Gaddafi and his female bodyguards

By Good old joe •
The Sunday Times of Malta reports that the former bodyguards said Gaddafi and his sons raped and abused them and then discarded the women once the men became “bored” with them.
Benghazi-based psychologist Seham Sergewa has collected the details for use by the International Criminal Court (ICC), which is investigating possible war crimes by Gaddafi and his associates.
The strongman asked his female bodyguards not only for their protection but also for oaths of virginity, and that they be dressed in camouflage, nail polish, coiffed hair, and heavy mascara.
for more pictures and details click
Regarding socialism and Islam:the answer is no. One cannot combine the principals of Iraq(at the time of saddam) and Libya(the green book!) and Islam. In fact as I have posted before, whilst they were alive, scholars of Islamic affairs and jurisprudence clearly ruled both Qaddaffi and Saddam to be rulers who don't judge according to Allah's law and were not to be considered Muslim rulers.
Of course now that they are both gone we have no clue as to what their position was at the time of their death and as Muslims we believe they are now only up-to God alone to be judged.
Doha Knight - I actually thought this Gaddafi guy had a crush on Tony Blair and Berlusconi.
I wonder what is exactly the gist of his green book? How did he combine the teachings of Islam with socialism?
Does the tenets of Islam allow socialism to exist?
Other than Libya the closest any muslim dominated country had been to socialism were the baathist states of Iraq and Syria. Both these states were not not so much driven by islamic principles and persecuted the hardline islamists!
Another Islamic country in which there is a significant presence of communists was Egypt. But one can hardly call Egypt an Islamic state! It was in the least pseudo secular upto now They had been there from the time of Sadat but they were heavily persecuted during the reign of Mubarak.
Everybody likes Basmati!
Does anyone know Gaddafi had a crush on Condalisa Rice :-/
Why dont they talk aobut the high level of pro*&(&*(& in Hollywood movies or modelling field or why dont they talk about the high level of pro_)*(*() in UK politicians which Indian Female Pomela Bordes disclosed.....
Gaddafi is dead and alongwith his love for women videos on love for his little granddaughter is also available....
some people just want eye coolant or tongue spice for a while..... :(
What I feel that like Iraq finally Libyans are also going to cry for being puppets of USA.
The word rape it self is already a crime. Stories like this won't come out before because the tyrant would dispose the problem immediately either by money or force. For a muslim woman to expose this kind of violence with reputation on the line would mean social suicide but to doubt it even though more than one are coming out would be ignorant. Gaddafi didn't gained respect from his people that's why no one would give it to him even in death.
He ousted the then king, Idris, in a coup and assumed position as a president. Gradually, he passed laws which made him the undisputed self styled ‘king’ of Libya who became the law himself. Gaddafi ruled Libya based on his unique socialistic and nationalistic theories, which didn’t have the concurrence of many of his tribal leaders. Being one of the largest countries in Africa and richest in terms of natural resources, the country could have seen an enormous improvement in the last 42 years had it not been ruled by an autocratic person like him. It is not unknown to the world that Gaddafi embezzled billions of dollars of his country’s funds which otherwise could have been used to upgrade the infrastructure of the country.
The Great Man Made River project, the 25 years irrigation project which he undertook in 1984 cost Libya more than 30 billion USD and was designed to tap the oases to provide fresh water for irrigation and domestic consumption. The problem with this project is that it’s unknown how long the reservoirs could be exploited. Once the reservoirs are dry, the 4 meter diameter pipelines running hundreds of miles would be redundant.
Regarding the level of literacy now being more than 80%, it’s not a big achievement considering that was in power for 42 years and had all the money, resources and proximity to developed countries that were willing to help. Because of the abundance of oil, power is cheap and water is pumped from the oases which doesn’t cost much either. Moreover, his socialistic philosophy wouldn’t have allowed him to charge his people for basic supplies from the government. He rejected any kind of capitalism and seized all privately owned industries. He also didn’t allow any foreign company to run businesses in Libya except in the oil and gas sector. This actually angered many Libyan tribal leaders who left the country and made a unified effort to oust him. Luckily for them, be it his anti-west philosophy or socialistic policies, they got the support of France, Italy, Britain and the US.
Finally, dictators have seldom seen peaceful deaths. If they do not step down at the right time or run away into exile, a horrific death is most likely.
