Go, Qaradawi!

Qaradawi warns of backlash against Europe’s niqab ban moves
By Anwar ElShamy
Staff Reporter
Qatar-based Islamic scholar Sheikh Yousuf al-Qaradawi yesterday urged those European countries which are considering outlawing the full veil (niqab) to review their plans, saying that a wider ban on niqab might prompt clerics to campaign for imposing a “modest dress code” on foreigners living in Muslim countries.
In his Friday sermon, Sheikh Qaradawi said the recent outlawing of the face-covering veil in public by Belgium along with a French draft law to make it illegal would be a violation of both religious and personal freedoms.
“I hope that France, Belgium and all of Europe will show respect to Islamic values and creed. Banning a Muslim woman from wearing the niqab would only place her in a dilemma about whether to comply with the law or obey what she believes is a religious order,” Sheikh Qaradawi told a congregation at the Omar bin Al-Khattab mosque at Khalifa South town.
However, the scholar, who is the chairman of the Dublin-based International Muslim Scholars Union, said the face-covering veil was not obligatory in Islam and that a woman should cover the head and neck but leave the face open.
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I say go, Qaradawi! Wait...he's in Qatar?
I also wanna say...Go, EU!
i was in doubt, thnx for clarifying ;)
them in their eyes/cheeks
if that is the case, then all women must be in two piece bikinis.
btw, i never heard that a woman can carry suicide jacket with his face.
maybe a decade ago, you won't hear about women suicide bombers, but now, can you consider it a common "isolated" case (pun intended).
Security of the state and its people is the concern of the sitting government and if they do decided to pass a law regarding security, it's their right.
I just hope that with he advent of "more" isolated cases of suicide bombers dressed that way, maybe in time, even the abaya maybe banned! Hope that day will never come! Good morning!
Europe is not banning the hijab only the niqab and only in one country so far although France is thinking about doing the same. What about your Muslim brothers in turkey? They have had a ban on the hijab at schools and universities for a long time. Is this them hiding behind their anti Islam bias?
Qaradawi is being non committal again! And why is he accounting the west for not following their own man made laws!!! Makes no sense..
The Khimar (headscarf) and Jilbab( womens outer garment) are obligatory as is the covering of the women feet in public because the Prophet explained the verses in the Quran by always pointing to his hand and face to indicate that these two parts of the body are obligated to be covered. He also explained that the the Jilbab must be loose so the shape of the body is not revealed and also the material should not be see through. The Quran explained that the Khimar(headscarf) must cover the bossom.
So it is clear from the Quran and Sunnah that women must cover all of her hair to the bossom and all of her body except her hands and face.
Some scholars did interpret verses in the Quran that were specific to the prophet's wives to mean all believing women but this was an error on their part becuase the verses were restricted to the wives of the prophet. Some scholars also reacted to the situation in society in terms of the decline in standards in the 18th and 18th centuries whcih led them to call for the Niqab in a reactionary fashion without due care about what the Sharia stipulated...
As for the ban of waring the niqab in some European countries then it is a reactionary measure and a weakness of these societies and their anti Islam bias..they are in fact attacking the Sharia but using the Niqab as the focal point of this attack..they in fact hiding behind their cowardice of attacking muslim women....
It is a ridiculous assertion to link the wearing of piece of cloth to national security or crime. These are just hollow claims which the western politicians hide behind...they are more worried about the number of european women embracing Islam and adopting the hijab. Thus they will continue to make it harder to be a muslim in europe even if you are european.
Looks like heaven is going to be very lonely and boring place, let me redouble my efforts to make sure I end up in hell.
Well Eco it seems if it is obligatory then 99% of women in the world will be going to hell. Heaven is going to resemble family day in Qatar with all those men hanging around outside the malls.
......Eco-savvy, Sheikh Tantawi passed away. There is no need to insult and abuse the dead.
Hosni Mubarak needs you more than Qatar.
NIQAB is obligatory PERIOD, Dont label niqab as Saudi/afghani thing.
Here is a positive story from Europe about Muslims.
will this so called scohlar tell his Muslim brothers to reciprocrate?
Hello gadarene. Do people read your comments?
@ hopscotch,if the face was meant to be covered,God would've made it featureless like the rest of the human body...the ONE thing that differentiates one human being from another is their face,it goes against nature to cover it up,that is MY opinion & my explanation for that opinion...i don't make French or Belgian rule,have an issue with that,take it up Sarkozy & whoever the new Belgian head of state will be...
& you still haven't countered my point,NO OTHER religion requires people's faces to be covered hence the ban ONLY on the niqab,it's very simple,had there been a segment of Christians or Jews who covered their faces for whatever reason & they were exempt from the law while Muslims weren't,then your "separate set of rules for Muslims" is completely valid,however, seeing as NO OTHER religion requires it,the law applies to Muslims who choose to wear the niqab,interpreting that as anti-Muslim bias makes no sense @ all...
@ fluffy123,it becomes the government's business when criminals rob banks & armoured trucks or hold people up or are wanted by the law & ESCAPE identification & arrest because they were mistaken for muslim women covered from head to toe,take a look @ the Gulf Times the past week,two robberies commited,one in the UK one elsewhere in Europe BOTH by robbers disguised as Muslim women...what about wanted criminals being able to roam the streets freely in disguise?
So you wear the niqab? by all means go ahead,nobody stopping you here are they?...just don't go to France or Belgium,very simple & anyways why would you want to go to that land of 'infidels'?...*wink*!!!
some ignorant on QL will always compare it with middle east or particularly with KSA.
