Formula 1 - Season 2007

It's almost a year for me on Qatar Living and I haven't found any thread discussing Formula 1 racing in detail. This thread would also be a good measure to guage the interest level in F1 from guys at QL.
It's an ideal time to start doing so, I guess. With Michael Schumacher's departure last year it seemed that many would would lose interest in F1, but with the kind of dramatic results first two races of the season have got, it could only get better from here!
Ferrari looked all on top after the first race in Australia with Kimi Raikkonen winning quite easily, but the 2nd race in Malaysia has created a lot of doubts in peoples minds about Ferrari's superiority. McLaren and Fernando Alonso especially look very potent for the rest of the season.
Here are the points table after 2 races :
Drivers Championship
01 F. ALONSO 18 pts
02 K. RAIKKONEN 16 pts
03 L. HAMILTON 14 pts
04 N. HEIDFELD 10 pts
05 F. MASSA 7 pts
Constructors Championship
01 McLAREN 32
So, who do you think will be the king of F1 for 2007?
Which team will take the constructors title this year?
Who will win the next race at Bahrain?
How do you think this season will pan out?
My money is on Kimi Raikkonen and Ferrari.
A poll from Qatari for drivers championship and constructors championship will be much appreciated.
yeah i always log to for live timing when i cannot see the race. but seeing the time sheet is just the tip than seeing the race on tv. i appreciate the invitation. anyway, what subscription do you have on you cable?
People come & Go but life has to go on.....
Pole Position, the fastest lap of the race and the Bahrain Grand Prix win for Felipe Massa. Can it get better than this.!!!
Well yeah, if Kimi was second it would have been icing on the cake. Nevertheless, 3rd place for Kimi was not what he had expected & was capable of getting the 2nd position only if he had overtaken Alonso's slow pacing car in the first stint.
Any how Great Race , enjoyed every moment of it. Am so happy !!! GOOO MASSA !!! hehehe I watched the race at Rayzz place, but unfortuntely Rayzz had other commitments so he didnt watch the race with me.
Cheers All..................
I think if Massa does not win tomorrow his psychology will be damaged. He is got his chance and he must take it.
Hamilton has proved that he is made of steel. He can withstand the pressure of a race. A rising star.
We all know that Kimi is really after the title this year. I feel he will achieve it.
Alonso is an equal contender. We should look forward for some strong fights between these guys.
Cheers from Cyprus
Alrite thanks for the info and I was wondering whats this formula 1 about? the last i heard about formula was in science class :-) and the guys you named above made me think if they were scientist's.
So sputnik you gonna be a gorkha?
Wishing you a seductive & wonderful day licked by luv & penetrated by heavenly graces & may all your misfortunes be ejaculated!
Nothng to seriously offend u dude but even i will b ready to volunteer and try out... Anywayz how abt the motogp ? I got info from the previous posts that the losail circuit was available for 100 bucks... I dunno to what extent are the claims true? The QMMF number never works or is the hire service only available for locals.... God klnws
Sputnik: Thanks for the idea sputnik. The sad news is that there ain't no go-kart track here in Qatar. If you could find a person to sponsor this idea, I am all game for this venture.
Btw, here's another idea for you. Since you're always on the net chatting up on QL, why don't you quit your job and become a watchman for this site? Maybe I can ask you when you saw Gypsy or Lemontart online last. Say what?
Motiv8er : We're talking of low flying aircrafts. They're racing in Bahrain. F1 is always about cars bro. Motogp is for bikes.
300 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
Just curious.... if this a bike or car race and where r these guys racing?
Why is a person who plays the piano called a pianist but a person who
drives a racecar is not called a racist?
Alrite rayzz y dont u quit ur job and start go karting? Take that advise seriously, try ur luck man
OT: Agreed the first round was in your favor. But the race is all important. My boy Kimi is gonna get your boy! Watch out for the race tomorrow. Kimi just called me and said he's on a heavier fuel strategy :) LOL
Deathfist : Dude, dont goto f1-live, its a premium site. Just goto, there atleast you could watch the live timesheets as they happen. It's like being Jean Todt or Flavio Briatore at you own home :)
I just can't invite you now, but if we stick around together, maybe you can watch races at my place soon.
300 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
yeah its just a game..
Can u fellas see me smiling ear to ear ..Hehehehe. All in all a fantastic day for me. Watched the Qualifying at Rayzz place. Was so much fun covering the live timings on the net and watching the session on the TV. Amazing lap by Massa. Way to go boy...
Kimi as usual looks dangerous when it matters the most,,, i mean no doubt he will be daym hard to beat in the race. He'll be sipping in all the Vodka tonite just in case he doesnt run out of liquid come tomorrows hot hot race. Good luck to the supporters of Kimi.