Don't see what good such stories can do other than increase the hits for the agency running such stories considered 'juicy' with interested audience abound. Was it known earlier, a big YES... could they do anything, a big NO.... will it make the wrong a right for the wronged, again a big NO.... will it stop others from doing it given the right mix, hmmmm, seems again a big NO.
why he was booted out? Not of any domestic matter but some HUGE mistake and misjudgment that he had authorized. It was exploited by those "outside" forces with another agenda and they succeeded.
But I really don't know, all my information are first hand account of my brother and many friends who used to work there, some for many years and it was quite obvious what mistake KAdafi made that resulted in the current situation.
Flor, Sorry, I have not understood your post well so cannot respond to it.
But let me answer in the words of Tennyson..“The old order changeth, yielding place to new,
And God fulfils himself in many ways,
Lest one good custom should corrupt the world."
Flor, I really don't know. His insanity was known across the world through his 'GREEN BOOK' that he published and forced his countrymen to follow.
do you think it's just like that? That they were raped and discarded? Do you think they did not get anything in return? Just to be a bodyguard? Armed bodyguards?
the first is already been placed on all human being. But FAthimah is talking about the second one where upon judgment day, either you are rewarded or thrown to hell!
Anyone can now throw anything and everything to the late (?) Kadafi and of course to his victims, he is a tyrant but for the others, he is their idol. So the NTC's main goal now is how to unite the country and move on. If he was captured alive, then this kind of stories will be fine to be followed-up, but he is dead, so what do they expect, compensation?
Did they reported how they live after they were raped(?)? Did they did not get any favor out from the dictator? Would you like me to believe that ARMED female bodyguard are so helpless that they are just blind follower and continued to suffer?
Fathima, The publishing house in Malta must have had some first hand information from the victims or else they wouldn't have published such an article. If this publication is to creat a sensation and to gain some publicity,without any proof, they are liable to get exposed later.However, its not surprising that women who would have opposed his sexual advances would not be raped or killed. Now that he is killed, all his victims have gathered courage to open up infront of the media.
Some more dictators have been ousted in the last few years but nobody has ever published such news against them. That says it all.
Agree that he is not here to defend himself but that doesn't mean that the repressed victims who have been ill treated by him should not yet open up and disclose what they have gone through. They have all right to do it and thats what is happening. The world must know he was a rapist, if he was at all even if he is dead.
Finally, I believe, heaven and hell is on earth itself and anyone who messes around with others is more likely to face similar returns. His courage/stupidity made him unlucky that he suffered a dog's death but history tells many tyrants have luckily evaded the pain of dying a horrific death the way he suffered.
will arise among those who will take-over Libya now. Did KAdafi started bad then?
Study the history of dictators around the world, were they first the heroes of their initial years?
But the pleasure of power and being idolized is what makes the difference.
He is gone now and history will judge him, hopefully, justly, Inshallah!
Bottom line is, He is no more in this world, these things would circulate for the time to come...
There is a big difference in publishing a story of an incident that was done openly by a then powerful ruler and the stories that are surfacing since he's fall. Saying a man was a womanizer and claiming he was a rapist is two very different things.
Regarding his position as a Muslim many of us Muslims were very much aware of his situation while he was living..many Islamic scholars already issued verdicts on his status back then. But now that he is dead and gone he's final abode and judgement belongs only to his Creator. Where-else its those who killed him who will now have to face the world as to whether their actions were unjust or right.
The link that I have pasted is a news item which was published in 2010 when Gaddafi was in power. It doesn't make a difference to us if he had been a womeniser or not. The reason I brought in this subject is just to answer Fathima when she said many of the allegations have surfaced now after his death and he is not there to defend himself. We all males are fond of women which isn't a big deal..what was weird about him was that he used to gratify his inner urges in the name of religion. People knew he was a hypocrite and the allegations are neither new nor have surfaced now. The fact was, he was above the law in his own country.
As soon as a dictator or despot bites the dust, these types of stories start to surface.. :o(
Some countries can't have democracy. They are only fit to be ruled by a iron-fisted dictator or tyrant like Ghaddafi.
If democracy is forcefully imposed by some foreign power as is the case of Iraq or Afganistan the results are not good as that is not really democracy but can be termed as colonization by a foreign power!
They will put their own stooge against other beast like local candidates who can't garner enough votes which will ensure victory for the American stooge.
Alhamdolillah, I am proud to have an intelligent sister like you. You have just snatched the very words from my mouth. Until now, nobody had a problem with being Gaddafi's body guard but now all the heinous crimes and allegations are being levelled against him.
