According to my colleagues kids... the day before their weekly off from school is is called "Freedom Day"... so for all you QLers who are off the next two days... to day is "Freedom Day"... YAY!!!
And also keeping in line with my good buddy ksarat's threads... this so hold good...
Have a good day and a great weekend!
Salaam, Namaste, Adaab
Gypsy gal; thanks for introducing me
Han19; i saw you yesterday, guess where?
NTN;Nice to meet you
Regards for all
RAY - i think you are halucinating.. wat the fooks you talkin bout mattie? I dun even have you nbr on me... zhaun taknar me tula... phokir bastar (btw that is the ghati way of saying fcukin bas*ard)
NTN-Tussi ki baat karti ho? i never met her yaar... only you and i was soo taken up by you that i not been sleeping well ever since... call it sweet dreams or otherwise... lol!!!
OK guys in case i dun talk to you'll later... will be off in a bit and see you when i get back from Rangoon... that is like 02AUG... so no can be online till then coz I heard they are pretty screwed up with the internet there and it's mainly under military rule or watever.... so stay well and party hard!!!
WILL MISS YOU ALL>... muah!!!
Alrite you beautiful people in the house! Have a great weekend and see ya all soon.
Take care and like colt says make love not war!
Colt have a safe journey bro don't forget that McDonald's clown I talked about.
900 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
now you met her also ..................BOo BOO BOO
Guest to other on thread also nah then why did u have to jump .......LOL
ROLFMAO. Dude ur gonna be away for like what a week? Am gonna spill out all the beans in here. Keep checking from cybercafe! Heheheh.
Man this gives me pleasure or what???
900 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
Thanks :) you too have fun filled weekend.Be Good dont walk around drunk now that you have complete house to urself
Woh hamara guest hai yeh thread mein.. so welcome karna hamara duty hai... samja?
tuusi to meri nbr 1 ho yaar... nbr 1 soni kudi...:-P
Who the fcuk is Ray? i dun even know the guy...
Hey dude... nice to meet you... seen you posts a lot... finally we meet...
Freakin Azzwipe... dun talk some cock ok!!!
Well didnt realize that...anyways...dooomed...if u get bored...drop my house...
Anyways...Ray...dude...where do u want to get the tickets...bugger...
Colt...have a safe and nice trip champ...come back soon...
Han...see u in a while...
NTN...babe...take care and have a good fun-filled dooomed weekend...
Shreeya...u too...take care have fun...and as u said...KEEP ROCKING BABE...
now you forgot that also........ OWEN!!!!!
Whoever did i call sunshine?
I just got a call from Colt. He's such a backstabber / B**tard, can't decide what suits him better. LOL LOL.
Ladies PM me if you need more gossip.
We had some manly talks. Wish you luck in Rangoon cheapskate, hope the worst prostitute turns you down too!
900 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
well i told u yesterday itself i doing nothing i m at home some guests are over its very formal thing so its like......doomed
yes i m hurt.All that punjabi and then u go and call someone else sunshine..................Do u even know how it feels .....BOO BOO BOO
Ray - Innocent image,Innocent posts from you!!!!!!! whats that?
Your justifying is suffcient to say it all otherwise you are usually not the kind.
Cloudnyn???? when did u ask me?Did i miss it?Anyday the day you actually want to meet up.I have aversion to asians buddy
bye buddy...take care be a good girl...dont be naughty...and have a nice time over the weekend...cheers...
NTN...wat u upto this evening...abhi bol bhi dho yaar...utna bhi suspense muth rakho...
Shreeya...what u doing for the weekend...
Han...o forget it...i know...
Rayyz...o pls...dont want to bother that part...already too aware...
Colt...champ u off to Dubai is it...or what...
R-7...chief...apologies offence wat u upto this weekend...
i think i got it now..just wish that it will last until my off hours (did i say im working me today like 10x already..
yes i m hurt.All that punjabi and then u go and call someone else sunshine..................Do u even know how it feels .....BOO BOO BOO
Ray - Innocent image,Innocent posts from you!!!!!!! whats that?
Your justifying is suffcient to say it all otherwise you are usually not the kind.
