DSLR Sensor Cleaning

Where do you take your DSLR to have its sensor cleaned here in Doha? I don't care what make it is, because sensor cleaning is sensor cleaning regardless of brand.
I tried to get 51 East to clean mine today, and after two visits to their Sony Service Centre concluded that they were not really into DSLR's. They seem to be great with laptops and video cameras, but I got the feeling that my beloved a350 was going to come back worse than when it went in, and decided to leave before they could man handle it any further.
So where is a good camera dealer here in Doha, with some good DSLR technicians who know what they are doing, and clean sensors on a regular basis, and know how to do it properly?
Thank's in advance for your help ;-)
Seems like you've got your answer, but if you fancy doing it yourself, I recommend getting one of the Arctic Butterfly kits (http://www.visibledust.com/). I use one to clean my M8, and it works really well - probably a lot cheaper as well!
It certainly does :D
Thanks nomad_08
its in west bay area close to the city center....if you're heading to city center via corniche road, take left on the sheraton R/A, then turn right on the next traffic signal...there's salam stores on left hand side...hope this helps :-)
Thanks nomad_08, where is Salam Stores?
i take my dslr (nikon) to salam stores for sensor cleaning..not sure if they do other brands though...