A great way to resign !

I love this guy's style .................
Furious flight attendant quits over the tannoy, grabs a beer... then uses jet's emergency slide to exit plane
When fed-up flight attendant Steven Slater got into a foul-mouthed row with a passenger after landing at JFK airport he decided enough was enough.
The 38-year-old immediately announced his resignation over the public address system, grabbed a cold beer from the galley, activated the jet's emergency slide, slid down and headed for his car.
According to eye-witnesses on the JetBlue flight from Pittsburgh, Slater 'snapped' after he was struck by a piece of luggage a passenger was taking down from an overhead locker.
When the unnamed woman passenger refused to apologise, the flight attendant walked straight to the back of the plane and used the plane's public address system to announce his immediate retirement.
Passenger Philip Catelinet told how Slater announced: 'To the passenger who called me a mother-f***er, f*** you. I’ve been in this business 28 years. And that’s it, I’m done.’
Then, pausing only remove his airline tie and to grab himself a beer from the galley, he deployed the emergency slide threw his own luggage off the plane and headed into the sunset.
Source: Daily Mail
now he's famous in the news!
luv it! wish i can do the same :)
He had got a job offer from Qatar Airways
He'll probbly make a few dollars by selling his story or doing a few TV shows..
pretty stupid. 5 minutes of fame and satisfaction for losing his retirement money plus a possible lawsuit. and most probably very low job prospects. ah well.
yeah..with style and a lie...:P
i am impressed by this flight steward... this is called dignity
I was thinking along the same lines as "It takes one to know one" :O)
Brit Colt45 has certain expertise in that subject ;o)
Yes, he is gay ....
How did you know ??
I wonder if he was gay??? LOL... the reason i say that is coz I think a gay guy wud have more style doing it and walking away into the sunset ;-)
The straw that broke the camel's back....
He's got guts.. I often felt like doing so, but never had the courage :O(
its the cumulative aggression...that vented
Of course it happened at JFK!
in the gulf, the resignation letter is used to get a raise..
when i see, its time to strike, i just put in the papers with an appointment letter from an organisation in another country. it works sometimes.
Talk bout quitting in style!
It's not that he resigned because of that particular incident. Sometimes you are fed up of your job and it makes one incident like this for all the frustrations to come out.
akshay eshtyle.attitude speak.
... The final straw ...
correct, why wait 28 years..i am sure he would have had far worse things happening during those years...
if he was fed up, he could have quit much earlier...why wait for an episode like this..
unfortunately we cant do it in the gulf..
Well Done.....Cheers. I wish simialar....when
wow.. gr8... i am impressed
This guy got balls!
Could have been better if he was not arrested and charged with criminal mischief, reckless endangerment and trespassing (though released later).
Totally Cool!
do u believe this?...he joined at the age of 10..???
Its a good thing he didn't get in to a fight when the plane was in the air!
This guy is my inspiration!!!
and has been in the business 28 years?