Help with dog

By Globe-traveller •
Friend of mine left her dog with me for 3 weeks. The dog is really quiet - hez is not eating, not barking, not going for walk - anything..just sitting in a corner.
Getting worried now - any ideas guys what can be done ?
either the dog's going through separation anxiety--which is normal; or you need to get the pet to the vet.. because something might be wrong too. wouldn't hurt trying though. good luck with your dog-sitting :)
much appreciated guys !!! - will do the needful, thank you.
The Vet Surgery. It is in Bin Omran.
Coming from West Bay go as if you are heading to Ramada on Suhaim bin Hamad Street (under the Hamad Hospital bridge)
At the Signal (where you would take the right towards Hamad's entrance), take a LEFT. Then take the first right (at Barbie Salon) and then first left and follow the road behind the salon. You will find the surgery:-)
i think the veterinary surgery is the nearest in your area..but i don't think they are open during friday....As of the moment, try to give also water diluted with glucose powder or simply sugar if he won't eat all...observed keenly its stool and urine aside from its depress or inactive behavior just in case...
Xena -I guess i will go to Vet justincase...
Ronelyn - I see you are a vet - do you run ur practice,I am near pearl - will check wwhats nearby....
the dog might be suffering from separation anxiety. however, you better make sure he must does eat or drink, if its normal diet is commercial dog food try giving boiled chicken or liver and still try to play or touch him more often...but if the condition does not improve, especially if he is inappetent for more than a day, would be best to bring him to the nearest vet clinic in your area.
absolute in diagnosing sickness... so don't just go on that...
Xena - I wll call a vet to check if hez ill - generally when dogs are sick there nose goes really really dry, but he seem to be doing fine.
I tried persuade him to eat meaty chicken bone, tried lamb straps....nothing is working...hez just ignoring everything.....
will continue to pet him - may be he will get over his guardian...poor dog...
BnB - think he is missing them way too mch - u know what i mean...
The dog must be missing his gardians. Try to play with him..cheer him up all the time
since she left? Maybe he is pinning a bit for her... dogs can do that...
Have you established that he isn't ill? Best way to check is get the meatest bone you can find, or even use some hamburger or frankfurters... see if you can coax him to eat that... I think it would be a good deal to just have him checked out at a vet just in case.. then if the vet gives the all clear try the following...
Extra attention is good... If you are a dog person, which I assume you are or she wouldn't have left him with you, then get down to his level and talk to him and have lots of physical contact... don't talk to him in a low tone.. rather make it upbeat and fun... does he have a favourite toy? through the toy around while in an excited mood... calling and talking to him all the while...
Use the food suggestion above too... Chicken breasts with rice and some natural stock is also a good "treat"
I have gone on line to see if I can find anything else for you to try, but all they suggest is natural herbal remedies, which I don't think is very neccessary unless you talk to the vet about it.
Hope this helps a bit:-)