Happy Mothers day

Ladies, there's no such thing as a bad mother. If you got your kids up on their feet and able to function then you're a good mother, and there's nothing better on this earth than a mother.
Happy Mothers day ladies
I'll be in Reykjavik, Iceland tomorrow so I had to post this today.
was sure you said your brother worked for Emirates Airlines.... Asked a couple of my cabin crew friends if they had ever flown with anyone whose family name was Meachum.... They hadn't...
Explains a lot when you mentioned Sri Lankan Airlines, further up...
Like I mentioned in one of my first posts here:
I love:
Flight Attendants
Teachers, and
Red Pope, the Cardinal of Qatar Living?
Could be mate, could be.
We figured that out already. You seem to be a bonehead egomaniac that will start a fight with the flight attendant on Qatar Airways before the plane lift off the airport in the US.
One things for sure..I'll change Qatar - Qatar won't change me.
Dweller very interesting information about the QE Rose.
Yes Translator that's why me and the rest of the QL welcoming committee have decided to welcome this rare talent to Qatar and may be learn a trick or two from this genius, and of course have a pint or two in the pub too..:)
O I do miss that American who went by the name of Red Pope was hijacked by a filipina, who became his wife and was never seen or heard of again. RIP Red Pope
these days nothing can be hidden. Actually most salesmen in Qatar are scared to death from your pending arrival, as you will make them all look bad.
"And you are the best salesman in the western region"
How did you know that?
And you are the best sales in western region afterall, they just can't pull a trick of yours without knowing. So, who is the best salesman in the Eastern region? and are those national regions or in CA only?
We are very satisfied with the Rose Bush.. and I completely trust King Soopers- If it cost $250 then i'm sure it's worth it for some reason.
and spent. All I did was check that you hadn't been scammed one thing led to another and you seem to be getting peeved. Now the entire purchase appears questionable.
I presume they gave you the plant pot for that price ;)
Its a special hybred.....And furthermore
Its insulting to my X wife that i'm even engaging in this conversation. I can't put a price on the look on her face when I gave it to her last night. I will admit though that I did leave the price tag on it so she could see it..And I pretended I did'nt want her to see it when she said "$259 dollars!!!!!"
Can find no reference to any such plant in my rose books. Certainly not by that name or anything like that name.
You want another try?
It's a himalayan/QE rose bred high in the Andes
I can't put a price on my X wifes happyness anyway. Shes the mother of 5 of my 6 kids..I would have paid up to $500 for the Rose Bush
A Queen Elizabeth Rose from the High Andes? NOT the Himalayas.
Not only wrong name but wrong place and wrong price.
tch tch tch.
So exactly what name does this rose have? High Country Banshee, Darts Dash or some other variety.
This one was progegated high in the Andes..Its a high altitude rose bush
the wrong rose MP.
Sorry to say it is pretty common.
Maybe you mean Paul's Himalayan Hybrid Musk Rose but that's quite common and inexpensive too.
I got two last month..I think me and your husband have a lot in common Mandi..
I got them both in my yard..They're Merriams. Took the grandkid out in the woods right by the house and we did'nt see or hear anything all day one day, then I saw a hen coming right in front of us..I raised my gun quietly and my 5 year old grandkid whispered "is it legal to shoot a hen now?" I whispred back "no" and he put his hand on the barrel pushed it down and whispered "then lets not"..Lol..Then I said- "I was just testing you" but in reality I woulda shot it, I do not like coming home empty handed..
My husband just shot a BIG gobbler, gotta go skin and cook it!
Its not your average rose bush..
"Ghazalaz, Is that a "Queen Eliz"a"beth Grandifoli" Rose in your avatar? I just brought a live one for one of the mothers of my kids! It's a rare Hybr"i"d ($259) and she should have six to 8 bloss"o"ms any day now and forever."
You were robbed. They can be had for a fraction of that price and it's not that rare. They are very popular as a centre piece in a rose garden.
