.. Hiding ? ..

By Molten Metal •
Hello QLers , Joys ...
Come out of the hiding , Friday is tomorrow not today ....
MM ..........
Thu , 27.03.2014 , 08.25 hrs ................................................................................................
hehehe :P :)
MYasir, Good you caught him. lol.
@MM: now where you are hiding today...
@Humbles: hahahaha :D lolz..
Who said I won't be here today ?
'' some times its very difficult to keep walking '' and you get late to come out of hiding , LOL .
Happy to see you all enjoying together.
Thanks everybody for joining ..... and sharings joys .......
Fri, 28.03.2014 , 08.35 hrs .........................................................................................................
some times its very difficult to keep walking...
Work Hard, Play Hard, Njoy Hard but in the end, Keep Walking :))
Thankyou Molten for seeking me! LOL ...Top of the morning Molten,Yasir.....
As always,have an awesome weekend.
As Yasir said,me too can never hide from this great site 'cozI would surely miss the sparkling words and piquant posts of u rocking guys(from the incomplete list above)
Stay blessed always.
WalaikumSalaam Yasir & everybody who won't be around tomorrow ....
Thu , 27.03.2014 , 08.53 hrs ................................................................................................
Assalam o Alaikum MM Good Morning have a wonderful Weekend to you and to all Qlers :) m not hiding I cant hide from QL at least :P (if u understand Hindi/Urdu) its for you "tum ne pukara or hum chalay aae :D "
Here is the incomplete list ....
BOXBE , Yasir , Silver , Humbles , R2R , Prize ....
Thu , 27.03.2014 , 08.41 hrs ................................................................................................