Dear Mod qatari :O)
Howday QLers
With a Buzz from a friend (The Detective QLer) we noticed that there are too many Classifeds under the nick name qatari (Our lovely Mod)
So we need an explaination for this one qatari
I think the database has a problem and the nicknames are mixed up and the other option is that what I read is true ,, Lol (JK)
and take a look here
Rizks you broke my heart with your comment :p
Good morning to you Rizks my pal :O)
and Good morning to you Zafirah :O)
good morning Rizks and Sulie.
am interested to know what did you said Rizks - for the MOD Qatari to delete it ? ^_^
M sorry Mod, was jus kiddin..i think its the weathers effect ! :)
Sulie i you ping pong ball....mornings mate !
Rizks ,,, You blind bald bug
I am more real than you think :O)
Thanks ' qatari ' for taking this measure ...... Sun, 17.11.2013 , 07.18 hrs
Deleted by Moderator
qatari has lot of fans....:)
You are always welcome :)
With you all the way
Hi Suli - thanks for the note. To protect users from scams, all content from users who get blocked, gets reassigned to this account - so if someone emails a potential scam, the message comes to us and not the scammer!
Keep hitting the report button for every scam you spot!
One more :O)