Cloudnyn???? when did u ask me?Did i miss it?Anyday the day you actually want to meet up.I have aversion to asians buddy
colt..are you trying to say that you havent done that in your good old college days?? Need to reset my brain to enjoy your jokes....
Ok guys am out...all of you have a wonderful safe..
dun cry... breaks my heart to see you cry... dun worry I will call Shammi Kapoor (if he is still alive) and fix Yahoooooo msngr...
Now be a nice gurl and wipe away those tears... muah!!!
every corner mein snuggling up, what you think i am supposed to do, watch movie or watch the snuggles or giggle about it all.
knowing me, i will most probably be giggling. snuggling the time nikal gaya, hhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmm
happy heart
DRIVE SAFE,someone is waiting for you at home
Are you not talking to me now? I spoke to you in punjabi way earlier ( and that was so sweet btw) but you never replied to that... all you was talking bout is me going up R7 azz and finding my way outta da maze or sumthing like that... and watever on that thought!!!
Damnit guys... do you have any idea how hurt R7 is with all that you guys said bout that, he dun wanna come online now, esp to this thread... poorn chappie... :-P
Please don't try to taint my innocent posts with doubts and suspicion. Tried my best to run away from tonite's show to avoid a showdown.
But I guess if I watched the 11 pm show, it would be too late to go clubbing and 6 pm is way too early. So had to stick to 9 pm itself. Moroever, I can't just wait to watch this movie until tomorrow. So it had to be today.
I'll still try my best to avoid Han's radar. I think I'm just intimidated by her 'elder-sisterly' attitude or maybe just a little nervous.
Btw, you haven't replied me on whether or not you would be joining us at Cloudnyn???? Easy way out of a question is not to answer it, right NTN-Ji?
900 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
*sobbing* to log on YM..why now?..*crying now*..
LOL it was'nt that complicated also
See NTN...u spoiled my image by attachin me with the Confusion episode...GG...forget that...i also changed my post...
Yippeee...Lunch for next week the weather report doesnt show any signs of done...lets see if anyone else wants to hit Lunch...
Anyways speaking bout the conclusions of Koffee w Karan...well...the D-Day for Ray is here...dont tell me after 900 points of ray and 1200 odd of Han...they havent met...well Ray my yaar...u r in a for a surprise...
Just when we havta talk on there it's goes kaput... but dun worry hunni, if we can't talk there i'll call you and we can talk... at least Ray won't be around... lol!!!
Ray... you better not be anywhere below us coz we'll throw popcorn on you guys during the movie and then like true Bombaya ishtyle we'll start a scrap... lol!!! can't forget those days when we teased all dem lovers who came into theatres to coochi coo and not watch the movie... lmao!!!
Ghanta chaa gaya...these ladies r making me sound like a probs bout the favour...
What wud Colt do about his makeover...
Tough call...on one side Ray..u wud be snuggling upto ur FREIND...the other side Colt wud be snuggling up to his MAze...
Anyways guess what players but the Ideal Indian School agreed and gave permission to have a match at their flood-light ground on Aug 3rd...what luckkkkkkk
Too dont make it too complicated like the hard ball..soft ball story...hahaha
Oh u were not around?
Koffee with karan has last round mostly what do actors actually mean when they this ......(I want to chose my film,i have lot of offer ,We are just friends etc etc)
Why does this line "Han I guess I have no option but to meet you in real life, EVENTUALLY! :((((" sound something like that????? Anybody????? LOL
Ok next thursday...lunch on you..happy? jus kiddin... its too got dont feel like getting out from my cosy office..
darn this YM..why now????...have to talk to someone..grrr..
Henceforth, I've decided to address all the ladies in the house with an added suffix 'JI'. I guess that helps in making you look innocent.
Ksarat, kya baat hai bidu. Tu to cha gaya. Sahi hai... eda ban ke peda kha!
900 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
o my god ladies...pls spare me...u guys are making me feeling like a kiddooo...GG...come on dont spoil my image dude...
