Common Similarities does not mean we are same

This looks rather very strange title "Common Similarities does not mean we are same" , just look around you and you will see similarities but does it mean that you and person X are the same? If no please say why, I have to admit that there are many researches are done on the Latin words origin, I just remember some time back here in QL some one said that we human are animals, I think they said that anima means living, any how I think those who support the statement " We are animals" like philosophy, well I don't want to speak the difference between as as human and animals as living species, but I will say the differences which I think there is,
1. Animals such as cats make shit in front people, natural people will not do the same.
2. People can read books where animal can not.
3. People has spiritual part in their lives.
There are so many other differences, but I keep it for the who say we are not animals to write them.
The theory of evolution failed? Ha ha, what utter nonsense. No scientist with an ounce of credibility denies evolution.And by even suggesting that we evolved from apes just proves that you know nothing about it anyway, so probably best you don't comment on it. Apes and humans share a common ancestry - we didn't descend from them.Deny it as much as you like but evolution continues to go on all around us. The proof is right before your very eyes.
SAwill U please chose "Funnies" next time for ur posts, if not then tell me why?
See many scientists have proved the failure of Darwins theory and the revolution that we evolved from apes, ingeniero I wish they google and see how Darwin theory failed.
SA, human being is called social animal as modren dictionary..and as per our believes, human being is the best creature of the universe..u can not compare human with animals. human is far better then animals
And a chimpanzee can use tools but a rabbit can't. Does that mean the chimpanzee isn't an animal?Of course we're all animals. We just happen to be the most evolved animals.