Fat people

There is hope for the obese. If the US approves this drug, it will soon be on the world market and will be a big help to Qatar--home of some of the highest rates of obesity in the world (particularly in children).
"US health regulators have approved a weight-loss pill for the first time in 13 years.
The drug achieved only modest results in clinical studies, helping people lose on average about 5% of their body weight.
Belviq was rejected in 2010 because of concerns over tumours that developed in animals tested with the drug.
The medication is expected to launch in 2013.
Belviq is designed to block appetite signals in the brain, making patients feel fuller with smaller amounts of food."
Full story:
Visceral fat or abdominal fat also known as organ fat or intra-abdominal fat, is located inside the abdominal cavity, packed between the organs (stomach, liver, intestines, kidneys, etc.). Visceral fat is different from subcutaneous fat underneath the skin, and intramuscular fat interspersed in skeletal muscles. Fat in the lower body, as in thighs and buttocks, is subcutaneous, whereas fat in the abdomen is mostly visceral.
An excess of visceral fat is known as central obesity, or "belly fat", in which the abdomen protrudes excessively. The correlation between central obesity and cardiovascular disease is strong.Excess visceral fat is also linked to type 2 diabetes,insulin resistance,inflammatory diseases,and other obesity-related diseases.
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Eat when you are hungry, choose food with high fibre, low fat, low cholesterol. Read nutrition facts!
Go sweating exercise at least 3 times a week so that it will burn calories! Hire a personal trainer at fitness center is recommended equal if u spend money for pills!
Any approved fat loss pill will be effective once we are motivated with abovementioned. It's just supplements...fasting in Ramadhan so that we have' shut down' period and maintenance for our stomach! ;)
Buy pills, just dnt get overdosed! Peace!
Yes indeed the Prophet did say so. But the entire hadith is that first one should try to survive on only scraps enough to keep his/her back straight(meaning to stay healthy and strong), and should he/she find that hard then and only then should they do the 1/3rd of food, 1/3rd of water, and 1/3rd of air diet.
Sadly though very few Muslims follow this command or even realize the seriousness of it, though our Prophet also warned that one of the worst vessels one can fill is their stomach!
No matter how many pills they're going to take everyday, it's not gonna work if they are always sleeping & eating.I exercise everyday & most of the people I see jogging are not the obese ones.:(
Exactly Zanzibar. Wasn't it the prophet who told people to fill their stomachs 1/3 each with food, water and air? Obesity is a polite word for gluttony.
to make people sick from this pill, then sale out the antidots of it...
What an evil mind they have?????
I hear diet and exercise are supposed to be good for weight loss too. Has anyone tried either?
Another crap.
The middle eastern way of life,, all eat and no work,,, big mommas...
Fast food is one reason why people get fat, however each country may have already had their own share of culprits. A good example being excessive use of coconut oil in Sri Lanka, or Indian Ghee, or even stuff like over eating red meats as seen in the gulf.In Sri Lanka fast food is very expensive and a luxury to many, yet we get loads of over weight folks there.
Moderation is the key really as one can even get fat overeating even healthy food.That and exercise. However for many this is easier said than done hence a weight loss pill can then become an extra help.
"However, known side effects of Belviq do include depression, migraine and memory lapses".... doesn't seem even worth a try with an average of just 5% loss of weight.
First make people fat with 'chemicalised' fast food then make a medicine to make them thin !!
Make money two times from the same person ... ??
So many people endanger their health and life with over the counter type weight loss pills, which have no guarantees and carry truckloads of side effects, hence a readily available but clinically approved one will truly be a blessing.
It's better to smoke everytime you're feeling hungry. You will get very slim very soon.
5% only!!? so the person who is 100 KG will become 95.
Not good