How do you handle DISAPPOINTMENT?

By azilana7037 •
I'm talking about DISAPPOINTMENTs in general context of the all aspects: life, love, work, family...etc.
Do you sulk, whine, cry, make tantrums? or do you do what the turtles usually do...hide inside their shell until they feel it's safe to come out.
Or you rather smile on the outside while inside, you feel like crying.shouting your head off.
It's just a question...
but I'll be taking everything in stride :-/
For real that shrinks are available over the counter?
I did not realized that QL, is full of different street shrinks, religious, fanatical, political and extremist.
People look at the US and the electoral process here and are reminded that this is a major transparent democracy, a vibrant and diverse country.
Kurt Volker
US state department
I am a reflector. I think about why I am disappointed and why it wasn't the outcome that I had excepted. I believe all thing happen for a reason and it may not be what I wanted but hopefully the outcome will be acceptable. Please remember that there are always people and circumstance worse than mine. Always remember life is good somedays better than others but thing do happen for a reason and life makes us stronger.
What kind of combat sports do you do abu?
by being one :P
"Be Like a Flower, Which gives off it's fragrance
even to the hand that crushes it.
lol @ alexa's comment
^^^^^ WTF????
If it is something personal I get in the car drive to an empty street or area and scream at myself at the top of my voice.
Then a little role playing to encourage all my positives and to forget my lackings.
Like if my boss was kind of bad to me today. I wud drive to the road opposite the parking behind Bidda park or the parking lot of the park near Doha club and shut myself in well and scream at myself. At some point there wud be tears in my eyes due to the effort and muscle involved. Thats when i have to stop. Then till i get home i make up a conference of my own to congratulate myself for all my achievements, discuss what is wrong with the system and visualize kicking my boss in the A**. When I get home if the minus mood still remains, then I have an old Tennis racket that I'm trying to bend.
Reacting to disappointment is for the weak, I ignore any negative emotions I get from situations I have no control over, and use it to do something positive.
it depends on your problem, some of them can be shared with your friends but some of them are yours personal and you have to solve them,
I build it all up inside till I explode. And when I explode I explode big, and on the last person who dissapointed me, whether it's silly or no. It's a bad way to handle things and I don't recommend it
never expect anything in life or from anyone, if you succeed its a bonus if things dont go your way, then your not dissapointed....
I go sulk, hide and not talk to anyone for a while until I am feeling a little better. Sometimes I will just go get a whole bunch of movies like romantic comedies and sit and watch them and ignore the world.
Then I try to go visit a friend who will be me laugh so hard I cry.
tra la la
disappointment.. i go to one corner.. not let anyone bother me for a while, ponder then afterwards get to my feet again.. ready to face another day.. it's a circle of life.. and you can't avoid having or feeling this once in a while...
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
I do the turtle usually takes a while, but it works
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent" -Eleonor Roosevelt
well i try to come over it.and i talk a looooooooooot to my friends.thanks for them all.they saved me in the last time.