Is Countdown Timer a Good Solution??

Letters to the Editor
Published: Monday, 8 October, 2007, 02:36 AM Doha Time
"Among the new traffic rules, which came into effect this month, the one on motorists crossing red signals seems to be very harsh. Hence, most of the drivers in Doha will try to be very careful at the traffic signals. This can lead to accidents at the signals if vehicles behind are coming at speed.
To avoid the accident risk and to reduce tension and stress for drivers while crossing the signals, I request the Traffic Department to install countdown timers at all major traffic light junctions in Doha.
With this system, it will be easy for a motorist to plan when to cross the signal."
More and more people are requesting these countdown timers, do you think it is the best solution to prevent accidents at traffic lights are and eliminate beating the red light violation???
[img_assist|nid=28861|title=believe and u will see...Life is as simple as we make it complicated|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=122|height=180]
love it ! :D :D
a joke by an Egyptian driver in my company on fellow Egyptians. Don’t want to hurt sentiments of Egyptian friends so I’ll change it to my own nationality, Indian.
A tourist was being driven around by an Indian chauffeur. The signal had just changed to Red from Amber but instead of slowing down; he raced and jumped the signal.
When the tourist expressed concern, he said “Don’t worry! You are with an Indian”.
At the next signal the lights changed to Green but he did not move. The tourist enquired “Why don’t you move? It’s Green”.
Driver says “Yep, lem’me wait a second, What if the driver on other side is an Indian?”
I think this request will be implemented by the traffic department the soonest once the materials are ready because their all main concern is to reduce road accidents.
More motorists are abiding by the new traffic rules and there has already been a positive impact on the roads, (who wants to pay the hefty fines and experience harsh punishments ;D)
Great job also for the erection of fences in the divider on the D Ring Road in front of LuLu Hypermarket to prevent pedestrians from crossing.
I know these rules are hard to implement and to follow but its all for our own safety.
[img_assist|nid=28861|title=believe and u will see...Life is as simple as we make it complicated|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=122|height=180]
when I had this guy try and smoosh me against the roundabout.
And as far as letting someone honk...doesn't bother me in the least, in fact usually makes me wait a second longer... ;)
doesn't mean one has to comply with the impatient person behind.
Also, hooting the horn is now illegal unless in an emergency. Our driver is still doing it and I keep yelling at him not to! It's his way of letting another driver, who's about to turn into us, know we are there - so I sort of understand.
" Hence, most of the drivers in Doha will try to be very careful at the traffic signals. This can lead to accidents at the signals if vehicles behind are coming at speed".
No comment on that one !
There is such a high incident of red light running that its a major problem. It can be fatal in many cases. A friend of mine, who is a police officer, told his daughter when she was learning to drive, to wait and count to 10 before crossing an intersection, after the light turned green(if she was first in line). That way if someone ran the red light, she would be safe. However, with the drivers here in Doha, they bring a new meaning to the term "split second"...that can be determined by the time it takes for the light to turn green before they honk at you...
Exactly what you said is right? having a counter for sure reduces the accidents at the signals. Will the authorities take concern.
The countdown is already available in most of the countries.