Shreeya...i dont know ur age...i dont what u r (lady ofcourse)...i jus call u ji since u r indian and understand hindi...i call the other ladies also the same chief...nothin to do with ur come on...and nextly...absolutely fine that u r rockin at this age too...see again the age factor...i dont make the terrible mistake of sking ladies' and when we meet up i will get to now what do u say...well about the lap...if colt's not around...kiddin buddy...
So what else hows things going...GG...what u doin...u didnt come to my office...saaaaddddd...
NTN...where r u...
Rayyz...dude...let me know if u want me to drive by ur office and drop the tickets off...cos i m waitin to leave office...its a weekend mate...come on...
Yup, yahoo messenger has been playing up since morning. My wifey couldn't log on for quite a while. But she's online now.
900 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
Wow, I've been having a crraaaazzyyy day! LOL.
First of all, wanna thank my brother mera yaar mera dost, mera dil ka tukda, mera labor worker who goes on duty mission to buy tickets for me! A big muah! LOL. No seriously, thanks a lot buddy.
Infact he even called me twice to check if I wanted seats away from the gang, to which I happily agreed. I wouldn't want Han and rest of my clan to see my snuggling upto only a *friend* right? LOL.
Mere yaar, yeh favor yaad rakhoonga, tu fikar na kar. Kahin na kahin teri setting kara doonga. Bas to mere liye aise kaam karte rehna. Heheheh
Han I guess I have no option but to meet you in real life, EVENTUALLY! :((((
Rest of the gang. Whats up?
900 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
all excited about movie tonite.....huuu lucky you.Colt your number game has lost its charm with women now .Han is just being nice with you......LOL
Sheerya -yahoo was not working ,try now.
Ksa is a kidddoo..please leave him
Yes, Gypsy Gal Ksarat is descent indeed, look, he always adds 'Ji' to my name. But hell with my dirty mind, this 'Ji' is making me feel aged .
Well, Ksarat Ji, I am always rocking, at this age tooo.
you are cho chweet colt.
happy heart
DRIVE SAFE,someone is waiting for you at home
Need your help... can you get me ticket confirmed?? If yes..will send you the details in PM
HAN aunty you will always be my nbr 1 aunty on here... happy.... now i know you from the good ol days of QL and that is why you have the aunty tag... no can take that away from you amigo... but hey at least ur nbr 1 in that category rite?
GG - And whay am i nasty? Damnit that was so funny... id the humour part of your brain enjoying afternoon siesta? duh!!! wakie humour!!!
Kya baat hain...
Firstly, I was referring to the Ghati of somewhere from up the Northern Ghats of the Mountain Areas of India...
Second, arey NTN was mentioning that we had to meet u...thats why i added that we shud all meet up...
third...regd my lap...all the more welcome champ...
Aur kya haal chaal...
So from Aamchi Mumbai...
NTN, Colt, Rayyz, GG, Ksarat, Owen and all QLer's,
Anybody of you experiencing a problem with Yahoo Messenger today? Please let me know to curb my anxiety....want to make few calls, trying hard again & again but no luck..
[img_assist|nid=22259|title=Fruity..Kitty|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=135|height=180] are really so kind and helpful...compared to these chaloo guys like Ray &
Shreeya are you hitting on the only decent guy on this are way too nasty
nobody misses me :-(
kisi ko kaam nahi hai kya?
and colt where do i figure on your list of numbers.
I NEED SOME TLC. wwwaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
happy heart
DRIVE SAFE,someone is waiting for you at home
Stick with the Amachi Mumbai manoos ok... no can sit on ksarat's lap amigo...
Amachi mathe amachi mansa!!!
Hey Ksarat,
GHATI means people from the Western Ghats of Maharashtra.
1. ghati
A term used to describe people of the maharashtrian descent or maharashtra region in India.
I am all the way from Maharashtra and right from Amachi Mumbai (secret revealed now by Charan Chung Chung) and Marathi too, so I am Ghati by all means.....LOL...
