Design Project- Help!!

Dear QLers,
Fist of all I'd like to wish everyone on here Eid Mubarak, Merry Xmas and Happy Hannukah! now moving on, I need someone to help me out with a Design Project for my sister. It counts as one of her End of Term assigments and she's really struggling with it so I was hoping maybe someone would be kind enough to help. The deadline is the first of Jan and she's really counting on me to help her, so please if anyone can offer to help I would be very greteful. I've already attached a draft of the project. Thanks!
pish poor planning produces pish poor performance.
Lend your sister a book on planning, prioritising, and scheduling.
sorry if it wasn't what you expected.
How many people offer to help but none of them actually do.
I'll ask husband, he's an engineer, but I think you might have to bribe him to do it....he's on vacation :D
tra la la
Ive read the email, and I sincerely want to thank you just for taking the time to look at it, but sad to say it wasn't what I was hoping for. All I know is that my sister is under a lot of pressure right now and she's on the verge of collapsing, SO I offered to help if I can and I intend to keep my promise. That is my main and only concern at the moment. So please, is there anyone out there who can help me??
Happy Kwanzaa ( doubt anyone celebrates it in Doha though), Happy New year and Happy birthday to Brad Pitt!! have I still missed something??
Capacitors? I know all about them! I'll try to read it again tomorrow cause I'm too sleepy now. But as Scarlett said, plagiarism is a serious offense, so we gotta make sure that everything we're doing is "legal".
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong :P - Garfield
Baj, you forgot Happy Kwanzaa...and Happy New Year!_______________________________________________________
Love is the answer...
on this?? I don't know of any university that will allow students to get help other than references or suggestions on a project..otherwise the work wouldn't be her own..and that's called plagerism. She could get expelled for that.
check your email!!!! why post this here??
Weedmanblazin- I've sent you an email.
PM me tomorrow i might give you a helping hand on this project. we still have a week before we report to work. sned me an email
blaze it up!
Holy Cow Bajesus. You lost me at "capacitor." Good luck to your sister.
I cannot read the attachment...
tra la la