Its just a game fellaws...
thanks for the info, but is there star sports here in doha coz i checked their site and star sports is not broadcasted here in qatar. before i went here in doha i also watched f1 races at star sports channel.
again, thanks for the info. i wanted to view the race online but i have no credit card to pay for the subscription. the live timing only makes me suffer. i see the time sheets but i cannot see the real racing.
Wow! Whatta qualifying session :) Massa leads the way for Ferrari. Too bad Kimi finished 3rd. But then again, he said in press conference that he was held up in traffic in his final two runs. Am sure he will do a good job in the race. Really surprised to see Hamilton take the front row. He has been outpacing Alonso all thru the weekend.
Deathfist: Like Han said, you may watch the races on Al Jazeera Channel on Nilesat with Arabic commentary or RTL channel on the Hotbird. If you have neither, you can follow it live online at
No internet access? Goto the Aussiebar at the Rydges, they have a giant screen covering majority of sports.
Danny: Oldtimer was over at my place and we saw the qualifying together. He went away very happy as his boy got the pole. He will be happy to see your nickname (Danny) cos thats his Windows XP login name on the laptop. LOL
How couldn't one visit the tabletop mountain while in Capetown. I think that city has got a great mix of everything a tourists would want on their holidays. Beautiful mountain, driveway facing the sea, camps bay, V&A Wharf - Waterfront. Highly recommended tourist destination.
What actually amazed me was interest a normal south african has in sports, whether its cricket, football, F1, rugby. No wonder super sports has 7 dedicated channels to sports in that country. You're gonna miss it when you come to Doha.
300 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
i watch it on aljazeera sport with arabic commentary:-(
dont know arabic.
i think others watch it on star sports too.
happy heart
drive safe because someone is waiting for you at home
im just new here in doha and i have no clue where i can watch f1 races. can anyone help me? thank you in advance!
hi there,
i wont say much on the race part but i will say something for the last part of your post.
if you want you can be happy anywhere in whichever means you have with you.
you have done your research, now free your mind of everything and come here without any good or bad illusions.........come to this place as an experience and make up yourmind to take everything in stride.
since you have stated that you cant wait to move here, insha'allah i am sure, you and your wife will be happy here. if at all you need help with respect to anything, we are here at QL to help everyone:-D
all the best and enjoy tomorow's race.
happy heart
drive safe because someone is waiting for you at home
Thanks for the info for the Bahrein GP we appreciate it! My wife and I will most certainly go next year!
My name is Danny and we live in Carletonville, approximatly 70km from Johannesburg. We also lived in Cape Town for 5 years. Did you and your wife go up Table mountain?
My wife and I are and always will be Ferrari Fans. We watched Michael Schummacher all the years and supported him al the way, we were realy excited to see that Ferrari chose Kimi as their latest rivel, he is a very aggresive driver and should do excellent in a Ferrari car, we know he will have better luck than last year!
What is your feeling on Mclaren? I think Alonso made a very wise decision to change teams, he should also watch out for his team mate, Louis Hammilton. A pole position in the near future for him is inevitable.
I hope my family and I will be happy in Doha, we have done lots of reasearch and hope for the best.
Can't wait to move there!!!
Kimi rocked, as expected! :)
Below are timings from 2nd Practice for the day. But the best time for the day was again by Kimi, where he did 1.33.1's
2007 Bahrain Grand Prix
Pos No Driver Team Time/Retired
1 6 Kimi Räikkönen Ferrari 1:33.527
2 2 Lewis Hamilton McLaren-Mercedes 1:33.540
3 10 Robert Kubica BMW 1:33.732
4 5 Felipe Massa Ferrari 1:33.772
5 1 Fernando Alonso McLaren-Mercedes 1:33.784
All set for qualifying now later today.
300 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
is showing the practice. if anyone wanna watch the beautiful bahrain curcuit,,, this is the time,,,, Massa is gonna rule here,,, !!!!
So freakin Excited,,, GO MASSAAA !!
Raikonen hopefully gets his turn this time.Finnish used to be a good driver in formula1 like Mika hakinen........I love formula 1........................Im from Finland thats why ...........LoL hey guys!!!!!!!!!!! this coming sunday is a big game....................
Is oldtimer rite? But i cudnt reach QMMF number....
did you ask for me :-D
waky waky everybody
happy heart
drive safe because someone is waiting for you at home
Abe dhakkan, kitni baar chahiye???
I believe you have had discussion over the channels you could watch F1 here in Qatar. As for the timings here it is for you, once more :
(All are in Qatar/Standard times - GMT +3)
Friday 13
10:00-11:30 Friday Practice 1
14:00-15:30 Friday Practice 2
Saturday 14
11:00-12:00 Saturday Practice
14:00 Qualifying
Sunday 15
14:30 Race
300 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
believe half ofd what you see and nothing of what you hear
You got it spot on. You can take ur bike and pay a 100 bucks and practice on ur own. Dont forget a spare set of tires :)
Can u clarify the last statement?