Well your lap is also welcome if Colt is too busy!!!!....Ladki dekhi nahi ki kud gaye fatak se.!!!! Men will be men always.....LOl
What to do chief...i was gng to the Center anyways so i offered...and they ripped me alive...anyways not a problem...its after all Friends( guys dont even think of not givin the money)... sometimes infact all the times its good to be in good books...then in that way...i can atleast have u ppl help me out with an Evenin Partner( As GG Put it a few days ago)...anyways Ray isnt helping me with thats why u see...future long term benefits and prospects...
So all in fire...utna bhi muth jalaao...waise bhi idhar bahut saare dil already jal gaye hain...
GG -I think i got introduced to him once before.
Sfd-HI again
Man u have some patience.......And guys tickets and place specification!!!!!!!
No wonder you are in everybodies good book..........huuuuuuuu thought was wise advise but shall let go off it.
I was always at witty person ;) Nothing on pan everything is in fire.
Well colt is taking maze along rather they r going as package deal 2in 1
Hey check this out
It was this blind man right,
He was feelin' his way down the street with a stick right,
Hey he walked past this fish market, you know what I'm sayin'
He stopped he took a deep breath he said
Snfffffff, woooohhh good morning ladies...
I think ima get shot for, but that was whack!!!
NTN..sfd bhai writes poems and shayar..he a very nice person.
Sfd bhai - NTN is our new friend.. we all have common interests 'music'
Man u guys are rocking in here...
Shreeya...Ghati girl...looks like Colt has a lotta work to do...and i never knew ghati girls understood marathi...did ya Shreeya...
NTN...well jus got back from Duty Mission...pheewww...looked like a Dumbo at the Ticket Counter asking for Tickets at 3 different sets and 3 different sides of the theatre...
Rayz...u dawg...u better be good at fixing me up...cos it was u who wanted 2 here 3 there...and then han came up saying i want 5 in the middle...o man...
Colt...champ looks like u r all getting busy min by min...sheesh...u were trying so hard for shreeya..and she comes her way and falls into ur isnt that a pleasure...
GG...o come on i m sure the Qatari guys can wait for the coffee...u can come and hava treat from this Indian boy...come here...anyways u r not dng anything there...
And what else...Colt's up on the flight leaving the Maze behind...
NTN...getting wittier by the min...whats on the Pan today champ...i dont think dosas it...GG...girl...u sure are taking care of Shreeya...and Shreeya...wud be interesting to catch up with u...
true looks like he got lost in q .....although difficult for his size ..LOL
Sfd -Lekin khamoshi ke awaaz mei bahut shor hota hai
Khamoshi ka Matlab hai Khamoshi Bhi
Khamoshi ki apni aik awaaz bhai hai
All are missing...really worried about
HElloo dont work too hard ...Colt probably preparing for his audit... Ray probably busy checkin on who is available for clubbing tonight?
kyun hai......????????
DUTY MISSION .......assigned by Han.........LOL
You guys are a bunch or sick pervs... and i refuse to comment on the rubbish that you and talking about a good soul like R7... and that too when he ain't here... shame on you guys!!! ;-P
I have just explained Qatari, what 'Tuzya Aaicha Gho...' you are the next getting BANNED.....
Ohhhhh...sooooo sad, all machos are getting banned...think I must leave this site soon and join other 2.
Oh yeah, was just gonna mention that. He's out on a duty mission to the city center. He's really missing out on the fun here.
900 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
When was i not naughty? Attention well its ok with your attention diverted to other women ,its kinda breather ;)
Mc Donald.......LOL LOL LOL
KSA seem to have gone for ticket supply
LOL LOL. I hope I got the previous post right!
NTN : Man are you really getting naughty or what? Or is it cos of lack of attention? But yes it would be really funny to see R7 and Colt in one seat. Whoever, is gonna be on top, its really gonna be fun to watch.
If R7 sits on Colt : Colt is gonna suffocate by the time they reach destination.
If Colt sits on R7 : It would be like seeing a kid sitting on the lap of the McDonald's clown. Hehehehhee
Ofcourse, we are trying to keep it clean and assume both are not naked and with full clothes on :)
900 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
अधिकृत सूचना
Tujhi aaicha gho! Mala marathi nai mahit....
