Conservatism - Fight moves to Africa

The East and West are lost. Time to open a new frontier.
is africa the final frontier for religious extremism ?
Christian evangelical groups in the US are attempting a "cultural colonisation" of Africa, opening offices in numerous countries to promote attacks on homosexuality and abortion, according to an investigation by a liberal thinktank.
American religious organisations are expanding their operations across the continent, lobbying for conservative policies and laws and fanning homophobia, argues the Boston-based Political Research Associates (PRA).
"The religious right [in effect] claims that human rights activists are neocolonialists out to destroy Africa," the report states. Groups named in it vehemently rejected the claims.
It identified three organisations it believes are aggressively targeting the continent: Each of these "frame their agendas as authentically African, in an effort to brand human rights advocacy as a new colonialism bent on destroying cultural traditions and values", the report says.
i have no clear stand on spanking, as i never have been spanked (or physically abused), and i haven't raised children to know.
thx for the discussion. have to go home. to later.
Read the COUNTLESS studies on spanking drsam. Everyone has an opinion. :)
I myself lean towards the occasional smack. However studies now say that will increase my child's chances of becoming depressed later in life. Is that enough reason to not use what is arguably an effective form of discipline?
for me yelling (psychological) and spanking (physical) use, are the nature way of teaching animals offspring to differenciate right from wrong.
so i MIGHT not condemn them per se.
Not really. Same sex couples, even if they weren't out as same sex couples, have raised children for generations. Especially lesbians.
My friends are in their 30's. Married and with kids of their own. They are some of the most well adjusted people I know.
no one can say for sure what the consequences on the psyche of a child raised by same sex parent will be.
but we will soon (in a generation time) find out !
some countries are going into that socilogical "experiment".
And what doesn't harm the psychological development of a child? Spanking does, yelling does, loving them too much does, not loving them enough does, not spanking them does, not yelling does.
Being a parent is like constantly walking in a minefield.
That's arguable given the outcomes of her life whether or not she was harmed by the men in it. I would say she was very harmed.
Also, arguably, she chose to marry them,most cases of incest and pedophilia are by force.
Also, 16 isn't even considered as pedophilia now, much less then.
taboo, and society's reaction make u feel ur being harmed.
when cleopatra married her father while she was 16, and than her brother when her dad died, it was very normal and accepted by society, so she didn't and wasn't hurt by pedophylia than incest.
I think being raised by no parents and being victims of the system is far worse than being raised by two loving parents, and the children I know with two mom's and two dad's agree.
As for abortion, the baby isn't born, it is not legally a person, the woman concerned is. She has a right to do with her body whatever she wants to.
As for circumcision, I personally believe that it shouldn't be done until the child is old enough to choose it for themselves.
and being raised with dad1 and dad2 no mom's (and vice versa), and feeling different from all ur classmates, is not harming the psychological developpement of the child?
i won't go into abortion is killing because i strongly back abortion. but many disagree. who will judge if abortion is harming or not?
same question with circumscition. is it harming the child?
Ah, but there's the thing Dr. Sam. Incest, pedophilia and slavery hurt innocent people who didn't consent to it. So those people need to be protected.
You stop when someone else gets seriously hurt without there consent.
It's really not a difficult line to draw.
u can't go in that line of thoughts...
if u don't like incest, don't sleep with ur daughter
if u don't like pedophilia, don't do children...
if u don't like slavery don't buy a slave
when and where to stop?
I don't understand how they think they are being forced to comply? If you don't believe in gay marriage, don't get married to someone of the same sex. If you don't believe in gay adoption, don't adopt a child with a gay person. If you don't believe in a abortion. Don't get an abortion. Stop telling everyone else what they can and can't do when it in no way effects you.
I agree. i suppose most are wary of government / state laws which are forcing them to comply to something they don't agree with..
hence the move to pastures anew..
Religious people have every right to stick to their beliefs. However, what they don't have the right to do is interfere with others rights.
These are questions being asked by many.
Is it wrong for a religious person to stick to their beliefs and not "agree" with certain things ?
i'm not into religion/religious stuff. but for me right activists are going too far pushing the enveloppe.
i wasn't happy nor annoyed about gay rights.
took a step back when they legalised same sex marriage.
and now i'm against granting same-sex couples the right to adopt.
is it me, or are they going too far?
is it good to abolish all taboos?
How long before other religions enter the battle in Africa and then it turns to violence. Look at Nigeria as an example of how religions do not peacefully co-exist.
They should leave these people alone and let them decide for themselves what they want to believe.
Haven't there been Christian missionaries in Africa for hundreds of years now?
Give the wisdom to those who are in the forefront !!
the less said the better. in the name of conversion they disturb even the ecosystem