conclusive evidence

By joewilliams •
That's it, I'm converting.
Cheers, hope everyone's well.
That's it, I'm converting.
Cheers, hope everyone's well.
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Nothing to worry about..
MI-5 has already taken this tomato into custody, and a rendition fliht has taken it to GITMO...
By the way, the tomato is actualy native to the western coast of South America and was brought to Europe in the early 1500s when returning Spanish colonists brought it from the New World.
The North Americans believed tomatoes were poisonous until 1820, when Colonel Robert Gibbon Johnson disproved that myth during a public demonstration on the courthouse steps in Salem, NJ.
In France, after the poison myth was dispelled, the people came to believe the tomato was an aphrodisiac and called it "pomme d'amour," or "love apple." Today, the typical American consumes about 80 pounds of tomatoes per year, and it is one of the most common plants grown in home gardens.
Do you know, that some type of tomatoes are consider poisonous to humans?
I was wondering, If those British tomatoes are consider offensive and hostile to society.
I should ask, The British MI-5 or Scotland Yard for information on Poisonous British tomatoes.
"Don't make me write your name on my TURD List!"
People can b led to believe many things..Rather, than focus on the real aspects of religion, they focus on these so-called miracles..
What if it was true? What would it prove? Doe it ake the Tomato more valuable or something to be cherished/adored/worshipped ? The answer must be NO!
"pwb78 said I think we're onto a tomato ...
I think we're onto a tomato conspiracy. First Novita's son is denied raw, cut tomatoes at the pasta place and now this...Something's up. "
----> Talking about conspiracy theory Pwb eh?
It's not just religious types either. I was convinced that I met Lenin the other night at the Marquis de Cornwall round the corner. He bought me a beer. Turns out, actually, my mate Steve and just put on some weight and grown a goatee.
...I mean, there's no 'mother' in the Koran, ain't it?
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
People will keep coming about similar things every now and then. The appetite for miracles is unending among all religions.
The hindu milk driniking statue
Thanks, Azilana.
More sitings:
DaRuDe: how are you mate? Course I'm serious. Do you lovely bunch in Doha ever remember me saying anything tongue in cheek?
I think we're onto a tomato conspiracy. First Novita's son is denied raw, cut tomatoes at the pasta place and now this...Something's up.
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
We sure miss you and your bubbly personality.
Hugs from Doha...
you serious pal?
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