Go home or cross my fingers for anything, please advice
Encouraged by a friend, I’m here on a visit visa. With the thought of a job waiting for me, I flew on a business class because of lack of economy class. I risked everything - - - my job, money and family and anticipated a whole new possibilities and experience plus with a seemingly good compensation. Much to my heartache, I still have to apply, and many companies wanted to get those who possesses work visa or a father or husband sponsor visa. Clock is ticking away my time. I have been sending CVs almost everyday but my mobile phone never receives any calls or it seems banned. I have had three interviews, all said my CV is impressive but difficult to get work visa for me. All I have now is my faith in God. Qatar is beautiful place and the Qataris are blessed no doubt ( how I wish my country is as blessed). I have been constantly reading all the threads and entries in Qatarliving almost everyday before I left for Doha and now that I am here, I felt I am invincible and isolated. Please advice if should continue to extend my business visa or go home and enjoy the warmth of my family’s love (with no penny on my pocket and much debts to pay). I am on my second week this coming Saturday.
Surely she really did. Paid big for the visa. I was enjoying my not so big compensation, but quite fulfilled with my job back home as an officer. Well, things like that, you just have to allow it to make you a better person, than cry over things i can't change anymore. Hayyy... thanks guys...
The problem with getting a work visa maybe the country of orgin. SOme countries have an easier time of getting visa.
go home while you still can. theres no point in keeping your hopes of landing a decent paying job by staying and renewing your business visa. employers here will take advantage of the fact that you are just on visit visa and offer you much less than what you were expecting before you came here. obviously your friends misled you into thinking that finding a job here is easy. sure there are lots of jobs available, but most of the companies who have the means of paying a decent salary recruit outside Qatar. you would have better chances of getting a decent paying job if you applied back in Manila.
don't fret. its not too late.
THank you killerbee appreciate it.... i plan to go home by end of October if still nothing happens... thanks thanks again.....
Not worth hanging around unless you have something positive in hand.
Best thing is try agsin but from outside and let these folks handle the paperwork and stuff!
Thanks richard for the sound advice. Will do...
If you really want to work here I think you should go home first and find a job before you come back. Setting up here can be very expensive and you really need a sponsor to get you through the residency process. I think you should save yourself further heartache and expense before you really get into trouble.
I wish you all the best.