I hope my X wifes look that nice. That reminds me! I better get it out of the direct sun- It's not used to it being in a greenhouse all winter..
I hope it'll bloom soon!
The rose in my D/p is actually my son's click...in the back yard of my sister’s house in Pakistan...
**Spelling corrected by Mods
I just watered it and put it out on the deck..It may bloom today- I'll take a picture of it if it does. This is a very special high altitude hybred "HYBRID". According to the lady at the greenhouse outside of Conifer King Soopers they bred a Queen Elizabeth with an ancient Himalayan rose and this is what hatched out..
Wow I wasn't aware of that!
Oh yeah in fact my D/p is very closed to "Queen Elizabeth Grandiflora":)thanks for the link!
Manna Pro, The mother of your kids must be very happy to receive such a worthy gift from you.
10:07 pm..I'm watching 9news
Wow 49 decaptated bodies were found in Mexico by a road..Me and my two daughters are going down there in a few weeks..I hope they don't hear about this story
What time is it where you are?
you are a very interesting person Manna Pro.. Cant wait to welcome you to Qatar with the rest of the QL welcoming committee ..:)
I was never convicted, and that was in the 70's
You got arrested like 12 times before you were 18, here goes your CID certificate down the drains. Did anyone tell you that you need to get the CID certificate before coming to Qatar?
Only two out of my five kids are still living at home..And one with another woman never lived here..Pretty soon only one will be here, they're all grown up and you know what..? I kinda wish they weren't. Boy we had some good times
**Spelling corrected by Mods
Ghazalaz, Is that a "Queen Eliz"a"beth Grandifoli" Rose in your avatar? I just brought a live one for one of the mothers of my kids! It's a rare Hybr"i"d ($259) and she should have six to 8 bloss"o"ms any day now and forever.
Check it out
Bull. Very eventful to say the least. Your parents have truly been blessed with much patience,and you should be most grateful for them.
All the best with your kids,Bull.
**Spelling corrected by Mods
I have two brothers and there is no doubt in anybody's mind that I am and have always been my parents favorite. One brother is a pilot for Sri Lank"a"n Airlines and the other is a financial manager? (owns the company, I don't even know exactly what he does) in Las Vegas and makes over a million a year- But- My dad likes me the best because I was a 6 sport star in high school, and my Mom just likes me- and I got arrested like 12 times before I was 18..A couple times for bookmaking at the race track, and then about 6 criminal tre""spassing charges after I was banned from the race track..My kids have never been arrested..If they were I'd be pissed off- My parents never got mad, they just got me a lawyer and we beat it every time...So
I helped a lot of people when I worked for the Teamsters and the I.A.M..And as you know I'am currently the best salesman in the entire western region so yes, she's very proud
Very true. Your mom must be so proud of you!
-You don't have to be June Clever (had a major childhood crush on her) to be a good mom..All thats required in nature is to get the children to a point where they can survive on their own. That alone is a great gift requiring a great sacrifice on the mothers part..
Thats enough
Appreciate the appreciation! Of cos there are bad moms and good moms, but for the very fact that they gave birth to us, all moms deserve applause. Child birth and pregnancy can never be belittled. Despite all technological advancements,it still remains by far a laborious task.
I had a Brain Light Synchro Shiatsu Massage Chair shipped first class to my mother- It arrived yesterday and she just loves it..Highly recommended friends.
You can also learn foreign languages instantly in the chair so I'm going out to Vegas Wednesday and see if I can pick up some Arabic in it.
You wont find it on the internet. Special orders only, I met the owner of the company on Poipu beach last year. I ordered it using his personal number
It was nice..But I was just there long enough to hammer out a 1.278 million dollar deal (I get a 5.25% commision on it) on Saturday and then go fishing until sunset which is around 11pm there..I caught 4 King Salmon and brought them all back home on ice...I'm smoking two tomarow
But you said fork me, I quit QL. Did you change your mind, or fork?
What an egotistical way for wishing...lol
Spent New Year's in Reykjavik, what a great place!