Hanuman idol for Obama

From UK paper..
A group of Indians are planning to present a statue of the revered Indian monkey God, Hanuman, to Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama.
The group decided to order the idol after they read a magazine report saying that Mr Obama carried a good luck 'monkey king' charm.
They say that a Barack Obama victory would be good for India.
Hindus revere monkeys which they believe are descendents of the monkey God Hanuman.
The two-foot tall, 15kg gold-polished, brass idol has been made as a present for Mr Obama because "he will be good for India if he becomes the next president," according to Brij Mohan Bhama, leader of the group.
Mr Bhama belongs to the ruling Congress party and also runs a textile mill in the western city of Mumbai.
"We have heard that he carries a small monkey charm in his pocket. So he is a devotee of Hanuman. That's why we want to present him with this idol," he said.
Mr Bhama and his friends have also invited Carolyn Sauvage-Mar, chairwoman of the group, Democrats Abroad-India, to a meeting they are holding on Tuesday to pray for Mr Obama's success.
The Delhi-based group registers voters, sponsors events and occasionally hosts Democratic Party leaders visiting India.
Mr Bhama is hoping that Ms Sauvage-Mar will pick up the idol and arrange it to be delivered to Mr Obama.
Mr Bhama says he is an ardent supporter of Mr Obama - even his email identification is bhamaforobama.
"Obama stands for change. We are hoping that he will bring about change so that oil and food prices come down," he said.
"India will progress if he comes to power."
Jack: I wouldnt stretch it that far..
All I see is a bunch of relegious simpletons overawed by the cud be/ nxt-inline-to-become-the-most-powerful-man in-the-world's liking for their fav idol.
Reading anything more into this (like policy/politics)wud be stretching it too much, I believe.
Somebody told me, "You are what you eat".Now I know why I'm nuts!!
I guess its an effort to create a Hindu Muslim fight...
nothing else.
Lol...'the group' doesnt even have a name! which means...just a bunch of nutty individuals.
Somebody told me, "You are what you eat".Now I know why I'm nuts!!
Well...Jack there are always some guy somewer doing some wierd circus...n ppl hu give them undue coverage.
The last sentence was really funny....they shud b more worried abt hu comes to power in Delhi not Washington.
Brit: Right now Obama is in a fix wer he is in trouble even if he goes miles near any relegion...lol!!
Somebody told me, "You are what you eat".Now I know why I'm nuts!!
He has been presented with a statue of Hanuman by an Indian group!
This is weird...where is the connection....Obama & Hanuman?
"Mariyada Purushotam Ram" which means "Man with a Spotless Clean Character"...maybe.....but Hanuman?
He's being "barracked"for eing a Muslim, so perhaps now he can say that e believes in multiple faiths..
hopefully somebody wud buy it for the heck of having a gold plated statue..!
Wonder how Obama's campaign office is gonna deal with this 'breaking news'...poor guys already got his hands full with issuing statements denying what he is not...lol.!!
Somebody told me, "You are what you eat".Now I know why I'm nuts!!
Its not solid gold..
LOL...Obama will be lucky if he can do justice to all the ppl contributing to his campaign....i mean, a 15 kg statue is not even gonna end up anywer nearthe bottom of the list(unless he can sell it for the gold!!)
Somebody told me, "You are what you eat".Now I know why I'm nuts!!
how abt "frinelephants" and "frinsnakecharmers"...wudnt that sound more 'authentic'?? :-p
Somebody told me, "You are what you eat".Now I know why I'm nuts!!
though, what they expect in return..
winn - answer me for my Goa questions.
LOL Harry, one weird group of ppl and one gold idol depicts ingratiation policy by abt 800million Hindus...great!! :-p
n whatever they do to ingratiate themselves, I guess Obama's agenda is already made up...
Somebody told me, "You are what you eat".Now I know why I'm nuts!!
Nah - Looking for long term relationship :)
This is a good move by the Hindus to ingratiate themselves with Obama.. looking for a long term partnership..
That's why they said that it will be good for India..
LOL, i thought McCain was better for indians. but I know Obama wants more indian tech gurus.
"He who does not thank people, does not thank Allah" prophet Muhammed (pbuh)
OK. Hanuman IndoObama for president :)
LOL! Maybe Indonesia will progress too:)
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
LOL...reminds me of that JetLi movie Forbidden Kingdom. There is a monkey king ther also. Its said that Obama had spent some of his childhood yrs in Indonesia wer he got this.
Although there's no mention of connection with the Hindu God.
Somebody told me, "You are what you eat".Now I know why I'm nuts!!
Hanuman Obama for President :)
LOL...for that quick correction...LOL!!!
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