Does that mean that I can take my bike, pay a 100 bucks and practice on my own.. I tried QMMF Number but never does it work..... I need more clarifications on this one...
Hi Sputnik!! Losail curcuit is open to Locals and expats almost through out the week. But most of these days are booked by local riders who take part in the monthly races organised by QMMF. Therefore their teams keep testing and preparing all the time for these races. Yet the locals are so slow,,hehehe
Anyways the curcuit has a day in a week ( not sure which day) where riders can enjoy the curcuit by paying Qr 100.
GO ROSSI !!!!!
Yeah u r rite.. Which company do u wrk for? Is han back? And how r thngs generally out here for the Indian expats?
Like my question was can the locals or expats take their bikes durng free days for practice or fun? What are the charges like?
I love Doha. Its a great place to stay in. Safe and secure. Just sad that the inflation in last couple of years has affected a lot of people in a very bad manner.
Sticking to racing and circuits. I'm not aware of BIC is given out on rental or not. As far as Losail circuit is concerned, quite sure they do let out the circuit for other kind of events. We all know that Sean Paul was due to perform sometime in December there, but got cancelled at last minute due to bad weather.
What do you intend to do by renting the Losail Circuit anyway?
300 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
THnx rayz By the way u have been here for 18 years? Hw do u find doha?
I heard that the Bahrain circuit was available for hire during free days.. What about the Losail Circuit?
Nascar is way different from F1.
Well to be honest, I don't follow Nascar all that much. But from what I have seen, first and foremost, both the car types are different. Nascar are much modded sports cars, where F1 cars are perhaps the fastest in track/street racing (we're not talking about drag racing here).
The track layout is different. Nascar has generally oval racing format where the cars just go in circles. F1 tracks are much more complicated with a lot of lefts and right turns which bring driver skills and car efficiency to fore.
300 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
I guess i will bet on Alonso... Anywayz cant be judged.... Very tricky
How is F1 different from Nascar ?
Oh yeah there are people who have missed going to Nice and Monte Carlo despite reaching Paris! LOL LOL.
Yup winning that race is jewel in crown for the championship. Its a great setting for a race. Just that the race gets a bit boring with no overtaking opportunities.
Speaking of street race... watchout for Singapore in couple of years. There are strong rumours of Singapore being added as a night street race. Would be a wonderful spectacle to watch I think! :)
300 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
when i was on vacation 2 yrs back( first vacation without hubby)....that time i made my whole family watch the race simply bcos i knew my hubby would be watching it. it gives a sense of closeness......very few may understand this.
way to go ray....go for the race anywhere.
this reminds of another bit.
while in paris a few years back....we made a trip to nice n montecarlo and had just missed the race by a few days...well my hubby made me walk the whole race track (is that what its called) and again it gave a strong feeling of glee to have been there at the venue.....they still had thoses tyre barriers n other stuff. he was happy being there. it was a business trip so couldnt go for the race. the nice thing was gonna be drpped but it would seem such a shame to come till paris n not go till nice and montecarlo.
masha'allah sweet memories.
happy heart
drive safe because someone is waiting for you at home
We will see on the race day & at the end of the season!!!!! I just can't wait for Saturday/Sunday. Dang.
Indeed Han, Schumi, after his retirement, has gone to the extent of saying that if you wanna remember me in F1, you gotta look at Massa. Don't know what that really meant. But I guess he really liked him and perhaps he had a partner for once who didn't crib like Eddie Irvine or Rubens Barrichello.
I don't know why few people don't like Schumi that much. He is an amazing human being in real life as well.
You know what? Your hubby is lucky that you have some interest in sport. My wifey isn't a great sports fan, esp Cricket.
Just got an email from her, she misses me so much that she's promised to go with me for an F1 race this year to compensate for that :))))
300 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
enjoy your weekend.
happy heart
drive safe because someone is waiting for you at home
Han my english is not so good, So please can u explain the last line again . LoL!!!
i will remember the treat.
but yes it was joyful to watch competitors really happy that one of them accomplished a feat the other has been wining for so long.
it was a prized moment and i still remember it very clearly. it was a lovely moment.
its strange that someone else's joy can actually make you smile from the sheer spirit of happiness and a sense of fulfillment.
happy heart
drive safe because someone is waiting for you at home
Rayz, I know the competition is tight but then again i beleive hard work pays off !!!. Kimi indeed is in a class of his own and i know if not this year, 2008 is his territory.
Han, ur absolutely right! Shumi & Massa are great friends on and off the track and they compliment eachother well. I remember in one of races last year Massa was winning & looking in his rear view mirrors , waiting for Shumi to arrive and let him pass to take the win. Amazing Team Spirit !!