I personally feel happy for those muslims who regard the change of the regime as a good one and I pray to Allah that it really turns out to be a good change. I hope in Libya things will become better than they had been.
Having said that, I must also mention that the manner in which Gaddafi was killed was 'bestial' to say the least. The Libyans only displayed the hateful side of their nature by killing Gaddafi in the street like that.
No matter how wrong he was, no matter how terrible he had ruled, he still did not deserve to die without trial. And those who did was were no less rascals than Gaddafi if Gaddafi was a rascal at all.
If a common man goes weak in his knees whenever there is such a possibility (to make it more relevant read it married men or even women) who cannot shut up people and run a much higher risk of ridicule and retribution, how do we understand that a person in power wouldn't have done that and is worth running a news item on that, more so after his death .... haven't we heard of Clinton, Strauss Kahn who though were/are prone to ridicule/ retribution by the (open) society they live in, still did the tycoons, politicians who wield power continue to get involved in such stories ... don't see then why it should come as a surprise or worth a news knowing Qaddafi even wielded the authority to shut up people from speaking against him, his lifestyle and these hand picked women in his proximity, did something of that sort... did this news require anyone to actually come out and say the, however, would have been a news if some of these women said otherwise. Fact remains, given an opportunity, how many men or even women (with power or without) can actually keep them away from such actions. Such actions seem to be the norm of the day. Agree with Fatimah, no point in delving into such issues..its time to move on and look forward to the future of Libya and its people.
in absolute concurrence with your statement! !
This is the nature of human being, the struggle starts from the bread and once all needs are fulfilled then ego and greed calls for more and more, More power more money and more strength and the excess of fortune, power and other factors leads to boost of ego and ultimate dictatorship.
Nevertheless the people should not forget the contributions for his country, To Recall about Saddam Hussein same gossip was echoed and his luxurious life was exposed but no body realized his contributions to Iraq Until the people started to feel the heat of American and Coalition occupation and then they cried "Saddam's Times were better then present situation" history Repeats itself and its the turn of Libyan People to feel in/as IRAQ !
every man is fond of is gaddafi. What is the big deal?
Doyou want men to be fond of men?
Gaddafi was fond of women..the world knew about it. In the name of Islam he would invite hundreds of beautiful women from around the world and give them sermons. At the end, he would convert them whoever was willing for conversion.
Question is..why only invite pretty women for the conversion parties? Is there anything left to be imagined what he might have been doing with some most beautiful women who would have agreed to go to his palace in the evenings !!
Have a look at the link below which was published long back..
If it is true...there is no harm in publishing the facts! But the problem is who will decide whether these stories coming out of the NTC are veritable or not? I tend to believe these facts because a man with absolute power and having a penchant for torturing his own subjects..he could easily have exploited his supreme authority for some risque pleasure without any fear of retribution!
But there is also a chance that the NTC thugs make up all kinds of story to justify their actions!
His soul has long since departed regardless of what becomes of his empty body shell.
The question is how can you here on be sure what is true and false about the allegations people will start throwing at him now that he cannot defend himself.You and I may not have any sorrow in his passing and hence might believe them but for his many supporters this may seem like malicious lies and nothing else.Don't forget his many staffers who often spoke words of praise about him too.
Bottom line is people need to now look forward and not backward. The big guy is no more and now what will become of Libya. How will they rise and prosper? This is important.
I Have the Honour to See Ghaddafi's Female Security at Tripoli International....
agree with both DK and Fathimah
Fatimah - Be realistic, this guy like tyrants and despots everywhere never tolerated something said or done against him and for tyrants like this one the news gets out only when the guy is gone to hell for ever.
Well he is not going anywhere soon he is stuck in a refrigerated truck in Misrata for the next few days.
He had a battalion of female guards in Tripoly and he wouldn't allow any male guard to remain inside his palace at night where he lived.
This news is not new. The day Tripoly fell in the hands of rebels, many of his male and female body guards where arrested from his palace who told this to the news reporters.
He was always hungry for power since he was a young man but unfortunately, power corrupted him over the years and finally, he paid back for his actions.
People will start claiming a lot of things now that he is no more and the family has lost all their power. Its amazing how such stories never or hardly emerged when Qaddaffi was ruling. At the end of the day he got what he deserved and is now left only to his Lord for his final judgement as no one on earth can now save or harm him any more.
I for one find it distasteful and disturbing to speak ill and gossip about the dead when they can neither confirm or deny the accusations.