Fakkat padoon saktos, bolaila kathin hote
900 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
Ya they must be going as package deal ......colt packed up R-7 maze....LOL QA save on one seat......or 2.R-7 may have to stand .....Sitting ....oooucch
Damn rite you are single and ready to mingle... but the big question here is... do you know how to Jingle??? lol!!!
Ankhi kai?
GG : Marathi, is that right? I just forgot I'm from Bombay too. :P
NTN : Dry land! hehehehe. Colt is gonna miss R7's maze for sure. Did he mention that R7 is gonna go with him too, so that he doesn't feel homesick?
Shreeya : Please promise us to post whatever he writes in the PM's!
900 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
Gypsy Gal my dearest,
I had already given him Talaak , three times in that Biiiig Attitude here I am , again single and ready to mingle...
All you loosers... hee haw!!! you'll talk in hi-fi hindi and i dun understand and i use 2 words of marathi and you guys are so fcuked... lol!!!
Shreeya - kothe gela tumhi... laokar ikde ye...
RAY - I'm sure you understand Marathi... don't you?
And regd the hypnosis... i always think of Jungle book when you guys talk that... lol!!!
Hey Colt45,
Send me PMs yaar, see Biiiiig Bros and Sis are watching us!!!
seem all out.......LOL
He is making full use while he is here ,next few days he going to be in dry lands where he doesnt get to see,hear or say anything ....he is off to some weird place .....POOR colt no r-7 for time pass with maze hunt either ......LOL
Shreeya be careful of what you you remember your request for being the fourth wife of a banned
Ray he is flirting with her in
Ray ya these are the same words used in some sequence hypnotises women ........LOL
Colt is using some combo of magical words to woo Shreeya :(
900 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
Hi girl....Don't give colt these choices he is strong believer of more the merrier.....
Have been hearing about you ,lets see when we can catch up.U seem to have surprised many ....LOL
Oops.. silly me.... how could i forget you..
Shreeya - my nbr 1 vatania (ghati) gurl... zhopi gelela zhaga zhala... sagla vyavasthit ahe na?
Hey good boy Colt45,
What about having a No. 1 Ghati Girl? Just don't break my heart !!!
Agree with Colt..Owen baby dont assume too
Colt I really wanted to hear your singing...
Ksa... how can I disaapoint all the cool Qatari guys in this building..Never accpeted their coffee offer
You betcha sweet lilly azzes I am a good guy... i come as good as they make 'em... GG... any doubts?
Ok lemme rephrase that... i'm good... good at whatever I do... lolz!!!
Everyone is setting up plans as to what to do for the weekend...not bad...ya why don tu 2 ladies catch the movie with Han tonite...or else i can always have the pleasure of watching the movie with 2 beautiful ladies and 1 child (maybe)...on Saturday...
Ray...dude...u seem to be busy these mornings ...out of all Thursdays get u busy bro....not looking too good my friend...
Anyways G.G i know u r in the office on the Corniche...thats why i asked u if u wanna come to my office to spend sometime...i know u r not in my office what do u think...take ur car and drive down here...
Anyone up for a quick lunch today ... not now surely...but say around 1400 hrs...or 1430hrs...
NTN...dear lady what u upto ...
As for the clubbing thingy, its very much on. You can catch me at same place as agreed after the movie. LOL
900 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
i haven't met buddy colt here, but i think he is..(just an assumption
Okay back on now. Why don't you and GG tag along with Han tonite and watch the movie all together?
As for the clubbing scene, well were you ever on for the evening? I thought you guys wanted to catch me red handed at the ladies night on the following tuesday.
900 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
Didnt know that you are such a good guy..
father rayzz here is not hitting on, for the sake of someone out there...he is not..hehehehe...(girls will kill me if he does..:D :D )
Umm... my boss??? whoever is that? i decide where i go duh!!! no really, i decide which station needs to be audited and then i tell him and he's ok with it... so along with going to the good destinations i also need to do the bad ones...
Yup.Good boys all busy so no chance for tickets.I guess we ll have to manage on our own.:)
Baby, I dunno why my thursdays offlate have started getting busier. I'll get back to you in a moment.
