Common Myths About Acid Reflux Revealed

Very often, after a heavy meal, we usually pop an antacid to curb that burning sensation in our chest. After a few hours it disappears and we completely forget about it. But, if these symptoms occur time and again, then you definitely have something to worry about. Commonly called Gastroesophageal Reflux, the condition is characterized by passage of digestive foods and stomach acids up into the esophagus due to a weakened esophageal sphincter. However, there are certain misconceptions and half-truths that act as barriers for the proper cure of this condition. Here they are...
Myth#1: Milk Eases Acid Reflux
Fact: Although, many people recommend milk for soothing the pain of heartburn, the results are actually quite the opposite. It is true that drinking a glass of milk can temporarily ease a troubled stomach by neutralizing the acids. But, the calcium in milk later triggers the production of more stomach acids thereby adding to the original problem. Furthermore, milk is known to be very difficult to digest and to get rid of it, the stomach has to produce extra acids eventually causing more reflux.
Myth#2: Acid Reflux Medications Should be taken for life
Fact: Contrary to what most medicine manufacturers would like you to believe, it is best to steer clear of acid reflux medications as much as possible. This is because the effects of taking such drugs last only for a short while and the symptoms usually return. Moreover, such continuous usage of pills makes a person more prone to developing certain long term side effects. This includes pneumonia and certain bone-related conditions. Hence, try to find some alternative treatment mode with your physician for curing this condition.
Myth#3: Avoid Coffee and Acidic Beverages
Fact: Avoiding the use of caffeine products like coffee or tea should not be imposed on all reflux patients. Although, coffee may trigger the condition in some, there is absolutely no requirement for all patients to stop drinking it. If such products affect your stomach health, then you should surely discontinue their consumption, but if it doesn’t, moderation in use should be practiced. Likewise, you should refrain from using acidic beverages like orange juice and alcohol only if they trigger the condition in you. Otherwise, you may continue in moderation.
Myth#4: Avoiding Spicy Food is a Must
Fact: Probably, one of the most common myths associated with acid reflux is that once you are diagnosed with the condition, you have to live your entire life on non-spicy bland food. As with caffeine and acidic products or beverages, moderation in use is the best option. Unless the specific product triggers acid reflux in you, there is no point in giving up and eating a bland limited diet. Instead of giving up on your favorite comfort foods, try to find a balance in your diet habits, avoiding only those that affect your stomach health.
Myth#5: Only People with Poor Diets Have the Condition
Fact: Although, the incidence of acid reflux is quite common, researchers are yet to completely understand the mechanism of occurrence. Certain triggering agents may initiate reflux in some people which may not cause the condition in other individuals. You may eat the right foods and lead a healthy lifestyle but still you might end up with acid reflux.
Myth#6: Acid Reflux is Due to Excess Stomach Acids
Fact: According to specialists, the amount of stomach acids in people suffering from acid reflux is usually normal. It is actually due to the weakening of the esophageal sphincter that this happens. The main role of this sphincter is to prevent the regurgitation or backward flow of the liquids and stomach contents. The sphincter gets weakened due to the prolonged episodes of heartburn making it unable to withstand the pressure of an over-filled stomach. An ideal way to avoid this is to use easily digestible food and that too in moderation.
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I normally have laban when having acidity. It is like a pain killer but not a long term pain reliever. The best way is to avoid spicy foods. Period!
I have a catering pack of Rennie on hand at all times
UK - Lol. Spliff helps too? UGBKM..
eat less. drink water before you start eating...
A good spliff also helps!
Nothing works for me..:(
oh my my !!!!!!!!!!
thanku guyz of being so much of help
not will definitely try these remediesssss
thanks alot
Does Karak Chai with a hint of Saffron , all in a bio degradable cup help ?
Myth#3: Avoid Coffee and Acidic can i able to avoid coffee when my everyday life is not complete without it..i'm trying to cut down my caffeine intake but i can't..that;s why i always suffer from occassional acid reflux.. tfs..
A much much appreciated post!I can never have too much advice as far as this condition goes.Acid reflux/gastritis actually runs in our family. Its something I live with all the time everytime! And one thing I conclude is its not one size fits man's meat can certainly be another man's poison. Personally I gave up drinking coffee and eating three meals a day. I instead have mini meals. I found my fav green tea aggravates it at times and switched to pepermint tea which is,Mashallah, a fab remedy for indegestion. Yogurt/Laban works for me but not plain milk.
