Hacker or Spam ....??!!

I found this massege in my mail box o I don't know there are hackers or spam on Qatarlinving
((hello Dear
My name is angela i saw your profile today and became interested in you,i will also like to know you the more and i want you to send an email to my privet email address so i can give you my picture for you to know whom i am.
Here is my email address(angela_yala/-a-t-/rocketmail.com)
I believe we can move from here!and remember distance or colour doesn't matter anything but love matters Aallot in life.
I am waiting for your mail
to my privet email address above.
see your reply soon.
Read more: http://www.qatarliving.com/messages/view/1147260#ixzz1xMQynObR ))
Same here
got one too - so much spam around atm... just delete! don't even open it! :)
Yeah I am here for 2 years but mostly I am not using my account throw this time , now days I start noticed that
I've got the same format with 20 different names so far.
OP- were you born yesterday? If you have been using the internet (or QL) for almost 2 years now, i am surprised that you are not that aware of spams/hacks/phishings going on the net....
And this one is not one of them! LOL .... it's just a mere love letter from your secret admirer! take that ;) LoL ... :-P soon, you'll learn love the hard way when she starts asking for your bank account details...
and i got both"helen and angela"
i got like 10 of them XD
I have been receiving the same for the last two years.
Most member of QL recieved the same message. ....
or ...............
spam wonderful spam
never give out your email address to someone you don't know.
I got one from some girl named Helen.... its SPAM.... I hope.. but I deleted it..and blocked this person...