900 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
Colt... they are sending you to the right Guess your boss know you very well.
NTN...yea everyone is hyper bcos of the weekend mania..han is going for partner tonite... so no scope for Saturday..unless these good boys get us ticket for Saturday afternoon
Ksa..- Did I tell you am in your building.? .What I meant is my office is also in Corniche.. am in HQ Bldg.
Me too kiddo. Take care.
900 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
YOU!!!!!!! One ditch me for evening plan now you dont bother to reply........PHew Just becoz you are hitting on OWEN.......LOL
I have another friend in Manilla and she is like 36 or sumthing and she loves Indian men and she speaks some Hindi too and the reason for her liking indians was that we know how to respect our women... yeh rite... beats me too... (i know she was referring to me... lol!!) but that is what she said and she has been to India a lotta times and watches indian movies knows indian songs as well...
But hey... it is indeed a pleasure to have you here with us... and we sure MISS YOU BIG TIME when you're not... so stay on here and we'll try give you indian citizenship soon... lmao!!!
ok, will take it back..have a nice weekend..
Dude...i m still awaiting ur call regd the tickets buddy...kya karoon...if u get free from Owen...let me know whats the status...
wherever did you get that i am gonna go to Dubai over the weekend? No hun SAT morning i leave for Myanmar on work... and that is like such a screwed up place... the internet is so restricted and cell fones dun work except their own nbrs and that too bad reception etc... so watever!!!
i noticed that im the only different nationality here..but what a hey, i enjoy your company..all of you guys here..:)
Honey, that was indeed a big statement to make.
Let's not be so cruel to good boy rayyz shall we? You don't wanna be in my blackbook sweetiepie. :) I was just trying to be nice to you, else I give a damn about chicks (without getting too specific) anyway. ;)
900 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
ya sure me and GG are just searching a place where to kick your butt and dump you .......
And over all this you are off to Dubai on weekend for all the fun.Have you packed subsitute of PENEGRA,Looks like you ll need in Dubai
Oye tussi ki haal hai... me no ditcher hun... now i fix this once and for all
you're my nbr 1 punju gurl on here...
GG my nbr 1 mal gurl on here...
Owen my nbr 1 pinay girl on here...
I know all you women are smiling from ear to ear now... muah!!!
Good morning to u also ma dear lady...
Well nope...i m not heading for the movie...i m staying indoors and having a drink...since my whole house is left to mee...a drink and some nice dinner...
And what u doing...looks like u r a bit down for the past couple of days...s it...or is it just Colt...u can u do this to our very own near and dear NTN...saala...
Hey Ray...still awaitin a response from u so i can then go to the City Center and do something bout the tickets...
So where is all the On?
Looks Like everybody thru with there weekend plan.
Colt you ditcher........
KSA whats your plan for ain't going for movie.
Hey Ray how could you?I thought we were on for clubbin tonight.Looks like you changed plan........:(
What a start to weekend ,am i hurt or what
GG -how are you today?Han is over spirited with thought of Partner ...:)
i know that u feel its strange but i cannot blame u coz u dont know what sleeping means to me and what is sleeping benefits :)
[img_assist|nid=26670|title=Friends for ever ...|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=156]
i don't know, why rayzz doesn't get it that as day passes by, im hating his guts..:P
Owen...u always end up in a good almost pillow fight contest with Ray dont u...sweetie...
Ray...Dude..sent u my number...second, so u r playing Father to Owen now...tilll her mommy comes back...
Colt...its heart-breaking budddy i can understand...not to be recog by ur No.1 lady...but dont worry...R-7 is always there...
GG...o in this building...then come down to my office no...atleast we can chat sitting here...anyways u r not doing anything useful to ur salary come down here after sometime...u can visit my office as well...say what buddy?
this one: "User owen earned 1 points! Total now is 1742 points..." (you got to see this, whenever you reply, even to NONSENSE it?)..
I really don't know...check the other thread Indian Girls & boys... there is an definition by
Owen will only stick to the decent man on this thread and that is ME!!!
what is penegra?
