Damn the Algerians - Why we lost :O(

THE pigeon which perched on Algeria's goal during England's bore draw was sent by a WITCHDOCTOR to curse our players, it was claimed last night.
African medicine men often use birds to deliver spells - and a healer insisted the Cape Town pigeon was sent to help our opponents' defence.
Shaman Olga Mokwena, 59, said: "It could be someone supporting Algeria has visited a witchdoctor to put a spell on England.
"I am following the World Cup very well and saw the pigeon. That bird was there at night when the birds are supposed to be sleeping. And that one was not sleeping.
"That told me it was protecting the Algeria goal. It was guarding it."
Olga, from Chaneng - near England's Rustenburg base - said Our Boys now need a spell of their own to beat Slovenia.
She revealed: "I'd give them something to bathe in - powder from tree bark.They need something to wash away the evil spirits."
Source: The Sun
The team were superb.. Sadly we were hexed....
I think all the players were drinking the night before...
Why should anyone admit anything? Isn't it always easier to blame the US for it?
Why aren't you admitting how bad your team is?........that simple.
I recall the commentor saying "now thats what I call a birds eye view" refering to the pigeon sitting on the back of Goal post netting..:)
a draw but may have been drunk! :0)
All bullsh1t.... The US was behind it....
I knew it, when I watch that pigeon on that goal post!
Britexpat...that was pre Olga revelation..:) But may be Algeria will come up with a more potent spell..:)
Now thats one theory I could agree too..
britexpat, all you need is love
It will never happen.. We are going to deploy our eagles in the next matches..
So my hunch that Algeria may well be in the Grand Final wasn't far fetched...:)
I knew there had to be logical reason as to why we lost ...
So you are back to the sun :o)
Does anyone in Slovenia know witchcraft :S