Entering a serious contest

I have been searching every where and i can't seem to find it.
The right name for a boy, that is.
I hope you can help me.
The contest is as followed:
Enter a boy's name. If it is the right one, the boy will carry that name for the rest of his life.
Thank you very much for your help. This is NO joke. I am dead serious about it.
So only enter a name if you really want to help. :):)
Thank you very much.
Hugs, J. :):):)
Wow you guys are a great help.
I think i have the right namen now lets hope the other one thinks so as well.
Thank you for all your help :):):):)
It was really funny readingit all :):):):):):)
Yes the first 100 points are in !! :):):)
Look at the sun and the shadow shall fall behind you...
Wonder kid
It's great 2 b loved!
Neloo though after another character but didn't want to put her through that
I watched the movie 3 times :)
Yes it is Nikita.
Leon the "Terror" :)
I have 6 words for my full name believe or not?
Charan im only joking! but leon is really my son's name....
Nikita is it
Charles Manson
Its just funny you should mention the movie thats all my daughter is also named after a character in a Luc Besson film
Dimitri No Nonsence :)
Apologize for. Anyway how the hell I am supposed to know the name of your son :)
is also Leon and yes we did name after the Luc Besson movie.
Which one Leon or Sami Vellu :)
Charan! hey that's my sons name!
Sami Vellu
i like Leon ... it is cool
Leon is the contract killer in a french Movie:(
Kristoffer or Kristine or Leon
Yes one already retired from Tests. Other is one soon to follow.
"Both are gonna retire, they'll be old names pretty soon."
----> I giggled reading your comment. I am afraid i am hopeless contributing the name since my boy's name is very common ... SAM
PM - Girls will be knocking on his door in no time. I see a very big Queue already :)
Rusputing :)
Well PM is not an option because they are my anitials...
I found one last night that i liked.. but i still don't know yet. i will search the net some more and the website i got here as a tip.
Thank you all for helping me with this contest.
And i really don't want any political names Sorry....
Thanks again :):):):)
Greetz J.
Yes the first 100 points are in !! :):):)
Look at the sun and the shadow shall fall behind you...
BARACK OBAMA, valid for 5 years
yaman.....ammm maybe sebastian
Im the one and only
Sorry I don't remember them off the top of my head, but I DID create an excel sheet with the top 200 or so names (I think we had 60 for boys and 160 for girls....by then the doc had said the ultrasound indicated 75% chance it would be a girl lol).
If you really want, send me a Pm and I can email you the Excel sheet tomorrow.
Stay safe.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
PM - I will get a problem with him if I recommend you. I forgot "you are not that quick thinking individual to Fidel's standards althogh you are qualified to become George Bush's one :)
do you remember the top 3 or 5 on your lists?
"Even a stopped clock gives the right time twice a day." Withnail & I
When my wife was pregnant...we especially loved the different cultural names: Celtic, Japanese, Armenian, Etc...etc...
Just too many to list lol...at the end I had narrowed down the list to 200 boy names and 200 girl names LOL
Good luck!
Stay safe all.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
we're in the same boat. not sure if our baby will be a boy or a girl. we had the girl name chosen months ago. we only found a boy's name 2 days ago (with 4 weeks to go).
how about:
there are many internet sites with names, but most are a pain to navigate.
check this out:
this will give you the top 1000 names in the US by decade listed in one page, so it is easy to navigate. you can select previous decades too. it's a bit western biased, but with so many immigrants you do get some non-western names.
"Even a stopped clock gives the right time twice a day." Withnail & I
Raul is for the Predency. Still you have the chance to become PM. Do you want me to call Rahul to remind him
OMG u made Zakaria so complicated lol
''Zechariah ''
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PM + President of Marriage
PM = Prime Minister :)
Blowen WhigtsleBowler
Horatio Hornblower
'Our freedom is but a light that breaks through from another world'
Gajendra, Birendra, Govendra, Gopendra, Virendra, Sashendra......Suspender :)
Charansoi11r and Eco- Savvy you are so funny LOL LOL LOL
Yes the first 100 points are in !! :):):)
Look at the sun and the shadow shall fall behind you...
