How far could it take me?????
By makemydayfriday •
whoaaa!Its thursday again:D,the last workingday of the week,evrything seems to be perfect(decent meal,nice movie,cold drink,good music,wrap it up w/a cappucinno..) Until reality took over...i check my financial sheet and got surprise by the 3 digits in front of me!!100...Now here comes the tricky part,could anyone suggest a detailed budget that i could follow to get me through the night??..Note:100QR only!!no single riyal more!!!I have until tommorow 6pm. to decide,hehe...
Eat Air Drink Water...QR100 saved!
Egg-Jatli Smoke !
those days we even get 4 Porotas with 1 Riyal...:(
Alas Rizks in those days 1 riyal could get me 3 ciggies...:(
tat balance 1 riyal you can give it to Smoke, for giving you the detail information for how to spend your 100 bucks.....:)
100 bucks will take you this far:
1 shwermas = 6 bucks
1 big bottle pepsi = 5 bucks
baskin robbin ice cream = 8 bucks
nice movie in cinema = 35 bucks
KFC snack box = 10 bucks
1 beer = 35 bucks
TOTAL = 99 bucks
1 riyal you can buy yourself a cup of tea :P
rent a DVD stay back home and enjoy Bebsi & Bobcorn :D
Two shawarma's (considered as something decent enough when one is broke..:)) plus two beers at Ramada/ Sheraton will leave you enough to catch up with some late night cold coffee to sip till dawn..:) enjoy your night.
@flanostu:it already comes to my mind but i need something decent to eat first..if 2 beers,ill only have nuts!!:D,hehe..
2 beers
most of cafeterias would have shawarmas...5 rials each..:)
@rishim:where cud i buy the best tasting shawarma here??,im planning to buy two..hehe...
yeah, gudone, shawarma is definitely a good option...infact i am planning to start a business back home preparing shawarma in the evenings and sell it alongside the 'panipuri' stall..:)
Good luck with that :)
Yeahh!!!!i'm making friends here:D..welcome whyteknight!hehe..
lol makemyday I admire your enthusiasm :)
makemyday, no need to apologize, but you might want to take your efforts elsewhere. I am WAY beyond your target point.
@nomerci:OOOOppppsss,sorry i should stay on the topic!!i juz remember im broke,i could'nt afford to ask you,maybe later..hehe:P..
I think not.
@nomerci: it should be fun!whatever happen to the light mood in here!!:D...ok,what about asking you to join me,lol,hehe..
You can go watch a movie, have popcorn and coke, have a meal at Mcdonalds. Have some cappuccino later. This is within 100 QR depending on where you have your coffee.
is shawarma a gud option rishi??
sure, you should have a walk in the corniche with your friends, have a pepsi and for dinner have a packet of 'khabus' with chicken grill...and stay online the rest of the weekend..
simple, stay at home.