Guys who smoke and drink are more attractive for one night stands, says study
Smoking is more attractive, according to a new study . Science has already proven that smoking and drinking are bad for you.
But while those that have persevered with the habit have been putting their health in jeopardy, according to a new study, there is one benefit.
The research from Belgium’s Ghent University suggests that men who ‘smoke cigarettes’ and ‘drink’ are more attractive to women as short-term partners.
The study – entitled The Young Male Cigarette and Alcohol Syndrome’ – argues that sex appeal is linked to how ‘risky’ a man appears to be.
The abstract explains that risk-taking behaviour is attractive in ‘short-term’ mating contexts.
It adds: ‘Given that smoking and drinking have considerable physical costs, this study explores the possibility that tobacco and alcohol use is part of a male short-term mating strategy
‘The experiment showed that women perceive men who smoke and drink as being more short-term oriented in their sexuality than nonusers.’
The study, which has been published in the Evolutionary Psychology journal, asked 239 Belgian women aged between 17 and 30 to read short profiles of men.
The details included smoking and drinking habits, with the women asked to guess a man’s attitude to love, danger and risk-taking as well as their suitability as a long or short-term partner.
The results suggested that men who smoked and drunk more were more attractive on a short-term basis.
Lead researcher Eveline Vincke said: ‘A follow-up study confirmed that men’s behavior corresponds with women’s perceptions,
‘Overall, these findings show that cigarette and alcohol use can operate as a short-term mating strategy.’
Damn it .. Now I know why women flock to WT :O(
Great WT !
and be like a Horse.......:)
Simple, Rizks: smoke like a chimney and drink like a bull.
britey, quite you beakless piegon !
Without Ray Ban how can I Impress those gals in the parking lot ? :(
How how, tell tell......
Rizks: Beedi is fine.. But please stop wearing those fake Ray bans :O(
Lol MM !
britey, does that applies even if I am smoking Beedi ?
WT Excellent comment .
Why doesn't MM understand all this.
The report gives false hopes for many. If you look like an idiot and behave like an idiot you can smoke and drink as much as you want, women won't be interested in you unless they are idiots, too.
I think this research is erroneous .. Rizks doesn't drink or smoke, yet everytime he goes to the Ramada Car park, women flock to him..
What more can a woman ask for
Brit, pssssssssssssssssst.