A good way of atoning for your sins ?

This is an excellent article worth reading...
A simple answer for those who want to suppress their desires and atone for their sins................
Would you do it ???
She's respectable and intelligent ... so why does Sarah attach a painful barbed chain to her leg for two hours a day?
Sarah is 43, single and celibate — and determined to remain so. Each night she fastens a wire chain, known as a cilice, around her upper thigh - to atone for her sins and suppress her desires.
Quite what those sins might be it is hard to imagine. For Sarah is not just good, but very, very good. She doesn’t drink, abhors drugs and has never had sex.
Sarah is a member of Opus Dei — Latin for ‘Work of God’ —Its doctrine focuses upon the lives of ordinary Catholics, who are neither priests, nuns nor monks yet who believe that everyone should aspire to be a saint.
So every evening, just before she does the washing up, Eileen, 51, straps her strand of barbed wire round her leg and leaves it there for two whole hours, scratching at her skin and digging into the flesh.
‘It’s an easy way of knowing you’re doing penance,’ says Eileen, who lives in an Opus Dei centre in Ealing, West London. ‘I wear mine above my thigh. If you go swimming, you don’t want to leave a mark from where it has been.
Full article:
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1308090/Why-does-Opus-Dei-memb...
tinkerbell , people have already called it stupidity, etc. Am not the first. That call to convert was just to show the good side of islam.
By the way, indian babsas kneeling infants under their feet in the name of healing is not wrong for you?
theory of social relativity...tinkerbell am impressed
tinker sab, there is a need to judge the ignorants and say what they are doing is wrong. Hope I am not wrong..
tinker sab, there is a need to judge the ignorants and say what they are doing is wrong. Hope I am not wrong..
brit, that is not religion but ignorance going by islam which enlists rights of the body too..
Just as the title says good way of repentance...
You're missing the point.. She has a religion. The Cilice is a way of penance and bringing her nearer to God.
she should convert to islam..
lack of sex obviously
Only if you wear your Oakley Sun Glasses and a silver cilice ...
Interesting take on things ex.expat ;o)
Visit me at the Purgatory of your choice.
they come in every faith. Methinks she has a sexual fetish for masochism and is trying to convince herself it is religious atonement.
I think this lady has been seriously misled by the 'Opus Dei' bunch of nutters!!
What a waste of a life.
Rishimba, good one. lol
i think i am atoning my sins by taking up a job in qatar..
Reality is just a crutch for those who can't handle drugs.
it's mortification of the flesh.. one of the the needs for redemptive suffering for sainthood to catholic faith
Although it seems weird to us, the bottomline is if it helps her mentally then why not?
She is just trying to clean her conscience by this....this is no way to clean up once sins. Plain stupidity......one needs no chains to control oneself if determined.
To her, the whole idea of "mortification" is to control her passions and urges, thus stopping her from doing wrong..
is in need of a mental health check up!
some Christians believed that a sinner has no more standing with God. he forfeits his standing when he commits sin and the only way he can get back is to repent and accept the atoning blood of Jesus Christ. this also mean no more of this turtle-dove business, no more offering the blood of bullocks and heifers to cleanse from sin and this physical punishment, etc..
it's a matter of belief & conviction now..
I agree with Oryx..plus I think it's an easy way out...you do wrong, you inflict pain on yourself, voila, you are good to go....how about trying not to do wrong?
But i still think celibacy is the cowards way out of dealing with life.
And anyway in the Bible I thought it said that is sinful to inflict pain and suffering on yourself and others.
Comparing leg waxing (not painful really) with long term damage and scarring I dont think is one of your better analogies :). What purpose does deliberately hurting your body serve? Leg waxing makes your legs feel cleaner and look nicer.... a puss filled scar doesn't.
Botox pain is really minimal and not frequent - this is daily for two hours....again to what purpose?
you said it britex! :p
WK where is your trade mark smiley...i miss that!! :(
Life gives enough pain... Don't need to self-inflict pain
It's all about personal belief isn't it ???
As the article says .. "After all, which is more peculiar or ‘unnatural’: women who endure the agony of, say, Botox injections or leg-waxing, in order to be beautiful, and those Opus Dei devotees who strap on a cilice as a sign of spiritual devotion?"
Some people cut, it's their way of dealing with stress, frustrations and even repenting :-(
Oryx ...bulls eye!
It just actually seems an easy cop out from dealing with life's real issues.
If you want to atone then do something positive and good.
pain is caused by pleasure....so lets drive pleasure from pain : sarah
stupidity is not a crime, so she's free to go..:)
btw, hindus atone their sins by taking a dip in the river ganges..
would like to know what other great minds do !!