
By bajesus •


Ive become extremely depressed for a while now....I was wondering if any of you here have been feeling the same and what suggestions do u have for someone in my condition. Ive been thinking about antidepressants but i think it has to be prescribed by a doctor but I dont know if this stuff actually works....would appreciate any feedback on the subject

By angelwings• 6 Sep 2006 07:52
Rating: 3/5

If that was all it took to cure depression, we'd all have houses on the beach. Unfortunately its not, and I don't think comments like "the smart man deals with it..." is very smart!! Obviously you've never had real depression, otherwise you'd be well aware that what you're saying hasn't gone anywhere near the mark. Its like trying to tell a Leper to get a good facial and he'll be OK.

Nice thought, and I know you're just trying to be helpful, but maybe if you consider how painful your "smart man" comment might be, you'd write differently.


By q-love• 23 Aug 2006 23:47
Rating: 4/5


whats going on my man..

actually i hadnt time to read what has been written by u and others, i only read your main post..

you are a new guy here, beleive me just try this forum and dealing with others, share somebody ur private feeling and at the end you will get yourself optemistic, everybody feels this way but the smart guys deals with it as a daily life problem, try to beat it.. and you will be able to do it.. if you want any help.. never hesitate, u'll get it beleive me.. i (as others) wish you goodness and hapiness..

go to any beach, and sit alone and through all ur bad feelings out...

bye bye

ur bra q-love

By angelwings• 23 Aug 2006 03:36
Rating: 5/5

Men as well as women are affected by their hormones and once they are out of balance, there is no amount gym work-outs, singing, praying etc., that will get those hormones back in balance again. You need something that directly affects the chemicals in your body that are out of order. This is why you must be properly assessed by a medical person.

There are many folks like yourself, all worried by the 'stigma' of feeling suicidal, or mentally unable to cope. It is often a genetic problem, and if you speak to your parents, you may find that one of them has or had the same problem, or maybe your grandparents had it. In their day, very little could be done, but now there are many medications, both chemical and herbal that can combat depression.

My mother suffered severely, and I would have too, but I was fortunate to have a great doctor, who sorted me out as soon as I 'confessed' to being unable to cope.

I had severe depression, and was suicidal at one point - driving foot to the floor in my sports car, and not caring whether I killed myself or not. Thank goodness that is all behind me, and stayed that way.

You need help, and you can't do this alone. If you'll call me, I'll put you onto someone who will help you, without having to embarrass yourself by going alone to the doctor again. This person is a doctor, a qatari, who is a specialist in this field.

My mobile is 5206824 - please call me.


By dohagirl• 22 Aug 2006 11:01
Rating: 4/5

You would have to take a hell of a lot more than one to get the same feeling as being drunk. And it doesn't taste as nice and you don't get the enjoyment of actually going out and getting the booze. If you are going to take drugs to get high I have other recommendations besides anti-depressents. :P

By Super7• 22 Aug 2006 10:39

One over the counter anti depressent is something that enhances seratonin production. Seratonin is a feel good natural body drug which gives a sense of well being and confidence.

As far as I understand it (which isn't very far) alcohol affects the seratonin production which is what gives you the "dutch courage" and euphoria.

So presumably taking these seratonin enhancers would be like getting drunk but without the hangover.

Have I discovered something amazing here?

Any doctors in the house?

By dohagirl• 22 Aug 2006 10:02
Rating: 4/5

Actually you can get antidepressents quite easily over the counter here. Not that I'm recommending in anyway that you self medicate.

You need to go to a professional and talk to someone. If they recommend that you take anti-depressents than don't be afraid of them, if they give you the proper dosage than you will find that you are a lot better off than you were before you started taking them. Sometimes it is just a chemical reaction in the brain and has nothing to do with what is going on in your life.

I do not recommend that you try falling in love. Depression is a personal battle and is not easily understood by others who are not suffering from it. Also if the love goes wrong you'll wind up more depressed than when you started.

It has nothing to do with whether or not you are an expat or not.

Since you say you have been suffering from this for a while and that you are contemplating suicide, than it is time to go talk to someone. The sooner the better.


By Charlene• 22 Aug 2006 10:01
Rating: 4/5

I too think that you need to seek professional help. When one is truly in a state of depression no amount of exercise or anything of the sorts is going to help.

Jump on this as soon as possible and soon enough things will start looking up...

Remember though any meds for depression usually take a few weeks to start working.

Good luck bajesus!

By getinandstayin• 22 Aug 2006 09:31
Rating: 4/5

I know everyone is trying to help, but the only way to rid yourself of this is to seek the help of a professional. Drugs may not be the answer, gognitive therapy alone (like some of the advice given by some of the guys here) may be enough. However, you need to seek professional help to determine an appropriate treatment program.

