FIFA starts to unravel

'By Qatar's insistence yesterday that the 2022 World Cup finals will be played in the 50C-plus temperatures of a Middle East summer, the hosts have left their erstwhile friend Sepp Blatter, the Fifa president, with a most uncomfortable choice.
Either Fifa goes ahead with the 2022 tournament in June and July and risks humiliation on a grand scale, especially if the untested technology to air-condition whole stadiums fails. Or it takes its medicine now and, 11 years before this farcical tournament is due to take place, informs Qatar that it has made a dreadful mistake and will reconsider the host for 2022.
This is a mess, and one made by the self-serving dictators of Fifa's executive committee, who are literally making up rules as they go along – awarding tournaments to unsuitable nations and then changing the original spec in order to solve the problems.
Fifa is not fit for purpose and, to make matters worse, the Uefa president, Michel Platini, is in it up to his neck. His half-cocked idea to make it a Gulf-wide World Cup rather than just Qatari has been rejected. This is a man trying desperately to cover up a serious mistake and succeeding only in digging the hole deeper.
Not even Fifa believes that a World Cup in the summer in Qatar can happen. Unfortunately, the only people who disagree are the Qataris and they are the only ones who can change the dates. Fifa has to admit its mistake and change the 2022 hosts now.'
This appears to signal a move on Bin Hammam's part to challenge Blatter for the presidency of FIFA in April. Qatar's hosting rights will be safe after April if Bin Hamman's bid is successful. In my opinion expect to see an increased pressure to strip Qatar of the World Cup in the next 3 months
Yes.. you are the only sensible guy in the world.. all others are dumbos.. sometimes back Qatar Bidding Committee...and now FIFA.. What's Next ??
YOUR QUACK QUACK is sempiternal...
Bin Hammam is playing it really smart & all credit to him for it...I think Blatter & co. thought he would "toe the line" so to speak & back up their ludicrous winter World Cup,shared World Cup press statements but he has stood his ground stating that Qatar bid for a World Cup to be held at the usual time of year that it's held & were fully capable of delivering making Blatter & co. appear foolish...oh wait,they are foolish!...
and the fact that he has thus far stood by the points of the successful bid, puts those other fools to shame. I have to admit, I am starting to feel some excitement for the "little country that could" :P Especially as I want to see the corrupt FIFA old guard forced out to pasture. lol
Now, I am damn sure.. you are a QUACK !!
Quack.. Quack... hehehehe.. lolzzzzzz...
Xceptional,could you repeat that? English this time please,don't you know the rules? English only in the main forum...
Your Quack Quack is unending.. are you a Quack ?? Lolllzzz
Truth be told,none of these goings-on is really helping Qatar's cause...half the world already thinks they bought the rights by 'legally bribing' FIFA,these statements from the people in power about a winter World Cup,sharing the tournament etc. only further add to the mess making Qatar look bad...
Seems pretty sure that Bin Hammam will stand for & in all likelihood win the upcoming FIFA election & again word on the street will be that he bought the votes even if he actually won it fair & square simply because the voting members want that senile twat Blatter out & would be willing to vote for anyone standing against him...
Bin Hammam meanwhile is smartly taking full advantage of that fact & making press statements with liberal use of words like "change","younger leaders" & "greater transparency" etc...basically the things that people want to hear from FIFA after their reputation has been so badly damaged by awarding this bid...
The next couple of months should be quite interesting! :)...
Xceptional,as expected,you have no clue as to what i meant! :)...
Well, just wait and watch. Some of the major clubs in Europe will be under the ownership of Arabs very soon. And those bigger clubs have a big say in their respective Associations. That would be the tipping point.
All these talk are to jockey for position before the elections coming up.
I need not think LONG & HARD.. I can judge just in a fraction of second about you... got it ??
Qatar can make it!!!!!
Xceptional,do you think everyone's like you?!...think long & hard about that one before you reply...i doubt you'll get it the first time! *wink*!!! :)...
