Happy Unbirthday to me...and you!

By chocoholic •
Ok, I admit it... I kinda miss the Thursday good morning threads. The occasional spot of cheerfulness among the doom, gloom, bigotry, hypocrisy, and broken hearts of QL.
And I have a reason to be cheerful this Thursday morning:
It's my Unbirthday! And I have a feeling a few other QLers have unbirthdays today, too
So Happy Unbirthday to all!!... HUB!
Who's bringing the chocolate cake??
Happy Birthday to you :-)
FS...check your PM...:)
Chocoholic...thank you...:)
happy, that's the good thing about unbirthdays... a chance to celebrate.
Happy belated birthday and happy unbirthday!
happy...ok excused..when was it? :)
chocho dont be so happy that you are leaving us...grrr we gonna miss you::((((
FS...thanks...though I feel shy to tell it myself, wouldnt have shied away from the treat...:)
(Sorry chocoholic..:))
Oh now I have the darn song stuck in my head....
A very merry unbirthday
To me
To who?
To me
Oh, you
A very merry unbirthday
To you
Who, me?
To you
Oh, me
Let's all congratulate us with another cup of tea
A very merry unbirthday to you
Now statistics prove
Prove that you've one birthday
Imagine just one birthday every year
Ah, but there are 364 unbirthdays
Precisely why we're gathered here to cheer
A very merry unbirthday
To me?
To you
A very merry unbirthday
For me?
For you
Now blow the candle out, my dear
And make your wish come true
A very merry unbirthday to you
(from Disney's Alice in Wonderland)
So many cakes.......What a way to start a day! happy unbirthday to myself and others :-)
UNbirthday, UK
And Happy Unbirthday to you :)
Have a chocolious Birthday
happy...grrr why you didnt tell us...oh you escaped from the treat....anywayz belated happy birthday V:)
Chocoholic...thanks for link and the post...nice idea to celebrate Unbirthday after my actual day a couple of weeks back...:)
ooh more cake, yummy
FS, woooowwww, thanks...
You've been shopping at the souq again?
Happy Unbirthday to you!
For you foryousantro
Happy Unbirthday to you girl...
Here is my gift..!!Hope you will like it:)
WK, HUB to you too. Awesome cake!
TOday is my brithday 17th june
An unbirthday is an event that can be celebrated on any day that is not the person's birthday.
Unbirthday bole to ?
I mean, wat does it mean ? :)
Chocoholic thanks...:) but still cant get, what is Unbirthday???
hmmm, Unbirthday, that's something new.. well, why not.. Happy Unbirthday!
Rizks.......it's my UN-birthday :-/
Habby Birthday to you chocoholic and to them whose b'day is today !
Have a Blast as it weekend.
Get Set and WET...:)
Morning Qlers. !!
Good Morning
Happy unbirthday to you too, Happy :)
Many happy returns of the day but I dont like cakes.
Happy Unbirthday to you, but what is it.