gym memberships

Hello everyone! I am new to Qatar and need some information about the gyms here. I would like to find one that has some classes as well as the usual equipment and a pool..Indoor if possible. I have only visited the Ramada. The cost for a male/female couple: 6,200 Q for 1 year and 4000 Q for 6 months. Outdoor pool with no organized classes. open 6-10PM everyday, including holidays.
Does anyone have access to information about other gyms? Any suggestions?
WIth all this computer work, I need to get up and get moving around. Its not like you can take a nice walk here in this heat!
Thanks for your comments.
can u give me the contact # for Gold's Gym?
I want to enroll in dance class?do you know where can i join?and how much?
Here they need evidence for couple:
EITHER a Marriage certificate
OR a Video-taped French kiss with the coupleee to be attached with the application for the perusal of club committee:D
I think that the "Diplomatic Club" has a pool as you can see in this picture :-
but i'm not sure how much do they charge for a full year .
I'm a member in the Gold's Gym myself and they have most of the stuff most pepole would want like a jacuzzi ,massage's ,sauna etc .. but they dont have a pool :\ , so im not sure if you want somthing like that , they charge 299+50 QR for 1 month , 999+50 QR for 3 months and 3499+50 QR for a full year .. and they charge less for women i think .. morning to 12 is for women and then until 11 PM its open for men .
i hope that would help *_* .. and im sorry i dont really know a lot where you can get a club with a pool xD .
and for "secret of staying inshape without exercise?" ... for me its not really a secret lol , its hard for me to gain waight and if i stop i would actuly lose waight so i dont think i can help you with that lol .
it's not a hotel, it's exactly opposite of the City Center main entrance. It's a tall yellow buliding, and you can see written on it that "Bio Bill Health Center". It's on the first floor. But on Fridays I think they are closed. But anyway, I went there one time, and it was very nice!
When they say couple it means Husband n Wife n children. they r very strict they need a copy of the passpport.
I am a member there the pool n gym are very good.
What hotel is it it in?
ever ready, ever curious, ever happy
Thanks for the comment. Used to be a member..did youhappen to find the secret of staying inshape without exercise? Tell me, Tell me! Please. I want know..haha
ever ready, ever curious, ever happy
There is a Gym near my hose in a hotel, they have gym, sauna, and a small swimming pool. But no classes. and the pool is really small.
But what would be perfect for you is Bio Bil Healt center opposite of City Center exactly. They have a huge pool, gym, sauna, whirlpool, steam room and classes almost every day from 7pm. The membership is around 600 QR per month.
I used to b a member of the Cabana Club ( Ramada) I think there facilities are quite good Gym, sauna etc... They have a great pool as well...