I am happy that you are still alive with the same nick..
Good old joe,
The whole of Qatar will be air-conditioned with free green gas emissions. It will be a huge ball room!
I admire Bin Hammam for backing up his country's bid and just for that he should replace Blatter ASAP (and sack Platini)!
and what about those spectators sweating it out waiting in long lines to get into the stadium and the ever lasting security checks in the summer heat or is it they just dont matter.
lol... isn't Doha the same as Qatar?!
Exactly WK,this has been an issue before the bid was awarded,for me two huge questions that have as yet not been answered,
1) what about the extreme heat & humidity OUTSIDE the air-conditioned stadiums?...there will be THOUSANDS of fans watching the games on big screens OUTSIDE the stadium,perhaps on big screens set up on the corniche,how do they deal with that?...unless of course,they're going to air-condition the whole country...
An option is moving it to winter to beat the heat, but to suggest they take advantage of the "winter break" is ridiculous...the tournament is a month-long plus taking into account pre-tournament training camps,that's easily what,2 months? pardon my ignorance but which European league breaks for 2 months plus???
2) The alcohol issue,ok the stadiums will have "fan-zones",what about the thousands of fans that will be watching the game OUTSIDE the stadium where these big screens will be set-up,will they be allowed to enjoy a pint while enjoying the game?(well if they have it in the summer,'enjoy' will be a relative term.)...
As for Blatter,FIFA ex-com & Platini,up until this point i was vocal about my opposition to this bid & i still oppose it but if there are any fingers to be pointed here,it ought to be towards the above three rather than Qatar,because it was upto Qatar to bid for it but it was upto this lot to actually award it,so all there is left to do now is sat back & enjoy the fireworks!...
They work just fine...
Summer world cup makes no sense at all and I am sure FIFA members will try to push it to a winter slot to save their faces..
Stadium air con works or not, they can't leave fans in 50 degrees & 70 % humidity outside, most of them come without any ticket just to soak in the atmosphere outside a stadium..
Qatar need to send a request ASAP to avoid needless expenditure on air-conditioning tenders..
And this is not much ado about nothing, Billions of dollars can move here and there with the scheduling
If the air con staduims don't work, and they rule out a winter WC, Qatar could have all the money in the world and it won't make adifference. We will just have to wait and see.
Ya we grew up listening to the stories of great Platini from our father ( A football player himself) and he even tried to model my brother on him ( Another national player), I survived because I was too lazy :P
But now I will remember Platini for his stupidity as a UEFA executive and not for his brilliance I heard about when I was young....
adey you are right, Columbia was originally chosen as 86 hosts but due to economic reasons they gave it to Mexico but that shift happened in 1982, 4 years before the tournament and I don't think Qatar will throw in the towel in 2018. They don't have any economic issues and so many things are riding on this...
Stick to the cricket
and there is talk of Goa being kept ready to host the games just in case it gets a bit out of control out here. It could be football by the beach with no restrictions and the mix of nice weather, lots of booze, topless birds and no visa controls would make for a wonderful football festival
it just beggars belief that someone who knows so much about the game can make monumentally stupid decisions and comments. Sad really. Mind you he is French ;0)
Agreed. I used to love watching him play.
about this is that Platini will forever be remembered for being 'that silly old twat from FIFA' instead of one of the worlds best players.
Mexico 1986 was a stand in (for Columbia, I think)
If the cooling technology fails to work then FIFA could turn around to countries like Italy, Germany, Spain and England to host the WC at a moments notice. These countries could host it tomorrow if needed.
I am not suggesting that this will or should happen.
I aportion no blame to Qatar here, they bid in all good faith. It's FIFA - they excepted the bid then tried to fundimentaly change what they voted for.
with respect it's not.
The ramifications of a winter WC affect all the major leagues around the world for 2 seasons, costing billions of dollars; probably more money that Qatar expects to spend on its WC venture.
