only ;)
abe wat YES YES !
is it Male or Female ?
riskz: YES
Drac...I heard good satisfying sex coupled with good food makes the tummy happy...:)
Dracyy is it for Male or Female ?
i mean your formula ? :)
che che... bad boyz.... hmmm pajju first u do gud things thn advice othrs... u cheater swami
try sex!
morning,afternoon and evening!:P
eat what you want. train like hell*
*works for me. I am not a trained physiologist.
rizks imagine :P
Pajju how u know gudone has a fat bum ? :(
u bloody Pervert !
u lazy fat bum .. do it from tommorow :)
thanks pajju... but exercise is a big QUESTION MARK(?) 4 me....
drmana, same here... exercise is not for me... :P
Lol mj, I am ready to starve but can't get myself to exercise. And bulldozer??? I may very well disappear then :-)
oi Munna, where's your buddy Pajju?
drmana, here's one for the lazy ones, just have a bulldozer run over their tummy, it will surely make it flat as a paper.. :P
lol FS :)
drmana boring and lazy to do exercise are the huge obstacle in having a good shape. Even you eat proper quantity and avoid high fat food :)
lol drmana.. yeah Pajju, these tips are for exercise buffs... what about them lazy ones? :P
pajju is this the secret of your fitness?? loool
post the source..
rizks, thats locust posture of yoga if I remember correctly :-)
Pajju, any tips for lazy ones? :-P
ooohhh..many thnx for such a wonderful
I don't want flat stomach. I'm working towards an 8 pack. Got some advise for that?
LOL on the 3rd pic.....:)