Dear Mr Sattepesatta, before you disapear very soon...May I request you to list all your previous IDs & upcoming one too.....:P. trust, they are really FUNNY
Painther...I told you not to mix milk with tea and coffee...:)
on honey moon vacation in thailand
Green Tea works for me..:)
where is Charansoi11 ? :)
How is Gypsygal :)
I have been prescribed a Periot (brand spelling might be different) a day first thing in the morning. The day I miss one, i am reminded of my problems. The orignal cost is QR120 per 10 tabs. Works great for me however it leaves me concerned about its impact in the long run. The gastro says it needs to be endlessly continued. :(I will give FS home remedies a go.
Remedy : One should try to figureout what’s suitable for one’s body-type and avoid uses of OTC meds; best way is to control of acid (excessive) creation, If problem persists Herbal way is the best way..(I’m not an expert on the subject).
FS : Thanks for confirmation, this is official now; I had this doubt from day1, …Good, I never expected love from QL Gods..I mean Mods. :))
Tinker – what? ‘cute dimpled smile’ it can’t be? (I’m sure it’s not me, just crosschecked :D), U Must have seen lots of Bollywood movie oflate :))
Milk, Tums and Activia have been working for me, as well as cutting out coffee & tea. But mines caused by pregnacy, so perhaps its different.
kiran, check professional help: gastroenterologist, GP, but definitly not common mortals experiences.
Painther...looks like GOD I mean MODs dont love you anymore..:)
Kiran Suhail try these home remedies...
Natural honey for my heartburn home remedies: Two teaspoon of pure, undiluted, unprocessed and unheated natural honey would reduce heartburn and acid reflux irritation if taken after meal because, it is well known for being an antioxidant, antiviral and antibacterial. Baking soda, lemon juice and water: This remedy for heartburn and acid reflux is the best in my opinion for temporary relief of heartburn. I would suggest that you perform this over the kitchen sink, as the fizzling of this flood would flood over the glass. First, get a tall glass, put two tablespoon of baking soda. Fill the glass ½ full with cold water. Pour one fresh squeezed lemon juice in the baking soda solution. Try to drink this as quickly as possible, as it is the fizz and water that will relieve your heartburn irritation. Note that this remedy produces sodium in the system. Chamomile tea for heartburn relief: Stress is a major cause to heartburn and acid reflux therefore; the relaxing properties of chamomile will help reduce your stress. Add two teaspoon of dried chamomile to about 1 ½ cups of boiling water. Let it seep for about 10 – 15 minutes, then stir and drink. Organic Apple Cider Vinegar: This method of home remedy for heartburn is very easy yet effective. Whenever heartburn symptoms occur, simply drink a teaspoon of organic apple cider vinegar and immediately wash it down with a glass of water. If you cannot find organic apple cider vinegar, regular apple cider vinegar will also work.
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Always thought that the milk remedy has always been wrong. It could alleviate your acid sympthoms on the spot, but could set the grounds for further damage in your stomach.
Many, many thanks for this - it's very helpful!
lets plz talk abt the cure of this prob
nobody has the cure there any1 having the CURE???????????????????
lets plz talk abt the cure of this prob
nobody has the cure there any1 having the CURE???????????????????
very nice thread. informative. TFS.
there is so many people with GERD -gastroentero reflux disorder-, and many don't know they have it, or have very mild symptoms. GERD is associated with many teeth and oral problem as well.
discusing this topic is highly appreciated...
i have this problem like it is with me like 24/7 n i m just fed up of this. Have tried to avoid tablets.
sum people hav told to intake milk with soda which gives relief to the stomach and as u say for sum time it does and the second moment i just feel the same way the way it was.
then sum people have told me to take raw cumin seeds with a bit of sugar to chew it...yes it does give relief but that also for sumtime ...
then this other thing is to hav raw husk to vinish this bad heartburn and for digesting but then again as soon as the fodd gets to digested the stomach feels empty again n creates acidic eflux again...........
i m just seriously tired of all these thingsssssssssss
i rerally need the proper way to get rid of the gastric problem plzzzz doctors help me get out of it ............
i have started having this continious back and neck ache cuz of this prob......
i sumtimes think by complaining again n again abt this could make my husband irritated and thats the reason i really need to keep this just wiz me ................... :-( :) , lets see... for me just a chocolate works!!
lime tea works for me.
milk always work for me..
forget about it..I am fearing Mod reflex action to your thread and sooner or later this thread might also eaten and digested by the MOD!!! :) LOL :)