Elusive World of Sea Horses

Talking of Sea Horses, when I was a young boy, I thought they were mythical animals like dragons or unicorns and even till a few days back, other than the name and their looks, hardly knew anything about these quirky little fish like creatures.
Last week I was shown these pictures and an underwater video of Sea Horses by one of my colleagues. As I have mentioned earlier about him here at times, he dives almost every Friday in Mesaieed and feeds his favorite fish. Last few weeks he had been filming Sea Horses.
To know more about them, I researched and found an article by a marine life biologist, Amanda Vincent, which she wrote after years of following Sea Horses in their wild habitat. You may like to know some interesting facts about their habits…
- The genus of Sea Horses belongs to the Pipefish family and presently some 35 species are found in warm and temperate seas.
- They are very good in blending themselves with the surroundings by growing skin tendrils and becoming shrouded with algae and other sea plants. Some species can change color of their body to match with the surroundings, like orange, green, white, red or purple or whatever it takes to save them from predators.
- In the mating season, males become eager to mate. They are more active than females in courtship competitions and may enter into fierce fights with rival males. During such fights, the weaker male would often turn his color dark and flatten his body on the sea-bed accepting his defeat.
- In one breeding season, starting October lasting until next April, their relationship is purely monogamous.
- Sea Horses are resolutely faithful to their partners. If one of them gets seriously injured by a predator, the victim’s partner would shun all suitors for weeks and wait for the partner to recover.
- No male animal on earth is known to be more specialized for parental care than the male Sea Horse. The female deposits her eggs inside a pouch on the male’s tail that takes care of the embryos till birth. The male moves around with a fat pouch nurturing his babies for three weeks before releasing a string of miniature sea horses after about three weeks.
- The pregnant male doesn’t travel long distances for food but the female moves around. They meet at least once a day and when they do, they show their affection towards each other by changing their colors from drab brown to creamy yellow.
- The male sea horse does all the parenting and his pregnancy closely resembles that of in mammals. The hormone ‘Prolactin’ which stimulates milk production in women, also governs Sea Horse pregnancy.
- If by any chance the female gets killed or eaten by any predator, the male first waits to deliver the babies and then courts other widows to start a new relationship.
- The female’s body deflates when she transfers eggs and the male’s pouch inflates; as these changes happen almost simultaneously, there is absolutely no chance of divorce, cheating or any kind of infidelity.
- Many species of Sea Horses have been declared endangered. Today China is the biggest consumer of Sea Horses in the pharmaceutical sector as most of Chinese aphrodisiacs are made out of Sea Horses.
Amir, Yes it is too deep for snorkeling. Its about 12 to 15 meters.
what about the water depth over dere.. is it deeep for snorkeling ?
DohaKnight - Noted.;)
Masha Allah, wow....this I gotta see. And I thought the parrots in SL were plenty talented. They sing and talk fluently but certainly not play. TFS guys...with QLers like this who needs travel guides!
Melted Crystal, For snorkeling, Dukhan is a good place near the desal plant where there are some coral reefs still intact. For scuba you need to go to Mesaieed to the diving beach between the sealine and QAFCO.
TFS. Good to know.:) My boyfriend and I are planning to scuba dive here.
Fathima, When in Singapore, add the Bird Park also to your 'to do' list. I attended the bird show inside the bird park where we could see birds singing birthday songs, playing basket ball and even stealing away a SD 100 note from an unsuspecting spectator..
I think this is only one of its kind in Singapore.
What kind of horse can swim underwater without coming up for air?
A seahorse!
A day before hiking you visit an insect exhibition? That must have totally ruined your hike! Perhaps I should take my daughter there. The kiddo has developed a phobia for spiders and I'm guessing such a exhibition can either cure her or make it worse!
The aquarium on the other hand would be truly enjoyed by us all. The ones around Doha just lack luster big time!
Fathimah, stay away from the Insect exhibition though...it's proper scary!!!!!
I saw it a day before I went hiking in the jungle...not to be recommended!!!!
Sounds lovely. My sister back in Sri Lanka has been insisting that we both should go to Singapore together, having gone there twice already herself. Along with the exciting shopping opportunities, you just gave me another reason to add that to my travel "to do" list!
Knight, I love the oceans and marine life! Have snorkeled a lot in Asia, and LOVED it.
Actually, I have to say, the best place was the Red Sea in Egypt...it was literally like and aquarium! Incredible !
Fathimah, if you ever got to go to Singapore, you should go to the Aquarium there...they have very rare species of seahorses...they look amazing!
Captivating images indeed.I too love sea horses and yes, as a child they often appeared to me as mythical creatures. So innocent and beautiful!
The last time I saw some of em up close was at the Doha Marine festival. Was thrilled!
nomerci, That's good to know you are also interested in marine life. The sea horses in the pictures live in Mesaieed waters some 50 meters offshore. If you want to see them again, you could go scuba diving there one of these days...they have started to be seen now.
I have always loved sea horses. Saw some while I was snorkeling/diving off the coast of Kota Kinabalu in Malaysia. Wonderful!
Now they hold a much higher place in my view on life and this world...
Amazing .. Truly wonderous. There is so much out there that we don't really know about or appreciate.
There are 4.2 million species of creatures living in water !
Very infomative article, very different from usual stuff on QL, thanks KR .
They are lovely, thanks for posting!