Film too sexy for the City

By t_coffee_or_me •
Sex and the City 2", produced by Warner Bros., also owned by CNN's parent company Time Warner, faces a ban in Abu Dhabi.
I saw that movie, really it was a pain in a butt.
Amsterdam Escort Eh? And you've even provided a hyperlink. I must say spammer I give you props for your efforts in engaging in the conversation.
Two cats.....and so many kittens ;D
O No Please dont ban it.. I am visiting The City next week.
drmana, ok I'll make an offer for that one too.. ;)
mj, if that offer is for your reaching 20000 points, I would gladly accept:-P
No thanks to you too WK:-)
This reminds me of when cats get into heat :P
drmana it is sooooooooooooooo good, you got to try this sometime ;-)
awww, drmana refused my offer... :(
khawaga, he is all yours:-P
WK, thats not allowed. Its too hot:-)
lol thanks:-P
drmana, kids should stay away from here :P
drmana: don't be jealous! ;-)
drmana, do you need an ice-cold drink? ;)
conversation too hot in QL......
I am "swell"??? Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!
any sort of assistance or encouragement at all. If he is not both willing and able, I'm out.
Hey Khawaga how did you do THAT and typed the post here at the same time!!!!
You are swell :P
why, over the tower of course.. ;)
the other one's exclusive for my only one.. :P
push into ecstasy or over the tower ? :P
mj: if he needs any help at off, my offer will be rescinded. :o)
WK, if you need a push let me know ok.. ;)
please be there on TIME otherwise we will LOSE WK.....
soft heart Easy guy ;)
I'm there now, actually. You wouldn't believe the wifi speed up here!
I will be waiting
WK: I'll meet you on top of Aspire Tower.
I am an easy going guy Vic ;-) you could feel so comfortable!
edifis, i would rather prefer sex in the bedroom ;)
LOL Sandman... :P
Sex with Tom and Jerry?
I'd rather watch Tom and Jerry than this crap... :P
Sex in the desert? With whom? I hope the poor victim isn't a camel!
I am fine with just sex.. in the desert, in the city, in the jungle, on top of Aspire tower, in the basement of city center.. jungle here.
What about "Sex in the desert"?
saddam "sex in the city" is boring!
I think "sex in the jungle" would be better.
Sex in the city.... no way i am going to watch that, i would rather sleep ;)
Right step towards inculcating some islamic values in the sin city.
After Borat a lot of men visited Kazakhistan to meet Borat's sister.
A lot of men will be very happy
I remember when Kazakhstan got all pissed off about the Borat movie, and called for boycotts and protests and diplomatic involvement.
In the end, the movie actually did wonders for the Kazakh tourist industry.
Abu Dhabi is going to be popular from now on in the world
They got attention from world
So travel and tourism including hospitality will be growing soon
i love 3some :P
which part of that was your comment and which your signature line??? :-P
that too gf's mom's bed!!! :-P
i'd rather watch paint dry.
Who wants to watch that shit anyway?
Good. Sex should be only in the bedroom or behind the bicycle shed..
because they said Abu Dhabi
But actual film was shot in Morocco