It would be shambolic if that happened, FIFA is the laughing stock of the world already. I did not support the bid for wc22 but they have it and good luck to them, it will take balls to strip them of it now. Do you think Blatter has the minerals for it? i doubt it.
The world cup can't be cancelled once it's been awarded, mentioned in FIFA rule book or constitution or whatever they call it. I don't see that happening.
World Cup will be held in Qatar, during summer or winter remains to be seen.
much ado about nothing
my point was that the situation now unfolding will embolden those wishing to cancel the Qatar WC - Blatter will now come under increasing pressure to do just that and change his mind.
people like him live until they are 103! I like Bin Hammam's stance though, anyone who shows these twats up for what they really are gets a thumbs up from me!
Blatter will be dead by 2022
at this point (for better or worse) and standing up to those FIFA prats who were too busy arse kissing, building their own personal legacy and stuffing their pockets during the actual decision to consider what a Qatar WC would actually mean. I'm loving watching that twat Blatter go down in flames. ;)
that second article i am amazed that Blatter was able to make himself look more of an idiot than he already has, this time he really has outdone himself. So do you think his last hurra before April will be to change his mind of WC 2022?
adey sorry mate, you posted a new thread in a long while and it went on a different course. Already written to the Mods to delete irrelevant posts.
For your 7 points
1) FIFA accepts a Qatar summer bid for 2022- The bid was for summer world cup only so at that time they couldn't bring it up as Wimbledon in the same month was pointed as a negative point for England 2018 before the bid.
2) Sepp Blatter has said that the World Cup will be changed to winter as he can't see it happening in summer.- A question I have asked a few times, Did Blatter not know about temperatures here in June & July before 2nd December. Why is he saying this now.
3) Platini says other Gulf States should host some of the matches. - Platini is an even bigger idiot than Blatter (Never thought it's possible ;) )
4) Bin Hammam says NO - That's going to have a major say
5) FIFA can not change anything without Qatar's say so. - Qatar has to come up and admit that the idea of A/C stadiums & Practice fields is not feasible for FIFA to act. I can't see Qatar doing that. People are not used to admitting their mistakes here
6) Bin Hammam has thus made Blatter and Platini look weak. - If there was a strong leader in command then he would have put Bin Hammam in his place but because Blatter has lost the confidence of Europe, Australia & North America he is on a tricky slope. He can't offend Asian representatives too.
7) In April the Presidency of FIFA is up for grabs - Blatter and Bin Hammam will be contesting it. - I think Blatter will make a deal and win it, they have to ensure he doesn't get to participate.
Read more:
How is the Asian Cup, Qatar, salaries of expats, Qatar bashing etc relevant to a thread about the internal politics of FIFA and the discussions about a winter or summer World Cup?
are you expecting me to reveal my identity online or tell you that am a real Qatari ? I couldn't careless whether you think am plastic or real or whether you stay or leave or how much you are making,get lost, i really doubt if you know any Qatari in person,such scumbags like you are just envy and full of hate,but i have to agree with you on one thing,the majority of us didn't want this bid and most of us aren't happy of the consequences, but am sick and tired of reading news articles in english n arabic about how qatar won the bid,qatar don't deserve it..bla bla, qatar won it and capable of hosting it, end of the story and yeah if you don't like it,just leave, another person is ready and willing to get your job,so get lost in your space !
I agree with that...AFC ASIAN CUP 2011..Asian who want to see the matches are denied visa now..ASian games are for asian why they denying entry to those who want to watch it.If they dont trust those tourist who want to see AFC games live..better issue them an ankle monitor before stepping out of Doha Airport.IF some asian cant enter Qatar to watch the AFC Asian CUP 2011..what about more to World Cup 2022.
I can safely say I am not surprised. As usual, the comprehension skills of your average righteously offended toady can't see past their head scrapping sight lines.
The venom seeps so easily from your pores that the still stagnant stench of indignation hangs in the air with all the malodorous intent of a Mumtaz Qadri supporter.
