Hate PMs to/about APPLE from Annalisa - PAGING QATARI!!!!

It's been a week now since this persona Annalisa has been sending PMs to APPLE. Late last week, this TROLL started sending PMs (about Apple) to other QL members especially to my buddies, friends, and close to me. THIS IS RIDICULOUS AND SO PATHETIC!!!!
APPLE & I are like sisters on and off QL and these pathetic people tries to ruin OUR friendship.
I tried to check this Annalisa profile but I get an "ACCESS DENIED". Still this CREATURE continues to send PMs.
Though I tried to keep mum about this...there are people (WHO DON'T HAVE A LIFE, OBVIOUSLY)REALLY HATED MY GUTS for some UNKNOWN REASON and continue to lambast me (calling me a GOSSIP, BIG-BONED ASS LADY, UGLY) even in another site. I KNOW WHO THEY ARE...
This is to clarify that this TROLL/CREATURE ANNALISA IS NOT ME. I apologize to all my friends/buddies who received TRASH PMs from this TROLL.
PAGING QATARI!!! Anything you can do about this?
What you are is what you have been, and what you will be is what you do now. - Buddha
Creating this sort of attention is exactly what a troll wants. You are doing exactly what a troll wants by responding publically, trying to defend yourself and drawing attention to it.
I suspect that most people are intelligent enough to realise that a person who has a similar name is someone who is trying to impersonate you.
Of course, I will ban the person - if you have an issue, please use the contact form or send a PM. Keeping it offline keeps the trolls at bay.
Please read our Community Guidelines before posting on Qatar Living. It will save us all a lot of pain :)
I'm laughing at your pathetic acts to discredit, humiliate and embarrass me here in QL. I have a life outside this virtual world, do you? Can't your intellectually challenged minds realize this?
I'm not affected as I know who I am and the people I meet and befriended knows who and what I am. If you have a quarrel (and i don't know what it is)with me, deal with me. Leave my friends/buddies out of this. Leave the group out of it...
I fault myself for being too trusting as I was never a judgmental person and always give everyone the benefit of the doubt.
YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE...You come to me bearing the gift of friendship in one hand, with a smile from ear to ear, do a cheek-to-cheek greeting but hold in your other hand a dagger behind your back ready to stab me in any opportune way.
I'm only human, but if I did something to offend/hurt you...can't you not tell it to my face (or PM me in that matter)? so as I could justify myself (if I really did it) and apologize. Not this way as you try to uplift yourself at my expense.
AS THIS IS THE FIRST AND THE LAST TIME I WILL ADDRESS THIS ISSUE...go on with your life (outside QL), if you have any.
and PMs are NOT you... From what I have seen, and I haven't been here long, is that you've always been nice and funny. As far as your friends are concerned...they know what you will post and what you won't. That goes for PM also, so until Qatari can fix the issue, don't worry about what your friends think...they know YOU...
True friends will stand by you...false ones will fall by the wayside when there is a conflict.
Crabs are easily stepped on and crushed.
Rise above it and don't get pulled into their silly games.
You are bigger and better than that.
I just need this to be in the open...
Hate to admit this but only a "kabayan" (a Filipino) will do such a low act like this...it's what we call "CRAB mentality"...pull someone down to climb up...typical and pathetic, indeed. Pity they still do this despite their intellectual capacity.
They're around, lurking, on a READ mode...I know I'll get hit again in another site...
I'm just a nobody...As I said, this is a FOREWARNING...
What is my true colors? I'm a WYSI-WYG person...WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET...
RAM...what other reasons other than envy? HATED MY GUTS or ME AS A PERSON?
This is the first and the last time I will address this issue...it's up to QATARI now...
Me too there with you, Azilana. I know it is very difficult to just ignore them. But fight back certainly without loosing your heart. You are a brave women. They might be jealous of your persona and your popularity!!
I've been ignoring this TROLL(s) for the past 2-3 weeks already and last week was the lowest of the low.
I'm not affected but my friends now has been receiving PMs and asking if it was me.
I know that u don't have .. i'm suggestin this to u as a part of Admin. or to Qatari ... is it that difficult to do ...
Good morning Owen and Azilana ..
Azilana i was just thinking why will someone bear all the burden to do something like that??? may be they r not just jelous .. there might be another reason ..
If they are really your friends who has been pm'd by this troll, they will know its not you and they will just ignore it!.
It's annoying right I get that, but the more you pay attention to it, the more you guys have doubts with your friends the more it will grow on you and ruin whatever friendship/bonding you had built with each other!
True friends must know your true colors and should accept that no matter what! Otherwise they are not your friends (so why bother?)
But please, Qatari, I beseech you ;-) Can you interfere on this because truly it a shame to see and read this!
Although, its true, sometimes Filipino's are capable of pulling legs down because of jealousy and envy!
I supposed to just PM this but, guys you have nothing to prove to each other if you are really friends and you really know each other.
I know nothing about the inside story behind this and I don't want to know really but like you said it's been going on for week so can we just ignore it?
Peace and enjoy life!
I understand also, you just need to save a friendship!
"I find it wholesome to be alone the greater part of time. To be in company, even with the best, is soon wearisome and dissipating. I love to be alone, I never find a companionable solitude"
The person who is doing this to you will be encouraged to do more, when they see that you are affected by it... Just act cool...ignore them..once they see that there is no reaction from you they will gradually stop....ignoring them is the best way to deal with these kind of people
"Nobody can hurt me without my permission"
You're right, RAM. These creatures don't deserve any attention and much better to ignore.
A plot against APPLE they said, but the plot is to discredit me...hah!
What a low...they're lurking right now (on READ mode) thinking I can't find out who they are...SORRY TO BURST THEIR BUBBLE.
I have a (REAL) life outside QL...these people APPARENTLY don't!!! Or their REAL LIFE is a TOTAL BORE.
I don't mind the name-calling, mudslinging as it's no skin off my nose. BUT if it includes my friends and those people close to my heart...someone has to do something about this...
that's a prob...we don't have yet ignore list at the moment..
good morning rammy..:P
just add an Ignore list so that u won't receive any PM from certain person who is in the ignore List ... another thing don't give them the big attention .. cuz that's wut they need .. they r sick .. and like that u will make them so happy .. ignore them and they will know that they can't get the attention and they will propably stop doing this kiddish games ... ohh i forgot these things since i was in school ..
Apparently there are some people who wants to get even and will not stop for nothing. Can't even sleep conjuring evil thoughts; eating them alive with envy...Hated you, Hated Apple, Hated QL and wants to create war and disagreements amongst its members.
please intervene...everyone, from QL Fil (also non-fil) Group has been bugging with this hate PM's..thanks..
I don't know what do THEY get from all this hullabaloo. So pathetic, indeed!