.. a friend to one & an enemy to none !

By Molten Metal •
Hope you all of are fine ! Just presenting a thought ...
Be familiar to many , social to a few, a friend to one & an enemy to none !
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ha ha ha ha ..... charity of pickles good one during ramadan
This is charity to the max , brothers !
But when Dawood mentioned 'expiry' it brought a major caution right in front of me.
Yes , some one had an accient last night & may be this 'expiry' thing had played a role , you know.
[ Read topic titled 'Emergency' - today morning ]
Nice one brother. I like pickle.
MM do u get any commision in selling of the pickles and why free maybe expired one
Molten Metal said Ele ...
Giving pickle free is very good investment.
Think about f u t u r e ..Go higher in His eyes !!
Read more: http://www.qatarliving.com/node/3452741#ixzz21FmSm8Gq
be enemy to all and get it over with!!
thnks MM hoping for the best in QL
Welcome my brother, nice to have new members on board !!
MM why enemy to none a little bit wud make chat more interesting and the comments wud lead for pages for the thread
Be prepared to have 'a few enemies' in a very near future.
How about "friend to many" :O)