Try and be positive, depression is more common than people think and its treatment these days is very successful.

good luck

By Farhan Khan• 22 Aug 2006 08:54
Rating: 3/5
Farhan Khan

Bajesus ,believe me when u will come out of this phase of ur life u will be a stronger human being.

To come out of it I strongly advice u to visit a specially qualified and experienced mental health doctor as u have been thinking of suicide in the past,the doctor will medicate u to correct ur mental disorders and generate positves in ur mind.

Bajesus when one is under depression ,he is slow to react,even taking a bath can be a huge task for him and I wonder how u have been able to seek help on this forum as its very good that u want to get cured.

When my brother was going through this phase last year he knew and understood all the things the ppl were saying to him and he was like, do u think Im mad ,I know it but i dont wanna do it,I dont like it anymore etc.

so my Farher took him to a psychitrist who urge him to get busy in work ,exercise,etc so he rejoined gym,it started to get better but then he lost it again and then we took to a gr8 doctor for mental health who gave him medicines.

Then he started working as manager in a company as he was a qualified person on paper.

Now during job hours,he had to work hard so that no one knows about his mental health.So 8 hrs of daily acting as normal person and being with other normal guys who did,nt know wat he was going through made him think that im far better then them so y im so depressed, then the feeling tht he was given such gr8 facilities ,car,fuel good salary then he started and compelled himself to enjoy these things and as he was also being medicated one day he went to the music house and bought his favourite singer,s new album. He started listening and singing with him in the car and tht was his first day when he felt tht he wanted to live,and I am sure tht day will come shortly in ur life too inshallah.

So just be patient,think about Allah and take it as a test from Allah.Take care of urself as if u belong to Allah and dont think about hurting Allah,s man.

Allah Hafiz

By Aisha• 22 Aug 2006 06:01

أهم شي أخونا لاتÙ?قد الأمل...لاتقعد تقول انتحار ومادري شنوووو اشدعوه لا عاد والله تخلينا جي نحاتي، إنت بخير بس يبيلك حد يوقÙ? معاك وتشكي له، شوÙ? الأهل، أو حد من الربع، أكيد Ù?ÙŠ حد قريب منك، وبعد تعرّÙ? على أصدقاء زينين، ترى والله يا أخوي للحين الدنيا Ù?يها خير

We do care about you, brother

By Aisha• 22 Aug 2006 02:58

ليش متضايق؟ يمكن إذا عرÙ?نا السبب نقدر نساعدك

Ù?ÙŠ سبب؟

الله يشرح صدرك ويبعد عنك الضيقة قووول آميــــــــن

By bajesus• 22 Aug 2006 02:01

thx for ur suggestion QG but the thing is I dont think its sumthing fixable by prayong more and by hoping all goes well eventually. Im not even optimistic 2 begin with. Also, I know of at least a handfull of ppl who r going thru the same ordeal and thats why I think a little medication wont hurt. Besides, I dont know of any qualified psychiatrists here. I thought I'd spare myself the visit since most have a reputation of prescribing antidepressants to ppl who arent necessarily depressed to begin with.

By Qatar Girl• 22 Aug 2006 01:41
Qatar Girl

تعوذ من ابليسك

والجأ حق ربك.. اقرا القران واقرا أدعية

صل لك ركعتين

خل ايمانك بالله قوي

sorry 2 write in arabic..i know its an english forum but i didnt know how 2 explain in english

By profintakoma• 22 Aug 2006 00:58
Rating: 5/5

I strongly urge you to seek professional medical help. If going to a psychiatrist is not helping, visit any doctor you trust, who in turn can direct you to other resources. You may be better off with a psychologist.

I personally know lots of very successful people who have been through depression, and seeking professional help has helped them. Rather than relying on non-professional advice, I would urge you to talk to someone trained to deal with mental health problems. Best of luck.

By e46M3• 22 Aug 2006 00:09
Rating: 5/5

No pharmacy will sell you such medicines without a prescription.

If you feel you need treatment don't self-medicate, seek professional help.

By bajesus• 21 Aug 2006 23:26

for suggesting that I get in2 a gym 2 help uplift my sour state but I dont think thats gonna cut it cuz Ive done that already.I just loathe any form of physical activity whatsoever and its not fun here considering the little options availabe. I really wanna know if there r any effective drugs for depression that can be bought at pharamcies without prescription lest I act on my impulse to do sumthing really stupid.

By bajesus• 21 Aug 2006 23:26

for suggesting that I get in2 a gym 2 help uplift my sour state but I dont think thats gonna cut it cuz Ive done that already.I just loathe any form of physical activity whatsoever and its not fun here considering the little options availabe. I really wanna know if there r any effective drugs for depression that can be bought at pharamcies without prescription lest I act on my impulse to do sumthing really stupid.