I know Massa will get on top soon, and when he does, the party is on me :)
Go Rossi !!!! Go Massa !!!
sadly not many all rounders here.
few people are passionate about various things or are ready to develop on new passions.......welll i am still rooting for kimi....icy kimi.
i infact enjoyed schumi efforts last year..........although i wasnt such a big fan of him....i was still hoping he would grab the championship title....simply becasue he proved he wasnt a driver easily beaten. he proved himself a matter what.
and \oldtimer is right....massa is the dark horse......i really liked schumi's joy when massa won the race last time.....i think it was the first time massa had won and schumi had hugged him real tight. i felt that was true joy and happiness for massa winning. schumi retired in grace.
i must admit i only watch the races with my hubby (he is a f1 fanatic) so he kinda fills me in with the tiny details that miss me totally.
totally gave up on mclaren last year.....they either crashed out or just didnt perform.
happy heart
drive safe because someone is waiting for you at home
Bro, everyone knows Kimi doesn't do the hardwork at testing. This weekend is for Kimi Kimi Kimi!!!!
300 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
Hi F1! I meant F1 fanatic. It sounds more like I am saying hello to the sport not you. LOL. It would really be easier if you can give your nickname to make it easier for us to address you.
Its indeed great to have a few people in here.
A pre-booked weekend ticket for Bahrain GP should cost you around 1,200 Qatari Riyals (USD 330). But the rate goes up when it gets closer to the GP. Travelling to Bahrain from Qatar is around 30 minutes flight and tickets are cheap + visa available on arrival. However, the main problem is with the accommodation, during the GP days it gets really costly to get a good hotel. You mite have to lookout for serviced apartments, if you're looking for anything cheap.
Next Bahrain GP weekend starts tomorrow, so am quite sure you won't be able to make this one. Perhaps next year, I might accompany you.
You haven't mentioned who are you supporting for tomorrow's race and for the season? Where in South Africa are you from? My wife and I were in Jo'burg and Capetown for 10 days last year, absolutely enjoyed our trip down there.
300 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
Massa , I beleive is the dark horse of F1 world championship. He was the fastest driver at Bahrain at the tests . I am hoping he wins the race this weekend. Here are the test times for those interested on the last day...March 1st.
Leading times (March 1) - Bahrain:
1. Felipe Massa Ferrari-Ferrari 1min 29.989secs 44 laps
2. Heikki Kovalainen Renault-Renault 1min 30.384secs 61 laps
3. Giancarlo Fisichella Renault-Renault 1min 30.498secs 64 laps
4. Kimi Raikkonen Ferrari-Ferrari 1min 30.534secs 77 laps
5. Fernando Alonso McLaren-Mercedes 1min 30.564secs 113 laps
6. Rubens Barrichello Honda-Honda 1min 31.067secs 118 laps
7. Pedro de la Rosa McLaren-Mercedes 1min 31.354secs 90 laps
8. Scott Speed Toro Rosso-Ferrari 1min 31.500secs 124 laps
9. David Coulthard Red Bull-Renault 1min 31.589secs 66 laps
10. Nick Heidfeld BMW Sauber-BMW 1min 31.720secs 82 laps
51 laps
Hi all, glad to see there are Formula 1 fans in Qatar, I will be arriving in Doha in May with my family. We come from South Africa and is F1 fanatics!! Our life long dream is to look at Formula 1 racing live, Anybody got an idea how much it would cost to see the F1 in Bahrein? See you soon!! F1
Not many F1 fans here :(
300 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
Way to go Hossamk! I fully endorse your views.
It was a perfect weekend for Ferrari, up until the race day. Everything went wrong for them at the race just like you said. Even a heavy fuelled Hamilton overtook Massa and Kimi at the first corner was real bad luck. He couldn't go faster himself and won't let the Ferrari guys overtake either.
300 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
Kimi and Ferrari for me, i believe that the Sepang race Ferrari did not push very hard with Kimi Car as they were afraid from the water leaking in the first race. plus of course the great mistake of Massa with the brilliant driving of Hamilton made it all ugly and made us all remember the legend Schumi and his days. i still think next race ferrari and kimi will won but it will always be very tight with alonso and McLaren
Yes agreed they do miss Schumi and Brawn. But as far as the Bahrain result goes, am afraid not bro. Cos Kimi and Ferrari were flying when they tested at Bahrain few weeks back :)
McLaren is still a very unreliable and slow car. I guess Ferrari messed it up big time in Malaysia.
300 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
I think for Bahrain, it will be Alonso judging from his splendid performance last year, he held back MS to take the cheque flag in 2006.
Go Alonso goooooooooooooooooooooooo
Ferrari is missing MS and Ross Brawn.............
me voting for kimi and ferrari too.
happy heart
drive safe because someone is waiting for you at home