Awww... didn't mean to hurt you hun...didnt I tell you the next day itslef... you look so sweet and decent till.....
you open your mouth....hahahaha
Points!?? What points are you talking about?
900 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
rayzz can you bear in that thick head of yours that im only replying to you because of points..:D
Has Scarlett seconded her job to you while she's away? So why are you commenting on her behalf. Please let the big girl decide on her own ok.
Owen trust me baby.... I will take really really good care of you plus I don't use penegra too! :)
900 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
Nothing much... no so bored.... never do this mistake of not going on vacation during summer...thank god am taking one week break early next month. I work near to your building.
Ray first you fix your sleepin habits... then take care of others okay... lol
Do you not think i'm decent... ok you were closest to me that evening... from which angle do i look indecent?
Damnit you're my nbr 1 gurl on here and you dun call me decent... hurts me!!!
Good morning ladies.
We're always in good mood, no matter what time of the day it is.
Owen, your mommy isn't around, so please behave and get into bed early tonite. I can take care of your sleeping habits while Scarlett is away. :P
900 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
nah..tempting..:D but i'll be snoozing the weekend away...:)
GM...han..owen..Ray..colt..Ksa..R7 Sweeet happy monring...Finally freedom day…. and colt today also you overtook Ksa
I opt to post here and refrain commenting on the other thread because I am no expert in the subject under discussion
han…tum bhi??…..everyone seems to be high this morning….colt & Ray is always in this mode..oopz mood…lol
Ksa was the only decent guy in this thread…don’t get spoiled okay
Have a great day ahead.
Owen..nope not gng crabbing...thanks...buddy...
if u arent doing anything drop into my house...
GG: Good morning u doing...hows things going...well yea Colt overtook me in the threads..biyaatch saala...
Anyways whats happening GG...whats in store...working hard...hey where s ur office that u work at i know its QP but which building...
good morning red rose..:)
aren't you going crabbing with the guys? i heard that they are going this weekend...
couldn't join (what a shame, no ladies..again going with them)..:(
R-7...good morning dude...looks like u ar at Colt early up in the morning...what can i xpect its QA...u guys start ur operations early up in the morning dont u...
Owen...dear one...morning to whats up...whats lined up...where did u see that much activities in Doha happenin...i cant see u doing today btw...sweetie...
that's been noted way before...i am learning to ignore these
COLT Ill b a good biyatch n not come down there n B1TCh slap u .....
Owen wherever u decide to b just make sure ur far from rayy n colt :)
freedom day is sooo sleepy
yes i am..but my happiness will be completed when i step out the office door...:D
i can see that there are lots of activities for this weekend...hmmm, wonder where would i be?..:P
Coz we like to spread the love not the disease... make love not war biyayatch!!!
Now be a good biyatch and send me some coffee.
Hello Owen .. How u doinn today ... its thursday so u should b extra happy....
Colt man y u n rayy always make it a point to run-a-round QL with ur fly undone... We know ur desperate dude but chill out... get moist with the humidity outside not with the sweet thngs in here :P
dropping in just to say my hi's and morning greetings...
It's a good thing you sleep... i like sleep as well, but it's just that I love sleeping with someone and never alone you see... so that is a point to ponder over... get your azz out and find a sleep pal... lol!!!
Morning all u @$5es whats happening finally its thursday... WOhoooo
SO whats every 1 gonna do ???!!!
There is something between u and sleep that is disturbing u if i m not wrong...u only wanna sleep and ofcourse sleep and ofcourse sleep...and nothing else...come on champ...whats with this...
But this ain't "what's plans for the weekend" thread... this is just me being excited coz today is freedom day... dun you get it!!!
Hey good morning to you and all QL members
for me next two days will be for sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeping :)
[img_assist|nid=26670|title=Friends for ever ...|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=156]
We've already had weekend plans and discussions over that from a thread yesterday. Thanks mainly to Ksarat for jumping the gun on wednesday itself.
900 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
Morning indeed freedom day to u too ... so whats up today...whats in store at office...and whats in the making of a weekend?
Where are all the other folks...?
Good morning to all QL...ers...
So whats in store for the weekend buddies?