By azilana7037 •
LIFE is like a roller coater ride...there are UPS, DOWNS, twirl you over and around and sometimes makes you feel knotted inside, dizzy and nauseaous.
One time you feel great, the next you are in deep depression. To escape these downtimes is often a big challenge.
What is your music genre?
What type/kind of music do you listen to?
Are you into JAZZ, BLUES, R&B, POP or the classical music lover?
German Rock,Hard Rock,heavy Metal,Latin,Swiss Songs,Canto Gregorian,Classic...all but not RNB,NO Hip Hop,no Trance.Grrrrrrrrrrr!!!!
GARY MOORE in the house....lol
I know!
am into house music and metal
no need i'll let it go this time.. ;)
Take me to the sea and bring me back thirsty...!!!
Thx babe, now take my Insurance copy!
Take me to the sea and bring me back thirsty...!!!
oh my god u hit me....
Take me to the sea and bring me back thirsty...!!!
Aretha Franklin...
But I love the blues...though it depends on my moods as well...
Gheorghe Zamfir
"There is no barriers,
There is no languages,
There is no races,
There is no differences,
For the True Love,
For the True Wisdom,
For the Amazing Beautiful Creation of a blessed man, like Mr. Gheroghe Zamfir.
Only when Earth mankind be awared about the Amazing and Wonderful Reality on Creation Laws, only then She or He may understand that only True Treasures in our lives are the True Love & Real Wisdom on Creation Life!"
Josh Groban when I want to relax on my deck, looking at my yard.
Reggeaton and alternative songs when Im working.
Parokya ni Edgar when I feel like drinking. tooooo much to list.
country or classical when driving
the likes of sarah brightman, josh groban and norah jones when relaxing
then from time to time i listen to rnb
Alice Cooper - he's got songs for every mood.