
Hello! I love chopsticks and I think they are one of the worlds most greatest inventions.
They can be used in so many ways its insane!
wooden chopsticks
metal chopsticks
ivory chopsticks
plastic chopsticks
ugly chopsticks
cool chopsticks
all kinds of chopsticks
Did you try to use one?
What's your funny experience from using it?
in one chinese/korean/japanese soap opera (can't remember which one i watched), the characters used chopsticks to fight over the last morsel of food left on the dinner table like some sort of sword.
i love using chopsticks, but i love the food i eat with them more. the best food i have ever eaten in my entire life just a couple of weeks ago was with chopsticks.
obviously not !
Brit are you part of the intelligent folks?
ya, or you could shove'em up your bum to join the other sticks you got up your arse.
They can be used in so many ways its insane..
The Velsatire Chopstick as the Chinese call them..
You can use them as :
knitting needles
at parties for giant sausages
as splints for broken fingers
and ofcourse as weapons in the ancient martial art of Chopi Stiki
nomerci intelligent people like you are in a minority... what to do yanni...
whyte, nothing much else to do...the insanity here is staggering!
lol nomerci... That did make me giggle :P
apparently that is what and how they like things...each to their own I say.
I better save my stick and run from the QL kitchen.... before it gets chopped lol
i noticed that as well but almost all the threds ending up with "Chopsticks" between 2 or 3 people.
lol, what's the difference if it is posted in English or not? Most of it is senseless drivel anyway.
Ql is at its lowest.
please use English in the main forum. Recently I have noticed almost all the threads end up in the same manner. very much in to kitchen talks.
Tinker ...
tu ne kaha... hoga tho ...such hi kaha hoga...
Tu to antargyani hai....
Trans: Tinker too uses such chop sticksp
I know soniye...;)
Jack, that's not related to bruce your comment:
"Chop sticks in the it would be so easy to unopen... just one pull... :)"
Arrey man, i just pulled your leg..take a chill pill.
Soniya... whats naughty in... watching Bruce lee?
suri, i didn't mean to get apology from you..I just said that you are following the footstep of JAREDBOY(QLer)who used to flood QL without taking any break..Chillax now..
jack, why do you get naughty always?? :))
sorry soniya. my brain just get twisted with all the crap threads this morning...
again my apology to you.
yes jack, that's the trick :-(
Chop sticks in the it would be so easy to unopen... just one pull... :)
and the disciples are infecting the forum,thats how the bacteria spread.indians dont like chopsticks we eat with our sacred hands....
well drmana, those are the only ways I can think of right now.. ok another one: shove it down somebody's throat.. :P
Nomerci, thats what I wanted to point at with my first comment but yeah mj did give few other uses for it :-)
Even i don't know how to use CHOPSTICKS..:)
And i don't even want to learn it..
As MJ has said above, i am also bit impatient...Sometimes i wonder how its possible to complete full bowl of rice with it...
I tried once eating with chopsticks, it's too difficult to learn those stick. I used spoon instead.
"They can be used in so many ways its insane"
wooden chopsticks
metal chopsticks
ivory chopsticks
plastic chopsticks
ugly chopsticks
cool chopsticks
all kinds of chopsticks
This is what chopsticks are MADE OF, not what they are used for.
drmana, I used to do that to my hair too.. but now I have to wait till it grows long again...
I still manage to eat noodles somehow but nothing else other than that :-D
I had learnt to use chopsticks after watching Bruce Lee doing it in a movie... but now I dont think I can :(
If you force yourself you will learn to use it...
Lol mj, how about fixing hair with it? I actually did that once :-)
lol soniya....
Are you a other ID of "jaredboy"?? QL is flooded with your posts today...
drmana, other ways? hmmm let me list a few:
stab somebody with it
poke somebody in the eye with it
stick it up somebody's nose
ok I will stop there now...
but seriously, I don't know how to use chopsticks when eating... I don't have the patience for it..
What are few of the many ways we can use it other than "to eat"?