Who asked you or the Qadarwi to compare? I don't think France or Belgium asked to be compared.
i'm alway confused comparing a liberal and free society with restricted?
dot.com, ok let me make it simpler for you.
Yes, I Agree people still break the law and wear short skirts/bikini's/sleeveless tops in the middle east. Some get caught and warned or punished, some don't.
Same way there will be a few who will still wear the niqab in France and Belgium after the law is implemented. Some may get caught and warned or punished, some might not.
Does that make it more clear for you?
let make it very simple
can u be with me, to show u ppl wearing all these dresses?
Dot.com you want pics of people wearing niqab in france and belgium after implementation of law?
If a law exists, it does not mean there will be no law breakers.
do u need pics & vdo's wearing bikinies, skirts, sleeveless in middle east ;)
deepb said
"You want to wear a niqab don't go to France or Belgium. You want to wear a bikini, miniskirt or sleeveless tops, don't come to the middle east. Your choice. Take it or leave it"
Well said :)
hopscotch. Covering your hair can be done by a hijab. It is not banned. Only the niqab has been banned.
You want to wear a niqab don't go to France or Belgium. You want to wear a bikini, miniskirt or sleeveless tops, don't come to the middle east. Your choice. Take it or leave it.
gadarene, the hair cover issue was in response to KHAWAJA'S and ROBERTOTHEBRAVE'S STATEMENT. And really, what's it to you if a women wants to cover her face?
It's her choice, not yours.
FYI- many of the new Niqab bans popping up, are not exclusive to France, and they only specify the Niqab.
As a niqabi myself i think it's none of anyone's business what I wear. i think government needs to poke their noses out of what women wear.
secondly, for the scholars and islamic group saying that the niqab is not obligatory in islam they have to realize not every muslims goes by that. there are islamic scholars who say its obligatory for women to wear. and i know some women who believe niqab is a must.
me personally i wear niqab because i want to get extra blessings from my lord. i don't think its a must but i think it's a very good thing to do.
@ hopscotch,i have a very simple answer for you,this ruling is NOT applicable to headscarves nor does it ban covering one's hair in any way whatsoever. The ban is SPECIFICALLY on FACE COVERING,which correct me if i'm wrong neither the Sikhs nor the Jews nor ANYONE else for that matter follow,fair enough? Is there ANY OTHER religion that requires people to cover their face? the answer is an emphatic no,so there you have it,your argument is ONLY valid if there's another religion that requires the face to be covered & the authorities aren't passing rules on that....& btw,FYI,wearing Jewish skull caps,Christian crucifixes or the Sikh Kirpan or any other religious symbol is COMPLETELY banned in French schools already,has been for some time now,so contrary to what you think or would like to think,there are no separate rules for anyone...
Keep in mind Qardawi is a scholar on the Islamic faith, many people will have their own ideas, but it doesn't necessarily mean they are line with Islamic rules or faith. I have never ever heard that covering the women's hair is NOT obligatory. If people don't want to wear it, that's one thing, but to suggest it's not part of the Islamic faith is false. Remember, it was only a few decades back that women could not step foot in a Catholic Church without having their hair covered.
However, the issue is not about what's mandatory or not, the question is: Why is it only Islamic attire that world politicians feel the need to pass laws and legislation on? You never hear this type of legislation about a Sikh's turban (or blade that they carry) or Jew's skull caps, why are those excusable?
It's the separate set of rules for Muslims that has people frustrated.
So khawaga it's a cultural thing as I believed in the first place. So for this man to call it an attack on religious beliefs is wrong. Some tribes up until recently in remote parts of the world practised cannabilism but we wouldn't agree with that being a cultural thing that should be defended.
I predict in 50 years time we will find it silly the debate about the niqab and only people from poor uneducated countries will still require their women to wear it.
SA and Iran already have a strict dress code for women whatever be their nationality or faith...it doesnt make a difference to the world in general.
Roberto: neither niqab nor hijab is specifically called for. However, the Quran asks Muslims to hide their modesty. Each society decides what it considers modest. In the West, we have a different definition, but that doesn't mean we have a monopoly on clothing and modesty.
But the niqab is not mandatory in Islam and as I understand it it is only banned in public buildings or if the woman is forced to wear it.
Why listen to this man. Your all individuals, you can all think for yourself
frustrated soul
Consequence of this controversy:
After substantial threats from Moslem nations, EU governments decided to have a radical change of heart. According to new law, not only women, but men can also wear niqab in public and private places. And to show their gratitude for this generosity, Moslem Governments have made it legal for all westerners to go about without clothes in public places
Yallah....... World peace has been restored.
@ heer_yuy2,our friend Qardawi forgot one minor detail,there is already an "unofficial official" dress code,if they "enforce" anything more severe,a LOT of westerners could choose to leave & go back home or elsewhere with more relaxed laws...the few hundred & few thousand Belgian & French women respectively who do wear the niqab & MAY(highly unlikely me thinks,'i don't like the law but i sure as hell don't want an arab passport'.)choose to leave,i seriously doubt it will have ANY significant effect on either Belgium or France but hey,what do i know?! *wink*!!!
a week ago posted by Genesis.
sorry mate, u r too late.
btw, i'll repeat my words
Not more than a Joke
sounds fair...when in Rome...
But there is already a modest dress code here :-/