Haves & Have-nots

On one hand, the Indians have become aware of $1 billion dream home of Mukesh Ambani (an Industrialist) in Mumbai, on the other hand a poor man has no money to perform funeral for his wife and he opted to sell his 2-day-old child to cover the funeral expenses of his wife. This is a great example of the widening gap between the haves and have-nots in the Indian society.
When his wife was bleeding profusely after the delivery of the baby, Bipin had no money to admit his wife in any hospital. Because of no treatment, his wife died leaving him and two children behind.
the man said that he was feeling helpless and was in need of the money. He sold the child to another daily wage earner for Rs 1,200 (QR.100). He has another reason to sell the baby as he felt it will difficult to manage the family of two children, as he has no job at present in his hand.
High population and unemployment are the root cause of Poverty in India.
Oryx, GG,
What GG describes is generally true, not completely. It also depends on the states where the government hospital is present and also if the Hospital is Central or State. By the way, all medications are generally free in a Govt. Hospital, as are all procedures. Unfortunately not all medicines are available. There are only three central Govt. Med. College hospitals and they are fantastic in terms of availability and care, but then again there is a limit on the number of patients a doctor can humanly see. Once again population is the main cause of distress. And IOU is right corruption is really up there on the list of causes.
We all do what we can in our limited capacities.....so help us god.
" I have a mind that ticks like a Clock, and like a clock it regularly goes Cuckoo "
"and having too many kids.... and then making it society's responsibility to fund them.
There was a UK family on Sky news whose house had been damaged by the floods. No insurance and 5 kids and the guy was politely demanding a fridge. Sorry but in the uk you should have the savings to cover the cost of a fridge b4 having 5 kids".
Disagree. It is society´s responsibility to fund the younger generations. In Europe and some parts of Asia , we are going to face a huge problem if things don´t change...with the current medicine developments the number of elderly people that societies will have to mantain in twenty years time...it will be imposible unless there is a greater generation of younger workforce.
It is our society´s responsibility to ensure that there is quality free healthcare and education, as well as housing and economic help for those families that cannot afford to mantain themselves with their wages (and yes, including buying a fridge). I think our societies (european) are too desperate to increase the natality figures, so the more help is given to parents, the more it will beneficiate in the long term to the development of the country.
Now, paying taxes to mantain a lazy and criminal good for nothing inmigrant...that really pisses me off. I´d much rather pay taxes to bring up a bright cared for new generation.
poverty in india has got nutin to do with education or caste system. I think the only culprit is unscruplous businessmen and politicians.
I am sure Mr.Ambani has paid his taxes and created a lot of emloyment building his billion dollar tower but the tax money all got squandered back to other businessmen.
Another thing to be considered and i may be wrong (and i'm ready for the incoming hate mail...) that indian people are very concerned about social standings.
Example, the father and mother work very hard all theirs lives to save money that they will spend in a three day marriage event of their childrens. I am not talking abt those who can afford it but those that cant but are forced to - just so ppl in their society will be happy.
(tony is preparing his rpg launcher and machine gun)
Thank you
I think a lot of poverty and suffering could have been averted if women's health and education had been given maximum priority status from at least 30years ago.
Women are the socio-economic infrastructure of a country; they feed and educate the children and go to market - doesn't matter what you build or design you have to look after the women first.
What money they have they will put back into society and put the needs of the kids first which are obviously the future.
I wish some countries would do less fancy projects to make them look dynamic and just concentrate on providing basic facilities.
As far I know, In India there is no free medical facility available. The poor people depend on government hospitals but they need to pay for the treatment and medicine nothing is free. I think they give free contraceptive pills and free surgery to stop pregnancy. But the conditions of Government hospitals are pathetic. In some govt. maternity hospitals women are lying on the floor due to lack of bed, around 34 new born died in one month because of some infection from the labor room. It cost 34 babies lives for the Government to investigate the cause of death because all of them are poor people and don’t know how to react to the negligence of the Doctors/ hospital management.
Medical insurance is still alien in India, only the rich people bother take a Medical Insurance. Private hospitals are expensive but majority of people go to pvt. Hospitals and pay from their pockets.
thanks interesting
what you say about inherited wealth is applicable anywhere.
but a society wont progress economically until social prejudice is addressed be it based on gender, race, religion etc because you are not using your greatest resource.
and having too many kids.... and then making it society's responsibility to fund them.
There was a UK family on Sky news whose house had been damaged by the floods. No insurance and 5 kids and the guy was politely demanding a fridge. Sorry but in the uk you should have the savings to cover the cost of a fridge b4 having 5 kids.
How much contraceptive care and women's health care is there freely available for women from poorer backgrounds in India?
Caste system is slowly diminishing even in India, because these days its mostly love marriages and parents cant really stick on to their religion or caste. But in olden days it was mostly arranged marriages and these upper class lower caste gap was more. There are lots of awareness programs about the importance of Education. In schools and colleges there is no restrictions on caste so they alls study together and mingle together.
So the caste difference is not a major issue with this new generation. Basically lower caste people as economically backward even today, because they won't have any ancestral property of wealth to inherit.
Corrupt politicians and government officials is also responsible for the poverty.
THAT in a nutshell is the root of all the wrold's problems. The fact that we have limited resources and the human race has NOT learned to share. It becomes a zero sum game...the more someone has, the less others will have. Its sickening to think that something like 85% of the world's resources and wealth are owned/controlled by something like 15% of the population.
Maybe i'm just a sci-fi geek, but it makes Gene Roddenbury's vision (the creator of Star Trek) of an future earth where obsession with material posession if finally overcome, THAT much more poignant. Alas I fear it is destined to remain a dream.
Stories like the one above just brings a tear to my eye...but thank you for sharing it gypsy gal....maybe it will stir the collective concience....perhaps alone we cannot do much, but if we all act together, we can shape our world into anything we want it to be. Here's hoping it will be better than the one we live today, for the sake of our children.
Stay safe all.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
is the root of any country's (Third World Nation) poverty! IMHO
"I find it wholesome to be alone the greater part of time. To be in company, even with the best, is soon wearisome and dissipating. I love to be alone, I never find a companionable solitude"
gypsy gal...this is not only in India most of the developing countries and even developed countries facing now.
Tell me - do you think the caste system is part of the root cause?
Many Indians have come to the UK - worked extremely hard doing crap jobs - and then educated their kids who are now doing very well in professional jobs. its a great leap in one generation.
Do you think being away from the caste system has allowed them to have ambitions and progress and take the new opportunities the UK allows?
I have never been to India but the status of Indians both economically and socially in the UK has changed dramatically in less than 30 years...