England Universities Gone Crazy!

England Universities have gone over board doing certain things.
For an example giving honorary Doctorate to Indian film stars.
Bachans and some other stars (I couldnot get their names!)
Guess who is new the honorary Dr..The ex bollywood queen (So called!)
Miss. Shipashetty..
My God..what was her achievements.. Showing some extra flesh. Nothing else.
Even in her country, no university has even bothered calling her for any event.
But see what this English universities has done.
I don’t know whether this will improve this lady’s acting capabilities or not, but
One thing is sure, this has pulled down the respect of honorary doctorate offered by these universities. Next time a genuine achiever will think twice before accepting the honorary doctorate from such universities.
What is your opinion?
She is not even associated with any human rights organization. What has she done that she deserves an honorary doctorate.
I spoke to one of my friends doing P.hd at Leeds and he told me that the administration has gone crazy. and this proves it.
Leeds university is mainly comprised of students with south asian origin and maybe thats why they hope to attract people from south asia.
To me by giving Ms. Shilpa the honorary doctorate the university has fallen below the standards of an educational institution.
One should ask what is her achievement except working in some freakin reality show.
Who should be next in getting the degree? What about Shahruk khan (an indian actor) he is also famous. honorary degrees are meant to recognize people's achievements.
What has shilpa contributed to the society. she has just showed some flesh
Leeds University will now be a laughing stock.
that "...this is all about political correctness and to show how non racist Leeds University is. Its not really about achievement, its about notoriety."
Just found the following extracts from an article on BBC site ...
"The university was a partner of the International Indian Film Academy Awards, held in Yorkshire last month.
The university previously awarded film star Amitabh Bachchan with an honorary degree.
It said its "pioneering partnership" with the International Indian Film Academy Awards aimed to strengthen educational, business, arts and sporting links with India."
Not sure why I'm digging away at this - must have suddenly gawn all nashonilistic an' patrottic. :/
took me a second there for me to realise you were doing a Beeg Bruvvah ;D
Vote for billi!!!111!!lulz
As I have already said..forget the "Showing some.....".
That comment meant to question the validity of the claim.
Nothing more.
Of course, in showing the flesh no body can beat the Hollywood.
So, if the flesh is the criteria the all the Hollywood actress will get a double doctorate.
But as some body said, is her participation in BB is the reason?
I don’t think so. Because, in UK the BB is seen as third rate comedy show.
Sometime even the comedy part is lost and it degenarate into cheap peep show.
So it cannot be.
Then is it because of her English. Come..on.
She was educated in the best English medium school in Mumbai and as it is Indian Education has so much emphasis in English language.
That is no big deal.
May be the University is desparate for publicity so as to attract attention of the overseas (aka Indian!) students who go there to study with their new found affluence.
If so, then who ever got this idea, doesn’t know Indian psyche and under estimate Indian students. Have they?
Oryx...Nice said..
Please don't mention that great person (Mandela!) name here. I feel that it is an insult even to mention his name for the sake of comparison with shetty!
Mandela is in a different league. Best wishes for his birthday.
He too followed an Indian, who is known as M.K.Gandhi. By the by I don's rememer Gandhi receiving any Doctorate..Did he?
it isn't The University of Leeds - it's Leeds Metropolitan University; there is a difference.
You got me...Jauntie..
It was typo...hehehehe
Just looked at mak's heading for the thread. Not sure if that was a typo for 'crazy', mak, or whether you really DID mean that English Universities have gone the pan! lmao
Karzi = slang for toilet
still chuckling here lol
Agree with you totally about Nelson Mandela. A true hero in every sense of the world. An honorary doctorate for him actually menas something to the university but probably not much to Nelson.
As far as Shilpa Shetty is concerned, I think this is all about political correctness and to show how non racist Leeds University is. Its not really about achievement, its about notoriety.
A agree with you Mak 1, the university has gone crazy.
Victory attained by violence is tantamount to a defeat, for it is momentary. Mahatma Gandhi
Jauntie the HD is free publicity for the Uni - overseas student revenue etc and they can look cool about cultural diversity however they may have demeaned their academic status...
i wonder how the lecturers feel there?
THE University of Leeds.
