Experience Vs Education

Why does it always happen that graduates from various universities get denied jobs in good places simply for the fact that they are not experienced in spite of being so well-educated?
Why does it have to be that only people with 10 yrs of exp get their Resumes opened and noone below that?
Why do ppl have to struggle so much to land in that good job right away...?
Its understandable that ppl look for exp since it accounts for productivity but so much that the younger race gets left out of the race...hmmm...a tough call though...
Can anyone tell me on how to get a job at Al Jazeera and places like that...or any other good comps ...
I have a MS. IT from Australia and i'm here i've worked for the Asian Games for the past 18 mnths and i'm looking for a job...so cud anyone pls help me out...?
Enjoy...and have fun...and take care of urselves and others too...
Thanks for letting me know about BP. I did check their website and at the moment they don;t have any openings for Libya.
If i go to Libya I will send you guys pics of the doctor and the nurses who were condemned to death. But have recently been pardoned due to international pressure.
Guys i got a job offer from halliburton for IRAQ. the pay is great 10000 U.S. Dollars per month as I have military training as well. but i think at the moment iraq is too risky. and the chances of survival there are bleak..
Knox, I'm guessing BP are going to be needing people in Libya to fulfill this new contract, which was announced on the radio this morning:
My brother has a BCS Degree (bachelors in computer sciences). he is two years younger than me. he applied in aljazeera in 2004 and immediately got a call from their IT manager. the IT manager took his interview but for some unseen reasons he didn;t accept my brother. then luckily my brother applied in Dagoc (doha asian games )and he got accepted. in two months he became their main networking guy although he was hard 23 at that time but still they relied on him for everything. while working at Dagoc he made lots of contacts (the IT Department at Dagoc had mainly Qataris) so in about seven months he had learnt a lot at Dagoc and he had very nice offers from Government organizations so he left Dagoc and went to a Ministry where all the managers knew him. When Dagoc was dissolved all the Qataris working there became heads of IT departments in different organizations.
but still he has been offered a position at Q-Cert which he is considering.
Listen Ksarat16 in short it is very difficult that your potentials or skills or the hidden talent would be recognises by a prospective employer. There are many reasons for this
1)Many head of departments have no experience in IT coz IT is a relatively new field in Qatar and they don;t have highly trained IT people.
2)The people who shortlist cvs (the HR people) just see how many pages of cv are there and how many years of experience the person has. they don;t look at Quality they just look at quantity (number of years) For them the person who has managed a supermarket computer network is the same who is managing the Q-tel network.
3) without wasta its impossible for you to get a good job. Although there are tons of IT jobs in Qatar at the moment.
I know Mannai needs people for sure and believe me Mannai is a major IT company or should i say the only IT company in Qatar.
so if you want a good job where u dont learn a lot and less work try getting into the Q-companies or
if u want a job where u work endless and learn a lot go to Mannai
and one more thing what do you mean by IT is it programming or networking or database . can you elaborate
Wether you have good experience or good education, it doesnt matter if you have WASTA specially in government companies here. I know a lot of people they just passed the 2 years course in IT and now look at them having huge salaries, remind you.. No experience at all. When i first met the guy, he doesnt speak english so well and now hehehe... good fortune, this is his LUCK coz he have WASTA..
So try to have WASTA and everything is done... Goodluck guys...
""Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort.-by Franklin D. Roosevelt""
For IT here means only Q-Companies ie govt companies. They want a minimum of CCNA certification at least. CCNA is the lowest criteria for a
Network Engineer. Anything lower means assembling pcs here.
If you have CCNP & MCSE certification with a couple of years experience (in Network experience is paramount) then you stand a good chance in getting a very good job.
Yep,knoxcollege ie correct, it takes a little more than a year to get these certification.
there's a saying...climb on an ox to get to the horse....
lower your expectations and wait for a chance...
hey Thanks mate for all the criticism. Don;t know whether it will help me or not but thanx for your time and suggestions.
"Criticism for the sake of criticism is the death of evolution; criticism for the sake of improvement is the essence of evolution"
Okay, Knox, you know best. After all you're the one without the job. And I'm the one with a job.
I am ready to learn and probably thats why i gonna do P.hd. and if that doesn;t help maybe I am gonna go for postDoc..
My will to do P.hd shows my committment to learn and moreover saying to the prospective emplpoyer that I am willing to learn will not do me any good bcoz they don;t want people who are going to learn. they need those people who are highly experienced. and moreover serendipity i will tell you one more thing when you are a muslim and you are trying to get into a big oil and gas company in US its not easy.. I have been through that phase so i know.. Moreover.......its very easy to criti.... than to.... forget it....
hey you said u have a MS in IT
I recently met a guy who was the network admin at Qatar Pension and Retirement Authority (opposite to gulf-times building) and he told me that he is high school grad and after completing his high school he did CCNA CCNP and MCSE and he got the job. it took him about one year to do all these courses and now he is getting 18000 plus house and other benefits. and the main thing how he got the job. He knew someone in that organization when it had recently opened and his cv was the first and the last to get there ... so thats how he got the job.
so find a Wasta....
Enough crap listen try Mannai, Try Qchem, Try QAPCO i know they are looking for IT people. and good luck and when u get hired let me know i will send u my cv if i am not in US.
till then chillin in hot weather..
hey dude
I am in the same boat as you. i graduated from university of california , berkeley and here i am taking shi*.. i applied to every company i could think of like shell, qchem and the companys whose name starts from a Q.. and still no luck.. i am thinking of switching fields and going into mechanical stream coz chemical sucks big time...
The problem with experience is that we don;t have it and no one wants to gives us experience.
by the way its kinda strange if u cannot find a job in IT coz u can see lots of IT related jobs ads in gulf-times whereas from chemical engineers i have never seen any ad posted for the past one month...
so good luck pal in ur job search. i am going through the same phase like you. i am still searching for a job even after having a bachelors, masters degree from university of california, berkeley. i am thinking of going back and do p.hd bcoz i have a job offer from my supervisor at the university. thats the only job offer i have got..... and i will be studying for five more years (damn me). so dude chill out go to a bar drink teqila or get some hard liquor so that u can forget ur worries or alternatively do some hardcore stuff:))
i am taking a break till sept when my p.hd classes start.
i have three months to find a job if not then Adios Qatar
so long suckers......
ksarat16, this is one of those things in life. Eventually a fresh graduate will get a break and start working somewhere.
You just have to mail and distribute your resume all around. Keep at it.
Then when you get a job you bitch about the money. But that comes later.
Good luck.