Is he crazy?

Rupert Murdoch claims to own the 'Sky' in 'Skype'
Rupert Murdoch’s BSkyB is fighting a legal battle with the internet telecommunications pioneer Skype, claiming that it owns the “Sky” in “Skype”.
Skype yesterday announced that it plans to float on the Nasdaq stock exchange in New York. BSkyB's legal challenge to Skype using its name within the EU was revealed in the 250-page document announcing the intended flotation.
He probably will win this case.If he does,then skype will have to look for another name.
Why do you think we sent them there in the first place ?
flan is an Aussie.
is that some sort of a dig on the Aussies?
not crazy, he's just born in australia.
and who gives a monkeys anyway?
He has no chance winning this one.
Fuloos no problem...we can start by selling used diesel in pakistan...KP ..khttak petroleum
LT...I am IN ... Lekin, Maa'fi Fuloos :(
Yaa'niiii, What to do? :P
makes sense at some if me and khttak will try to open up a company named shoogle, in-teller, Philippa, Nestler etc etc
Then who owns the remaining "___pe"???
He is one of the most powerful men in the world, he has every right to be a little crazy.
Yeah...its an emergency. Kindly admit him in the Psychiatry, B-Ring Road, Doha.
R you crazy, to post this as a forum topic?