By azilana7037 •
An officemate e-mailed this to me...
No harm to try the suggestion...could be beneficial to all.
What you are is what you have been, and what you will be is what you do now. - Buddha
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I'm into fruits now and fresh juices... kinda hard at first but it's effective for me...
Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!" - UNKNOWN
Thank you. Very true. And the images are amazing.
Sounds interesting and appetising.. has any one really tried the fruit diet thingy? I have a few friends who might love to do it if it works! Let me know..
" Life is not a party we hoped for, but while we are here, we might as well dance! "
Hmmmmm…………..i love fruits! they’re not only high in fiber and rich in vitamin c, they’re very tasty as well. I’ve never realized that fruits should be taken on an empty stomach as i always eat them after meal as dessert. I should try it out sounds good on a diet.
“I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.”
What to you think, senti?
More effective than beer?
????????????? I see like this.
"Drink Beer Save Water"
Guess, it's the computer I'm using...
someone must be putting a trace on me?
and before now I haven't always been able to open pps files attached to threads. This one was fine!
I'll re-do it again....
hmmmm....strange..couldn't open it azilana..
[img_assist|nid=12867|title=Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.|desc= |link=none|align=left|width=44|height=180]
Beautifully colourful with good information (well I sort of flicked through it rather fast) It was all very tempting.
I get an error when I tried to check it..
Paging Qatari/Ahmed...
... I mean, there aren't any bananas involved are there? Peaches which look like bottoms? Ripe cherries? Anything which may put me off fruit for life?
hee hee Just kidding about with you xx