By bugsy• 21 Aug 2006 23:06
Rating: 5/5

Bajesus, expatriates are known to suffer from such disorders but a person on his own soil shouldn't. That they cannot, I never said so.

But like mocha or somebody said, get yourself checked and if you're normal, which I am sure you are, get into that gym every day for seven days, an hour each for 12 months, and you'll be surprised at the results. Not only will it heal and soothe the mind but in the bargain, you get a body to die for. Rippling muscles and all. What say you, eh?

Keep smilin'

By bajesus• 21 Aug 2006 22:32

I really appreciate your responses. Im 18 and this is nothing new to me its just its been severe for the past year. So sovere infact, Ive contemplated suicide and still do occassionally and i even paid a visit 2 the psychiatry clinic here but surprisingly I found myself feeling ridiculous for even going there in the first place so I clammed up. I dont speak or confront ppl about it much because I partly feel like ppl have their own baggage but they dont complain and partly because I have this conviction that, not sure why, that Ill just end up looking silly . Bugsy, I dont know y ur under the impression that being Qatari means that ur not entitled 2 get depressed since I dont believe its sumthing only experienced by ppl of certain ethnic backrounds. Again its so complicated that I feel unable 2 express myself because words betray me.

By Farhan Khan• 21 Aug 2006 22:08
Rating: 3/5
Farhan Khan

Depression is the worst mental condition of human being as the one who is suffering from it just looses his charm for life.

Now even if one is suffering from HIV or any other fatal desease u never loose that charm,and there is always a hope.On the other hand if one is depressed it implies no hope.

Now Bejasis I don,t know about ur exact situation as depression has certain levels and at the worst level ,the patient attempts or all the time thinks of sui cide. If this is the case I suggest u to consult a specialist on mental deseases and ask u to be always with someone,otherwise it will be too late.

If its just about lack of appetite and sleep then u can take some sleeping pills to relax urself,plus u should try jogging ,exercise or swimming.

SWIMMING ,I believe is the best for the one who is depressed as it teaches u how to fight for ur life and dont give up.Do it regularly .Dont eat things which generate heat in ur stomach.Eat a lot of fruit and dring a lot of juices.

Try to focus on all the positives u have,may be ur looks,qualification,love etc.

I don,t know if ur a muslim otherwise I would suggest u to offer prayers five times.

Anyways if u try these ,Im sure with the help of Allah almighty u will get cured of this brutal state.

By Jassim• 21 Aug 2006 21:48

Closet monsters and bogeymen r a myth?!! Now the depression is gone n I can sleep with the lights off n ask the wife to get rid of baseball bat :O thanks Moch :P

By mochafrap• 21 Aug 2006 21:40

love is a myth, jassim :p

it's as real as closet monsters and bogeymen :D

By Jassim• 21 Aug 2006 21:33

Moch, so r u saying love does not solve all problems?!! I am in shock now :( OK, u just added one to the depression group :P

By mochafrap• 21 Aug 2006 21:28
Rating: 4/5

guys great advice and all. but i assure you..if one is suffering from clinical depression then no amount of sporting activities or other forms of entertainment would solve the problem.

Clinical depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain. No one has control over just happens. And NO even though antidepressants could be addictive if used in an abusive manner, they still are effective in treating depression.

There's nothing wrong with getting help. Get a checklist of the major clinical depression symptoms (you can google for it these days i think). if you answer positively to most questions then you should really consider seeking out professional help.

By bugsy• 21 Aug 2006 21:21


If you had been an expatriate, I would have understood your mood and feelings. Coming from a Qatari living in his own country, among his own people, it is a little strange.

Don't even think about anti-depressants. Shun thme like you would the devil. You are young and should be full of life and zest for living.

Oh! Are you in love? The symptoms are the same.

Jokes aside, do you indulge in some form of sporting activity? If you do, change it to something new. If you don't, what you must do is find the nearest gym, activity centre and sweat it out.

A team sport is prescribed by Dr Bugsy.

I'm sure you have many friends of your age. Move around with them and have fun in your beautiful country.

Further your hobbies, and...KEEP SMILIN'

By Jassim• 21 Aug 2006 21:19
Rating: 5/5

Never but never go with drugs for such stuff as u will be addicted to them n u will end up worst than u r now.. Except if u have gone to a doctor n he gave them to u n for a short period of time. Depression to my understanding is related to 2 things, either chemical or emotional.. As it seems u don't have a long history with depression so it seems not to be chemical. so u r lucky :) For emotional matters then u can do few things, changing ur life routines, meeting new ppl, joining in new activities but the best one yet is to look for love. Nothing like love that always managed to take me out of depressions :)

By mochafrap• 21 Aug 2006 21:07
Rating: 3/5

if you think you have clinical depression GET SOME HELP! It's no laughing matter. the sooner you seek professional help the easier your treatment would be.

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