Any hoo,
The OP simply repeats an article in the Independent newspaper. I will refresh the salient points below:
1) FIFA accepts a Qatar summer bid for 2022
2) Sepp Blatter has said that the World Cup will be changed to winter as he can't see it happening in summer.
3) Platini says other Gulf States should host some of the matches.
4) Bin Hammam says NO
5) FIFA can not change anything without Qatar's say so.
6) Bin Hammam has thus made Blatter and Platini look weak.
7) In April the Presidency of FIFA is up for grabs - Blatter and Bin Hammam will be contesting it.
Now the only comment I made was of a neutral persuasion with no bias on either side; I simply noted that the calls for a change of venue will increase in the following months as the date of the Presidential election draws near, becaquse if Bin Hammam wins the election then the summer tournament in Qatar will be a reality.
Furter reading:
Blatter isolated as Qatar choice comes back to haunt Fifa
where is there Qatar bashing here?
I have been going to a match a day.... Very happy with organisation. I have just had coffee with a German who has been to many European tournaments as he is media. He was most impressed with how the AFC is being run here.
The tickets are sold out but the stadiums aren't full because companies are buying tikcets and the people the give them to don't turn up whilst fans wait outside.
I nearly choked on my cornflakes when you were called fat! lol .... Elaph i wont leave dont worry, i am quite content here and enjoying all the trappings that my big fat salary gives me, i wont however arse kiss and agree with everything that goes on here, unlike yourself i have opinion, right or wrong and i am entitled to it.
I have never supported the WC 2022 bid because i am a football supporter, not because i dont like Qatar but im afraid your a little too stupid to understand this. Most local people that i know, real Qatari's i mean, not just the plastic wanna be's on QL, could not care less if the WC was held here or not. And looking at the OP and all the fiasco that attaches itself to the WC 2022, who can blame them.
Nobody is even bashing Qatar xceptionalgreat.,.
Read the bloody OP and don't make this thread something which it isn't... USE YOUR EYES AND MINDDD .. WTF
lol, big n fat=phat ;)
All Qatar-bashers are actually loosers in their respective lives... !! Shame !!
Yes, it is Qatar 2022.. when will you stupids realize ??
no it won't get me a Qatari passport nor a big fat check like yours, please don't leave,stay,without you,this country can't be run and the world cup won't be hosted here, you and people alike you are our saviours,please feel free to bang your head against the wall everytime you see something that you don't like about this country,just don't leave.
Elaph Thanks a lot for calling me big &
First time in 27 years someone called me that, you made my life :)
my friend you can tell me to leave a thousand time, it still wont get you a Qatari passport im afraid!
aha i guess that's why you like to repeat the same topic all over again day n night,i guess if you and others like you were doing their jobs right this country which you keep dissin would improve!
No need for me to leave mate, im happy earning huge amounts of money for doing a job that no one here can do, or maybe dont want to do! ;0) what does agreeing with the OP have to do with me living here? your arguement has been aired on here a zillion times and quite honestly its boring Yaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwnnnnnn! and most times its been put across better than yours, go figure!
complain is a healthy sign,so keep complaining it shall improve your health,because you seem like a big fat white garfield.khalas ya katoo,am leaving,but to our desert camp,peace.
Elaph I AM underpaid but still I won't pack my bags and leave. I will stay here and complain, now if you don't like that you can pack your bags and leave ;)
are you getting 600 QR a month? do you feel like you are being under paid? you feel sorry for them,so help them and donate some of your salary ! typical or not, no one forced you or them to come here to work,so you and them instead of complaining, i suggest you land yourself a job somewhere else where things are better for you
Yep, they should also be grateful i guess? the OP was taken from a newspaper article yet you are telling anyone who comments to leave if they dont like it! typical on QL im afraid.
in their home countries they make less that money,if they wish to leave, they can leave, if you wish to donate your big fat salary to help them please do
note - the wc 2022 will at least give these poor guys on QR600 a month a chance to watch World Cup football live.
