Have you a history of Domestic Violence

Is this taking things too far, or a reasonable step forward ?
Under a new law being trialed in the UK, women will have the right to ask police whether a new boyfriend has a history of domestic violence and if they are at risk..
Clare’s Law is named after Clare Wood, who was killed by a man she met on Facebook. George Appleton strangled Ms Wood, 36, in Manchester in 2009 and set her body on fire before he hanged himself.
Ms Wood’s family later discovered that Appleton had convictions for violence against women, including the knifepoint kidnapping of one of his ex-girlfriends. Ms Wood’s father Michael Brown has been championing the Clare’s Law campaign.
Mrs May said: ‘Domestic violence is a dreadful crime which sees two women a week die at the hands of their partners, and millions more suffer years of abuse in their own homes. That is why we are constantly looking at new ways of protecting victims.’
But critics, including domestic violence charity Refuge, say the initiative would waste police resources. Others say it could result in malicious claims being made against innocent people.
Under the scheme, both women and men will be able to ask police whether a new or existing partner with whom they have an ‘intimate’ relationship has a violent past.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2173645/Women-right-ask-new-boyf...
Even background check will not be sufficient......
people live with two faces, public and private life is always different :(
check QL everybody appeared as "Angels"
A good step.
lucky lu, rihanna and chris brown are very popular american singers who used to be a couple. google them up to see.
around a couple of years ago, chris brown beat up his girlfriend rihanna. her beautiful face, terribly bruised and swollen, were shown on tv and the internet for all the world to see. lawsuits were filed and court dates were set. dunno what happened after that because i stopped following the case.
these are people who are well known all over the world (don't why you haven't heard of them yet, but the girl is more famous i think). i personally didn't expect this happening at all. for starters, the guy actually looked more angelic than the girl. unlike other r&b and hip hop artists i haven't heard anything about him doing drugs and stuff.
in many parts of the world, there is absolutely no valid excuse to physically harm any other human being.
My ex-girlfriend turned out to be a drama queen. All she wanted was to take control of me in whatever I did with her or without her. She pissed me off to such an extent that I had to separate from her after some 4 months of dating. Now, how on earth I would have known that she would behave with me like that.
I am a peace loving person so she kind of got away unhurt but I bet any other guy with self esteem would have probably slapped her one day.
In fact it's something I encourage all my friends to do. Research research research and then some! Seriously, I know so many people who have wed the most monstrous of partners simply because they didn't do enough back ground checking on them. They risk their lives and even the lives of their loved ones and maybe even off springs. One just can't be too careful here!
Most of the times, men or women, want to take control of their partners, which results in domestic violence and when resisted by the other side.
If the women is dominating in her attitude, she plays games or abuses verbally and men handled women physically as they can't match or sense their women's strategies.
So what are the solutions prior legal routes?
Who are Rihana and Chris Brown?
according to the tina turner school of thought, men (ok fine, people) who have a history of domestic violence never really change. which is why rihanna should stay away from chris brown forever.
trust QL'ers to turn tables around and dig up something to blame women for again everytime these topics are brought up.
@Randy_the causes are correct, laws are here to protect the freedom for both :)
So you can snoop around anybody's record just to check if the they have violent tendencies? That's an invasion of privacy and it's quite judgmental.
No doubt it's a legal step in the right direction but what about guys who get verbally abused by their wives or become victims of dirty games girls play on their boyfriends?
Most of the times, men or women, want to take control of their partners which result in violence when resisted by the other side. If the women is dominating in her attitude, she plays games or abuses verbally and men get physical as they can't match or sense their women's strategies.
the term used is "partner" and applies to both males and females .
Not all cases are reported. Can only be useful in some cases!
BirtExpat: All articles related to the "Clare's Law" give no wording If the law is Gender neutral.
Its judging the product before purchase.
It's better to educate people to be able to judge others!
It covers both men and women ..
I think it's a good step.
This law will not help anyone.It does not address the fact that women can be abusive in a relationship and some women also have convictions for violence.
Then we have same sex couples.How does it deal with abuse and prior convictions for violence between them?
Also what if I had a conviction for theft does that then mean as a man I can't be trusted with money or I might steal my partners purse.
I have a history of beating my wife to pulp for a slightest mistake. still continuing to-date. Feel Jolly Good :)
Better safe then sorry........check each points before getting new connections.
How about gold diggers. I guess such women leave men devastated too... much more harmful (they can cause mental trauma) than a man who might have been offended with a couple of much less than moderate domestic violence, I guess.
well of course everybody deserves second chances brit. no one is perfect and yes people do change for the better. but i think knowing this beforehand could also help the other person know what she's in for in the relationship and whether to take chances! forewarned is forearmed!
What is the person had a criminal record , but has now been rehabilitated ?
nothing wrong with being extra careful! better safe than sorry so to speak. after all they say you would'nt really know the true nature of a person unless you live with them!
Rambo will never find a partner then. Anyhow, it reminds me of the Gestapo methods in Hitler's Germany. And the situation in Iraq under Saddam, and the current situation in Syria. Does Britain want to go that way?