Lots of higher education colleges these days seem to take the title University. Nothing wrong with that, but to me it doesn't mean quite the same as my understanding of the word.
this demeans an honorary degree - they should be just be reserved for very special people who have made a very real difference to the world like nelson mandela who has a cupboard full of them which is great
a) he had a degree anyway
b) he changed the course of history for the better
c) everyone can learn something from Mandela - he is a lesson to humanity
d) he has a noble peace prize
can the other recipients fufil his above criteria?
if not no honorary degree... they can work and pay for it like the rest of us.
the money for these ceremonies should be spent on scholarships
finally Happy 89th Birthday to him yesterday...
this is his CV
in The Times of India :D
"Shetty's spokesperson Dale Bhagwagar says that the actor's title has been given in recognition of Shilpa's 'outstanding contribution to cultural diversity and good relations between the people of UK and India' "
It is Leeds Metropolitan University (for Higher Education) hmmmm
Leeds has large Asian community, I believe ;D
"The first Asian lord mayor has been appointed in the city of Leeds - 23/05/2006"
Guess she has got that fame from BB the reality show where she looked, did everything that was pathetic...infact that whole show is stupid...
Anyways...she won that...she went onto fund-raising...and then the Aids Awareness...
And acting...her latest Flick at the Box Office "Metro" was a dumb shit...
And she doesnt in any way show any extra flesh compared to other actresses in the industry as mentioned by Colt...right on that buddy...
So whats the hype about her getting "Dr." dumb once again...
she is not exceptional...she hasnt been too successful lately for the past few years in Bollywood...she was the only actress who was found doing absolutely nothing so they called her over to BB...
Cold morning???
It was in today's Gulf Times..
Mornin' all!
Where did you get that news from mak1? I couldn't find it, well not in The Times (UK version) anyway.
Just curious and smiling about it here ..
I concur with your view as well but the part of "showing extra flesh" is not the reason she was awarded the doctorate. Like I said in my earlier post, she hit BIG time after her success in BB and that could have been the deciding factor towards it.
i don't watch hindi cinema, but i know that the amount of skin shown by her cannot be compared to some of the others in Indian cinema... damn, she dun even go topless as far as i can remember...
And oh, she has an excellent command over English and is well read.... so who knows?
is understatement here.I seriously fail to understand what has she ever done to get all the hype she is getting and now this doctarate......heights.
Come'on all she did was partcipate in BIG BROTHER for lot of mollah that was being offered .......how did it make India proud ?Noone knows.Big brother was not even about acting skills that atleast we could say she won for her acting skill ,for that matter it was not even flesh showing then also atleast we could ok she has good body.......
I don't agree with Mak on that part........ British actresses and pop stars show..'most of the flesh'...Bollywood actresses don't show that much for sure.
As if British people don't get to see Extra flesh... that's a common site on the streets of London..lol
"in the acting field, and someone is EXCEPTIONAL, VERY exceptional, no honorary doctorate should be given. I mean..geez...talk about lowering the standards for education..After hearing some actors speak, or attempt to..I wonder if they have two brain cells in their head that can rub together to form a sentence. "
Thanks Scarlett!
"Even I read this news...its ridiculous....
I thought honorary degrees are awarded to individuals with outstanding service and achievements in a particular field. She didn’t achieve much in Bollywood. Winning some stupid reality show is an achievement? Ever since she is treated as a 'super woman' in UK. "
I am with you Gypsy Gal..
By the by..I am sorry if I affended any body for mentioning
"Showing extra flesh". I have not seen her films. But I have seen some dance clips. But my Indian friends fully concur with my view.
reason she has gotten to be so big and popular now is due to the fact that she was the winner in the BB show and yeh that did her wonders and that could have been the decidig factor in giving her the honorary doctorate... but i doubt it has to do with anything that Mak1 said about "showing extra flesh"
Even I read this news...its ridiculous....
I thought honorary degrees are awarded to individuals with outstanding service and achievements in a particular field. She didn’t achieve much in Bollywood. Winning some stupid reality show is an achievement? Ever since she is treated as a 'super woman' in UK.
in the acting field, and someone is EXCEPTIONAL, VERY exceptional, no honorary doctorate should be given. I mean..geez...talk about lowering the standards for education..After hearing some actors speak, or attempt to..I wonder if they have two brain cells in their head that can rub together to form a sentence.
Is that true that she got it because of the "Showing extra flesh" thingy? Have you ever seen a movie she has acted in or is that based on assumption? and watever is your definition of "showing extra flesh"?
Although if that was the criteria, i think the hollywood stars would be more deserving...
"what was her achievements.. Showing some extra flesh"
she is doing type of art that a larg section of movie fans like it, we cannot judge if she did not do any thing more than showing "extra Flesh" we dont know what other activities she has done.
but in general i feel nothing wrong giving an actor or actress a honorary doctorate as same as any other achievers in any other fields
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