Flirt your way to health

It’s not like Gen Next needs a reason to flirt, but here is a good excuse. We share some flirty secrets...
If you thought that indulging in some harmless flirting could only get you the attention of that handsome hunk or that gorgeous beauty, think again. According to some studies, flirting does more than just this, it is also a powerful tool which can help people feel good about themselves and moreover, generates a cartload of positive energy. Psst... it could also add that much-needed zing to your sex life back home, but that’s so long as you learn to leave it outside the door and of course, both, you and your partner are clear about what exactly is acceptable and what’s not when it comes to flirting. Remember the golden rule here: Don’t say or do anything that you wouldn’t if your partner was with you. Listed below are some of the emotional health benefits that flirting promises.
Makes you feel good: Sue Ostler, author of a very successful book on rocking relationships says that flirting can make one feel good and also, reduce stress levels. And God knows how much we need those instant stress-busters in today’s fast-paced and ultra-competitive world. In fact, according to a research conducted at the University of Washington, harmless office flirting helps workers remain happy despite all the official stress and also increases camaraderie between them. Do we need to give you any more reasons? We’re guessing not!
Helps build confidence and self-esteem: Nothing works better when you’re trying to make a good impression on someone than the aura of self-confidence. People who are sure of themselves somehow just manage to say and do the right things at the right time, and we all know the ‘charming’ benefits of this. Also, being in a relationship for a long time can sometimes make one partner take the other for granted, thus lowering the self-esteem of the other person. A little harmless flirting can go a long way to make you feel attractive and confident about yourself again. But remember, know where you have to draw the line.
Makes you feel sexy : Flirting with a person of the opposite sex and getting a favourable response in return can indeed up your sexiness quotient by at least a couple of notches. It is a known fact that flirting helps build positive energy. And here’s more; married couples can also flirt with each other, just like they did when they were getting to know each other. Believe us, it will really help bring an added spark and stimulate your relationship further.
Helps you build new relationships : Flirting is to romance what training is to a sport. Yes, flirting can help one find the partner of their dreams thus increasing the happiness level. For married couples too, flirting with a stranger comes with it’s own fair share of benefits, the chief among them being that when you return home to your spouse, you will start to appreciate what you have a tad more.
This cant be True.. doing it 24/7 RIZK is still a dumb!!!!
source please......with surveyed version and sample details.
Good one!
Arien Homes rule or out of Home rules?..:)
I hope Mrs Arien reads the thread and relax some of those home rules :((((( lol
drmana: how is ur definition influenced by my definition!!! I wanted to understand how different people view it differently.
drmana, thats the reason i bypass the first step nowadays..:)
Venky, your definition may not match mine so lets not go into that territory.
WK, thats so sweet of you. Thanks:-)
drmana I will never embarrass you here or offend you or hurt you, You are just too precious :P
drmana: define flirting? what does it mean?
rishi, flirting is OK only up to the level that both sides don't embarrass themselves. I believe in healthy flirting not the type as it goes on here sometimes:-)
lol drmana...but we will miss the fun..
rishi, its simple......I will just shut up myself :-P
drmana, if you find this scary, what you will do if WK starts flirting with you as he does with others..
Ah well, we will worry about the spouse when she comes along :-)
rishi, are you trying to say that you are old for flirting...age doesn't matter here:-)
WK, looking at the speed you are going you will definitely live up to 100 years enjoying extremely good health but this may cause health problems for your spouse as a side effect :-)
drmana I have to take care of my health :P
lol drmana, let the young guys flirt..i have had enough in my 20s..
Finally the Scientist got it right what I have been tell Mrs Ukeng all along. :)
WK....I give up, you have doctorate in flirting. A small time flirt like me stand no chance with you:-)
You think a minor complication like your marriage will deter me or were you reminding yourself that you are married :))))
Ok ok, I my hubby for the appointment on urgent basis:-)
drmana desperate times demand desperate measures. I don't have time to wait for a specialist, you are my only hope :P
Your situation is serious WK, you urgently need treatment....but I am not a specialist in Heart related cases:-P
There is something wrong with my heart drmana, it really needs a doctor like you ;-)
Thanks rishi.......but didn't I tell you,even your flirting turns into serious discussions:-)
thats good drmana, after completion of your PG you should practice in your country. there are not many docs in the villages and suburbs in nepal...they need people like you.
best wishes..
I am not going back there rishi, Now that my baby is not that small, I am planning to go abroad for my post graduation. Have waited enough....
drmana, your country needs qualified doctors badly...i know that. good that you decided to go back and serve your own people.
rishi, I am not working currently. I am planning for my exit from Qatar soon. Hope I succeed. wish me luck.
drmana, i thought you were working here as a doc...?? did you leave your job?
No rishi, these days I am stalking QL as a whole as I have too much time at hand:-) you have been reading everything i write...seems you are stalking me "wink"..:)
what to do rishi, your comments are so too serious these days....I thought you are not in mood for flirting:-P
they say its good for your health...u r a shouldnt be saying this atleast..
rishi, Whom are you calling? I am here but scared of flirting with you :-P
ok, anyone around to flirt with..:)
yeah i believe in this concept...;)
yv2r: its not necessary for you to flirt with other people to have a healthy life, flirt with your wife/husband too...
@dramana: let the games begin ;)
happy, i m fine and bk from my surgery..I m still at recovering stage but can't let myself away from QL for m still in pains coz of fresh stiches n wounds but can manage..howz ur life??
many times people who flirt outside and get a hook or hooked which will lead fr unpleasant scenes at home.
Treat your partner as ur friend and flirt with ur partner without hurting the sentiments and feelings
I have always known that and so I keep practicing it (and my hubby knows it too)
Anyone here who wanna be healthy? Lets start flirting:-P
Matters related to the heart always have excellent health benefits. Sexercise is the best form of exercise in my belief.
Better start now, or the skills will get rusty.
Not me, FS, only my ID.
LP you are also on QL 24/7..
It's not allowed in Qatar. That's why people here are so sick and spend their lives on QL.
I have already sent ma boy to buy a brush FS lol
Time to brush up my skills:) lol
lol WK...:) are you, how did your surgery go. Hope everything went well. thats why I am healthier in all those counts than quite many non flirting ones around me...:)
That's why I am healthy :D
Thats so unique thought