most of the people arren't happy about the coach , who used to train UAE national team,so no one liked the way he planned the game since the early minutes,yes qataris do attend and support their team in addition to other residents which in my opinion is a nice thing to see
anwarullah , no that game was perfectly fine,because it was played in the west, in the united states of america,not in tiny middle eastern country where expat enjoy a lexurious life style,safety and constantly complain on qatarliving how qatar bribed fifa official and how the world cup will be taken back from them and given to a cold country in the northern hemisphere, why don't you complain about russia, a country with serious security concerns? oh i guess because the weather is perfect ,so it's just a matter of weather not security
real123 has checked all my above observations in one post! what a hero.
I watched the opening game on TV back in India, official attendance announced was 37,000.. The capacity is 50,000.
Anyway the topic of this thread is something else, plenty of threads on Asia Cup.
Lol Elaph I wasn't shouting to make you hear.. pardon me, I was angry at QBS so was shouting at them :)
Peace bro...
adey get a life man . in the begining it was bunch of guys like you who thought that qatar would never get a chance to host 2022 i even remember a guy commenting on qatal getting ruled out in the begining itself but still qatar won , now that qatar aleady got you guys want to change the host we all know its never goingto happen so just dont waste ur time instead do someting productive in ur life since u are an expatriate in here and ur motto is to make money and get back to ur own country since u anyway dont like this place, we all know qatar is having enough money to buy any votes they want even if they did so whats bugging you 2022 in qatar means more buisness opprtunities, better salaries so sooner you can go back to your own country thats what i think
if i ever suffer from sleep deprevation i will go, so you went to the opening game, tell me why did one third of the home section leave after the second goal went in? and i did here that someone from ground was actually heard farting on the television such was the deafening sound of support!
LIS I watched India vs Australia in Al Sadd and the atmosphere was better than Brazil vs Argentina.. lol..
Though everyone knew that India will lose by a huge margin but they kept on cheering the players...
By the way, when are you coming to Doha next, will catch the next Liverpool game.. Let me know...
adey you are welcome too if you can make time...
am not deaf,don't shout
Qataris care about their team only, so do Saudis,Kuwaitis and other who drove all the way to come and support, residents of Doha don't care or too busy working,so don't blame the locals, as for QBS being the number one radio,i guess only if you don't speak arabic, btw how is your arabic ya katoos?
its all the rumors.. you know.. in 1996 world cup.. a match between saudia arabia and bailgium played in 46 degree celcious in america.. so wats the problem to play in 40 degree cecious..
I went twice to attend the qatari games,they were people from all over the middle east and subcontinent,so i guess your idea of labourers doesn't apply here , but i guess you have attended all the games and you know better :)
I cant bring myself to watch another single game in this country after the Brazil England shambles. A friend of mine went to watch the opening game and apart from the fireworks the rest was shite!
Elaph there is no interest in the game..
QBS announced after Qatar's victory over China that DOHA has defeated China multiple times... I didn't hear it myself but a number of people have told me this and someone mentioned it on QL tooo.. The NO. 1 RADIO STATION IN THE COUNTRY DOESN'T KNOW THE NAME OF THE COUNTRY???????????
and yes I was shouting while writing in Caps
Tell me one good decision that Platini took.. Blatter I will address separately as I will have to write a book on his blunders ;)
LIS come and attend the games involving the lowest seed India, their game is crap but the atmosphere is great :P
how is the asian cup going? i haven't heard of any riots,vandalism...etc,games are being played on time, no delay,tickets are available for free,what more are you asking for?
but i guess you have been to every single asian cup match and you are forming your prejudice based on facts and evidence not pure hatred for camel jockeys
If you dont like it leave, we deserve it, get over it, just look at how the the Asian cup is going and my personal fav is that I should be grateful for the money i get here and shut up. Please expect amazing and expect all of the above comments for posting this thread!
it won't happen , get over it, yes we bribed FIFA,our money,our rules,it's not the first time world cup being played in 50,move on,the world isn't perfect so we are !