First year and counting...

So it's been a year now since I board Qatar Airways - Flight 647 bound to the lovely Doha, Qatar. It’s not an easy decision to leave my family, my friends, my relatives especially my baby behind. I don’t know what to expect here, the people I’m going to meet, the work I’m going to have, etc..etc.
But fear is the very least thing I have in mind because I know God is with me. I know everything has its own reason. Everything happens because it’s our fate and everything is possible if we do something to make it possible.I swallow the fear, wipe the unstoppable tears, the uncertainty and the unspeakable emotion I’m feeling before I head to the plane that will take me half way around the globe. Goodbye my beloved Philippines and say Hi to the Doha Life.
Life of an expat is very hard and life of a Filipino overseas is not a bed of roses. But we’re here. We’re still standing amidst everything. Cheers to all who are celebrating their first year. Let’s continue our battle with God in our hearts.
P.S. Thanks a lot for my family’s endless love and support. Love you all..
Wish you a great anniversry in DOHA..Hope you stay for more years..
May God give you strength.. Wish you a happy life with your loved ones..Happy Aniversery... :)Now where is the cake? :p
first year being away with our beloved family is the most difficult year, every occassion you missed especially christmas and new year is really depressing. just the thought of being alone and celebrating such occassions with new found friend here will make you even more sad, thinking that you'ved been deprived of the enjoyment if you are with the whole family. the only reward we get, after wiping the tears and overcome the loneliness, is the thought that our family back home is having a more comfortable life. "salamat kuya/ate" sa pinadala mo, "tnx tito sa pang tf ko", "anak salamat sa allowance na binigay mo", "dad salamat sa laptop, love you!". these are the heartwarming words that relieved us, to keep us going. its good enough these days that we can easily talk/chat/videochat with our family back home without spending much. just keep in touch with your family more often and everything will be easier. i'll be completing my 10 years here in qatar by next week, and still hoping to be here till 2022 fifa world
One down.... but how many to go?
Wishing you more fruitfull years in qatar
Congrats...It's part of life, and yes i can imagine how would it feel to be away from your family and specially your Baby.....Cheers for 1st year, and Best of luck for the 2nd year..
1 year & 3 months for me but I'm going to resign next year to take my board... Good luck to everyone...
Mabrook to you on your first year anniversary. I'm sure by now you have tons of friends and life feels a little better. All the best.
Been here four years now myself so I know how ya feel. Wish you many many more happy years in Qatar and may God always guide you and facilitate whats best for you in this world and the next..Aameen.
Save More and Spend Less.
the first year is the most difficult and after that things will be easier and years will pass faster.
best wishes :)
happy new year to you SS.. lol
strength and courage and happy life.
WOW SS so when is gonna be ur vacation?Wish you a prosperous life ahead in Doha. :)
Wish u more years in Doha..:)