.. Diversion of topic for attention seeking ..

By Molten Metal •
.. Diversion of topic for attention seeking ..
Hello Folks,
I was hurt when Qatar's artistic / historic pictures topic was diverted to a third person's personal court case by a QLer . This has spoiled the momentum of interest of the respondents .
If anybody wants to attract attention do it by some other means ...... let the general QLers enjoy the rhythm & pace of a good going thread ..... MM ... .. Tue, 25.02.2014 , 07.39 hrs ...
Humbles, It is bad to worse when they form gangs to oppose a person who does not say I agree. .
Yes, it will definitely break up the smooth going topic . If somebody is doing it habitually then it is too bad .
@MM, you have all the rights to respond back to the intruder who spoiled the soup. So that he may not do it again through an on going sensitive thread.