It's always the small things that make big differences.
Everthing Is Planned
Girl = Cyble
Boy = Sweden
Thief's son: Rob
Lawyer's son: Will
Doctor's son: Bill
Hair stylist's son: Bob
Homeopathic doctor's son: Herb
Sound stage technician's son: Mike
Iron worker's son: Rusty
Movie star's son: Oscar
Thepanis, Gajonis, Jackolish,
Siribiris :)
Thanks Saddavi, but i would like it to be an original name. Not a name that a lot of people al ready have. It has to be an existing name but not a very populair name.
Do you know what i mean, and i don't want to name the baby after anybody.
Now i found a nice name Sa'id but i will use that name as the second name. Now for the first name i still am looking.
Yes the first 100 points are in !! :):):)
Look at the sun and the shadow shall fall behind you...
thts ur limited mentality mate lol
kissing is no big deal
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Never assoiciate you name with Gay footballers. They show that they are gay to the entire world during the match. They kiss each other :)
jst saw tht u r dutch
whts wrong with ruud van nistelrooy?
its nice name
and if ya dont like ruud
frank or ronald deboer
van bomel
van der sar
arjen robin
robben van persie
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Sirisanghabo Rajasinghe ;)
It is very funny some names haha I like it. But i can not use them.
Some names i can not even pronounce hahah
But i still am keeping my options open.
And maybe it will be a girl concidering what Mis-Cat said...
But i will keep on searching on the net as well. I have al ready been searching for a long time now. But i can't find the right name yet... so that is why i need your help still.
So keep trying and so will i and if i have found i will let you know !! :):):):)
Yes the first 100 points are in !! :):):)
Look at the sun and the shadow shall fall behind you...
thirey henry?
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Bill Doors or Bill Walls... who knows he will be the next Richest
Amaris Udurawane :)
steven gerrard?
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Micheal Angelo :)
what abt zidane or khalfan?
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Gabriel or Tristan or Troy
Everybody is right and Everybody is wrong, its depend where you stand
no!!! i know the best name .... michael jackson.. hehehe
George Bush :)
sadam hussain or bin laden????
Talha :d
[img_assist|nid=61287|title=|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0] Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
when i was pregnent with my daughter I only had a girls name when I was pregnent with my son I only had a boys name the thing was no matter how hard i tried in both cases i just couldnt think of a name if the oppisite sex.
Dwain or Dwayn
Where there is Fire...There is Coke. Where there is Rum..There is Smoke - Sir Smoke-a-Lot
Alexander the Great :)
Then why not world famous "Seiko" :) better still "Psycho"
you can find loads of names on the net....
A new generation name for a new generation kid. I liked that name a lot, I never disclosed that name to any of my close relatives/frieds also, thinking I can use it for my own kid later.
Ok then - Michel Sreesanth or Mahendra Singh Bracken. How about that.
Cisco - OK, full disclosure: "CISCO" happens to be the name of the auxiliary police force in Singapore, an organization established in 1972. This CISCO deals in bodyguards, armored cars, alarm systems, and the like --
But i am very serious about the name so only names will do that are as serious as i am.
It is, like i said, for a boy.
I already have a name for a girl but i just can't find the right name for a boy.
I think it is really difficult to find the right name. Considering that it will have that name for the rest of his life.
So please, i hope you can help me :):):):):)
Greetzzz J. :)
Yes the first 100 points are in !! :):):)
Look at the sun and the shadow shall fall behind you...
Both are gonna retire, they'll be old names pretty soon.
I think Michael Clarke is the one for the future.
2600 QL Points! Way to go Ray!!!
Sachin Tendulkar or Sanath Jayasuriya. or better still
Sanath Tendulkar or Sachin Jayasuriya
Cisco is a router duh!
I could have suggested Linksys or 3Com too! :P
2600 QL Points! Way to go Ray!!!
Shall I congratulate you already!? How time we've got to answer the question? :)
How about Randolph?
2600 QL Points! Way to go Ray!!!
Give us some more clue...LOL