Do You Have An Inferiority Complex ? Check out these 7 Signs ...

1. Sensitivity To Criticism:
Although people who feel inferior “know” they have shortcomings, they do not like other people to point this out. They tend to perceive any form of criticism, regardless of how sensitively or constructively it is presented, as a personal attack.
2. Hypercritical Attitude:
People who do not feel good about themselves have trouble feeling good about anyone else. They look hard for flaws and shortcomings of others to try to convince themselves that they really aren’t so bad after all. These people cannot feel intelligent, attractive, competent, etc., unless they are the most intelligent, attractive and competent person around.
3. Inappropriate Response To Flattery:
This can work two ways. Some people are desperate to hear anything good about themselves and will be constantly fishing for compliments. Others may refuse to listen to anything positive about themselves because it is inconsistent with their own feelings.
4. Tendency Toward Blaming:
Some people project their perceived weaknesses onto others in order to lessen the pain of feeling inferior. From here, it is only a short step to blaming others for one’s failures.
5.Feelings Of Persecution:
Carried to its extreme, blaming others can extend to believing that others are actively seeking to ruin you. If a man is fired from his job, for example, it may comfort him to believe that his boss was out to get him. It allows him to avoid personal responsibility for his failure.
6. Negative Feelings About Competition:
People who feel inferior like to win games and contests every bit as anyone else, but they tend to avoid such situations because deep down, they believe they cannot win. And not coming in first is clear evidence of total failure.
7. Tendency Toward Seclusiveness And Timidity:
Because people with an inferiority complex believe that they are not as interesting or intelligent as others, they believe that other people will feel the same way about them. So they tend to avoid social situations, and when they are forced to be with others, they will avoid speaking up because they believe doing so will only provide an embarrassing demonstration of their dullness and stupidity.
Don’t Worry! Help is at hand.
Be interested to see who thinks they do, or do not, have any of these traits :D
Seems we are on the same page dear.!!!! LOL. So you do have a Sensitivity To Criticism:
Yes very true, its obivous from the first point who is inferior.
" 1. Sensitivity To Criticism:
Although people who feel inferior “know” they have shortcomings, they do not like other people to point this out. They tend to perceive any form of criticism, regardless of how sensitively or constructively it is presented, as a personal attack."
Hmmm, the only one I fall into is a complete inability to take compliments.
"How come I can pick my ears but not my nose? Who made up that rule anyway? How come you say that's the way it is, that's just the way it goes, maybe you should decide for yourself what you can do and what you can say." Ani Difranco
That proves how superficial you are and a shoppping complex my dear is a deep ongoing depression and a sign of instability!!
No inferiority complex...hehehehe
especially when people hit me when I'm down...
Though I don't show it...THEY SAY I'M GOOD IN HIDING...LOL
The true measure of an individual is how he treats a person who can do him absolutely no good. - ANN LANDERS
Good Morning - hey I am feeling better already although I have to go for a job evaluation this morning.
lol QS..i was feeling better not until i see two death threads...:/ ...what do you call if a person is between...ahhhh i guess that's what you call NORMAL...:P
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
opposite to inferior is Narcissism, which refers to the set of character traits concerned with self-admiration, self-centeredness and
morning, OWEN!!! I see you feel
Whatever Makes You Happy...
i think i am the opposite of the INferior...hehehehe..
hmmmmm but on item no.3 "Others may refuse to listen to anything positive about themselves because it is inconsistent with their own feelings"..i think i am this..
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
Was that a freaking compliment????
Dag nab it...
You can't teach experience...
at least accept you can't cope with flattery ;)
You can't teach experience...